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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
A Cat.A --- --- other
A/1 Cat.A/Class 1 --- --- other
A/2 Cat.A/Class 2 --- --- other
AACID Adipic acid --- --- emf_ssp_sector
AACID Adipic acid --- --- emf_ssp_sector
ABRASION Road abrasion MOB Gvkm activity
ACA Activated carbon adsorption VOC --- technology
ADH Adhesives VOCP kt activity
AERO Aerosols FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
AERO Aerosols FGAS kt HFC/year sector
AFGH_WHOL Afghanistan (Islamic Republic of) --- --- other
AFRI_NORT Northern Africa --- --- unep_regions3_b
AFRI_WEST Western Africa --- --- unep_regions3_b
AFRI_WHOL Africa --- --- other
AGG1 Amsterdam/Haarlem --- --- other
AGG2 Utrecht --- --- other
AGG3 Den Haag/Leiden --- --- other
AGG4 Rotterdam/Dordrecht --- --- other
AGG5 Eindhoven --- --- other
AGG6 Heerlen/Kerkrade --- --- other
AGG7 Noord-Nederland --- --- other
AGG8 Midden-Nederland --- --- other
AGG9 Zuid-Nederland --- --- other
AGR Agriculture --- --- act_categories_3
AGR1 A generic option for other animals - good practice PM --- technology
AGR1 A generic option for other animals - good practice PN --- technology
AGRI Agriculture --- --- gains_sector_3
AGR_ARABLE Ploughing, tilling, harvesting AGR M ha sector
AGR_BEEF Other cattle AGR M animals sector
AGR_COWS Dairy cattle AGR M animals sector
AGR_COWS_MILK Milk produced - dairy cows AGR kt milk sector
AGR_COWS_MILK Milk produced - dairy cows AGR none sector
AGR_OTANI Other livestock (sheep, horses) AGR M animals sector
AGR_OTH Other agriculture --- --- act_categories_3
AGR_OTHER Agriculture: Livestock and fertilizer use --- --- viet_sec_agg
AGR_OTHER Other agricultural emisisons AGR kt sector
AGR_PIG Pigs AGR M animals sector
AGR_POULT Poultry AGR M animals sector
AGR_WASTE Agricultural waste burning --- --- viet_sec_agg
ALBA_WHOL Albania --- --- other
ALTER Low-till farming, alternative cereal harvesting PM --- technology
ALTER Low-till farming, alternative cereal harvesting PN --- technology
ALT_CO2 Alternative refrigerant CO2 FGAS --- technology
ALT_HC Alternative hydrocarbon (propane, butane, etc.) FGAS --- technology
ALT_HFC Alternative low GWP HFC (e. g. HFC-152a) FGAS --- technology
ALT_HFO Alternative HFO refrigerant ( switch from HFC to HFOs ) FGAS --- technology
ALT_MAGN Alternative protection gas: SF6 replaced by SO2 FGAS --- technology
ALT_NH3 Alternative refrigerant NH3 FGAS --- technology
ALU_CWPB Primary aluminium production: Centre Worked Pre-bake technology PROC Mt prim Al prod/year sector
ALU_PFPB Primary aluminium production: Point Feeder Pre-bake technology PROC Mt prim Al prod/year sector
ALU_SWPB Primary aluminium production: Side Worked Pre-bake technology PROC Mt prim Al prod/year sector
ALU_VSS Primary aluminium production: Vertical Stud Soderberg technology PROC Mt prim Al prod/year sector
ANY valid for all sectors (used in connection with population) PROC M people sector
APPLIC_L Manure application on large farms AGR kt N sector
APPLIC_L Manure application on large farms AGR none sector
APPLIC_L Manure application on large farms AGR share sector
APPLIC_M Manure application on medium farms AGR kt N sector
APPLIC_M Manure application on medium farms AGR none sector
APPLIC_M Manure application on medium farms AGR share sector
APPLIC_S Manure application on small farms AGR kt N sector
APPLIC_S Manure application on small farms AGR none sector
APPLIC_S Manure application on small farms AGR share sector
APPL_HU Penetration of measure --- --- other
APPL_LARGE Appliances - large --- --- other
APPL_SMALL Appliances - small --- --- other
APPL_SQM Penetration of measure --- --- other
AP_EX Existing apartments --- --- other
AP_NEW New apartments --- --- other
AR Production cycle --- --- other
ARD Agricultural residues ENE PJ activity
AREA Area of activity AGR M ha activity
ARGE_WHOL Argentina --- --- other
ARME_WHOL Armenia --- --- other
ASIAN Asian part --- --- region_to_climate
ASIA_STAN Asia Stan --- --- unep_regions3_b
ATLO_EUFL EU flags --- --- other
ATLO_ROWF other --- --- other
ATLO_SH12 12 miles --- --- other
ATLO_WHOL Atlantic Ocean --- --- other
AT_01 Burgenland --- --- other
AT_02 Kärnten --- --- other
AT_03 Niederösterreich --- --- other
AT_04 Oberösterreich ohne AG Linz --- --- other
AT_05 Salzburg --- --- other
AT_06 Steiermark ohne AG Graz --- --- other
AT_07 Tirol --- --- other
AT_08 Vorarlberg --- --- other
AT_09 Wien --- --- other
AT_40 AG Linz --- --- other
AT_60 AG Graz --- --- other
AUST_WHOL Austria --- --- other
AUTO_P Vehicles manufacturing VOCP kveh sector
AUTO_P_NEW Vehicles manufacturing (new plants) VOCP kveh sector
AUTR_WHOL Australia --- --- other
AU_LGP Large-scale gold production PROC t Au/year sector
AU_SGP Small-scale artisanal gold production PROC t Au/year sector
AZER_WHOL Azerbaijan --- --- other
A_INC Adsorption, incineration VOC --- technology
Agriculture Agriculture --- --- gains_jjj_sec_agg
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
B Cat.B --- --- other
B/1 Cat.B/Class 1 --- --- other
B/2 Cat.B/Class 2 --- --- other
BALS_EUFL EU flags --- --- other
BALS_ROWF other --- --- other
BALS_SH12 12 miles --- --- other
BALS_WHOL Baltic Sea --- --- other
BAN Ban on open burning CH4 --- technology
BAN Ban on open burning CO --- technology
BAN Ban on open burning FGAS --- technology
BAN Ban on open burning HG --- technology
BAN Ban on open burning NH3 --- technology
BAN Ban on open burning NOX --- technology
BAN Ban on open burning PM --- technology
BAN Ban on open burning PN --- technology
BAN Ban on open burning SO2 --- technology
BAN Ban on open burning VOC --- technology
BANG_DHAK Bangladesh Dhaka --- --- other
BANG_GAZI Bangladesh Gazipur --- --- other
BANG_MUNS Bangladesh Munshiganj --- --- other
BANG_NARA Bangladesh Narayanganj --- --- other
BANG_NARS Bangladesh Narsingdi --- --- other
BANG_OTHR Bangladesh Other --- --- other
BANG_REST Bangladesh Rest of Bangladesh --- --- other
BANG_WHOL Bangladesh --- --- other
BASE Simulation of changes in paint formulation and application patterns between 1990 and 2000 VOC --- technology
BAT Best available technology as implemented in plant in Graz, Austria N2O --- technology
BC1 Brown coal/lignite grade 1 ENE PJ activity
BC1 Brown coal/lignite grade 1 MOB PJ activity
BC2 Brown coal/lignite grade 2 (also peat) ENE PJ activity
BC_DEGAS Degasification CH4 --- technology
BEB10A BRUSSELS --- --- other
BEF01S PORT OF ANTWERP --- --- other
BEF02A ANTWERP --- --- other
BEF03S PORT OF GHENT --- --- other
BEF04A GHENT --- --- other
BEF05S CITIES>50000 inhabitants --- --- other
BEF06S FLANDERS --- --- other
BELA_WHOL Belarus --- --- other
BELG_WHOL Belgium --- --- other
BEMT Basic emissions management techniques VOC --- technology
BEMT+ACA Basic emissions management techniques and carbon adsorption VOC --- technology
BEW11S LIEGE --- --- other
BEW12S ENGIS --- --- other
BEW13S CHARLEROI --- --- other
BEW14S WALLONIE --- --- other
BF Air scrubber NH3 --- technology
BF_CS Combination of BF_CS NH3 --- technology
BF_CS_LNA Combination of BF_CS_LNA NH3 --- technology
BF_LNA Combination of BF_LNA NH3 --- technology
BF_LNA_high Combination of BF_LNA_high NH3 --- technology
BF_LNA_low Combination of BF_LNA_low NH3 --- technology
BG0001 Sofia --- --- other
BG0002 Plovdiv --- --- other
BG0003 Varna --- --- other
BG0004 North --- --- other
BG0005 South-West --- --- other
BG0006 South-East --- --- other
BGS Bagasse ENE PJ activity
BHUT_WHOL Bhutan --- --- other
BIO Bioflitration VOC --- technology
BIOG Biogas ENE PJ activity
BIOMASS Biomass --- --- act_categories_3
BISUB Switch from cutback to emulsion bitumens (road paving) VOC --- technology
BLAS_EUFL EU flags --- --- other
BLAS_ROWF other --- --- other
BLAS_SH12 12 miles --- --- other
BLAS_WHOL Black Sea --- --- other
BLIQ Black liquor ENE PJ activity
BMG Biomass gasification ENE PJ activity
BOHE_WHOL Bosnia and Herzegovina --- --- other
BOLV_WHOL Bolivia --- --- other
BRAKE Brake wear MOB Gvkm activity
BRAZ_WHOL Brazil --- --- other
BRAZ_WHOL Brazil --- --- unep_regions3_b
BREED Genetic engineering aimed at reducing CH4 formation in rumen CH4 --- technology
BRUN_WHOL Brunei --- --- other
BS Buffalos AGR M animals activity
BS Buffalos AGR kt N activity
BS Buffalos AGR none activity
BULG_WHOL Bulgaria --- --- other
BYPRODUCT DISPOSAL By-product waste disposal costs --- --- other
BY_PROD By-product --- --- other
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
CAC_B Commercial air conditioning using water chilling, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
CAC_B Commercial air conditioning using water chilling, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
CAC_S Commercial air conditioning using water chilling, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
CAC_S Commercial air conditioning using water chilling, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
CAGEUI Stage 1 CO --- technology
CAGEUI Stage 1 HG --- technology
CAGEUI Stage 1 NH3 --- technology
CAGEUI Stage 1 NOX --- technology
CAGEUI Stage 1 PM --- technology
CAGEUI Stage 1 PN --- technology
CAGEUI Stage 1 VOC --- technology
CAGEUII Stage 2 CO --- technology
CAGEUII Stage 2 HG --- technology
CAGEUII Stage 2 NH3 --- technology
CAGEUII Stage 2 NOX --- technology
CAGEUII Stage 2 PM --- technology
CAGEUII Stage 2 PN --- technology
CAGEUII Stage 2 VOC --- technology
CAGEUIII Stage 3A CO --- technology
CAGEUIII Stage 3A HG --- technology
CAGEUIII Stage 3A NH3 --- technology
CAGEUIII Stage 3A NOX --- technology
CAGEUIII Stage 3A PM --- technology
CAGEUIII Stage 3A PN --- technology
CAGEUIII Stage 3A VOC --- technology
CAGEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF CO --- technology
CAGEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF HG --- technology
CAGEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF NH3 --- technology
CAGEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF NOX --- technology
CAGEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF PM --- technology
CAGEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF PN --- technology
CAGEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF VOC --- technology
CAGEUIV Stage 3B CO --- technology
CAGEUIV Stage 3B HG --- technology
CAGEUIV Stage 3B NH3 --- technology
CAGEUIV Stage 3B NOX --- technology
CAGEUIV Stage 3B PM --- technology
CAGEUIV Stage 3B PN --- technology
CAGEUIV Stage 3B VOC --- technology
CAGEUV Stage 4 CO --- technology
CAGEUV Stage 4 HG --- technology
CAGEUV Stage 4 NH3 --- technology
CAGEUV Stage 4 NOX --- technology
CAGEUV Stage 4 PM --- technology
CAGEUV Stage 4 PN --- technology
CAGEUV Stage 4 VOC --- technology
CAGEUVI Stage 5 CO --- technology
CAGEUVI Stage 5 HG --- technology
CAGEUVI Stage 5 NH3 --- technology
CAGEUVI Stage 5 NOX --- technology
CAGEUVI Stage 5 PM --- technology
CAGEUVI Stage 5 PN --- technology
CAGEUVI Stage 5 VOC --- technology
CAMB_WHOL Cambodia --- --- other
CANA_WHOL Canada --- --- other
CANA_WHOL Canada --- --- unep_regions3_b
CARB_WHOL Caribbean --- --- other
CATCOST Cost of the catalyst (if used in a given technology), [Euro/m3] --- --- other
CATLT Lifetime of catalysts, [hours]. --- --- other
CB_GAS Coalbed gas PROC PJ activity
CCCM Conventional closed circuit machine VOC --- technology
CCCM+ACA Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
CD Waste disposal cost --- --- other
CE Electricity price --- --- other
CEAM_REST Rest Central America --- --- unep_regions3_b
CEAM_WHOL Central America --- --- other
CEMENT Cement and Lime --- --- emf_ssp_sector
CEMENT Cement and Lime --- --- emf_ssp_sector
CENT_EURO Central Europe --- --- unep_regions3_b
CES Ore bassin of Luxembourg (represented mainly by the Canton Esch/Alzette) --- --- other
CF Fodder price --- --- other
CFMA Fixed cost manure applied on arable land --- --- other
CFMG Fixed cost manure applied on grassland --- --- other
CG Gas price --- --- other
CHCOA Charcoal ENE PJ activity
CHEM Chemical ind. --- --- emf_ssp_sector
CHEM Chemical ind. --- --- emf_ssp_sector
CHEMBULK Chemical ind. (bulk products) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
CHEMBULK Chemical ind. (bulk products) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
CHIL_WHOL Chile --- --- other
CHIN_ANHU China Anhui --- --- other
CHIN_ANYA China Anyang --- --- other
CHIN_BAOD China Baoding --- --- other
CHIN_BEIJ China Beijing --- --- other
CHIN_BINZ China Binzhou --- --- other
CHIN_CANG China Cangzhou --- --- other
CHIN_CHAN China Changzhi --- --- other
CHIN_CHON China Chongqing --- --- other
CHIN_DEZH China Dezhou --- --- other
CHIN_FUJI China Fujian --- --- other
CHIN_GANS China Gansu --- --- other
CHIN_GUAD China Guangdong --- --- other
CHIN_GUAX China Guangxi --- --- other
CHIN_GUAZ China Guagzhou --- --- other
CHIN_GUIY China Guiyang --- --- other
CHIN_GUIZ China Guizhou --- --- other
CHIN_HAIN China Hainan --- --- other
CHIN_HAND China Handan --- --- other
CHIN_HEBE China Hebei --- --- other
CHIN_HEBI China Hebi --- --- other
CHIN_HEBR China Hebei Remaining --- --- other
CHIN_HEIL China Heilongjiang --- --- other
CHIN_HENA China Henan --- --- other
CHIN_HENG China Hengshui --- --- other
CHIN_HENR China Hena Remaining --- --- other
CHIN_HEZE China Heze --- --- other
CHIN_HONG China Hong Kong & Macau --- --- other
CHIN_HUBE China Hubei --- --- other
CHIN_HUNA China Hunan --- --- other
CHIN_JIAO China Jiaozuo --- --- other
CHIN_JILI China Jilin --- --- other
CHIN_JINA China Jinan --- --- other
CHIN_JINC China Jincheng --- --- other
CHIN_JINI China Jining --- --- other
CHIN_JINU China Jiangsu --- --- other
CHIN_JINX China Jiangxi --- --- other
CHIN_KAIF China Kaifeng --- --- other
CHIN_LANG China Langfang --- --- other
CHIN_LIAC China Liaocheng --- --- other
CHIN_LIAO China Liaoning --- --- other
CHIN_NEMO China Inner Mongolia --- --- other
CHIN_NINX China Ningxia --- --- other
CHIN_PLUS China+ --- --- unep_regions3_b
CHIN_PUYA China Puyang --- --- other
CHIN_QING China Qinghai --- --- other
CHIN_SHAA China Shaanxi --- --- other
CHIN_SHAN China Shanghai --- --- other
CHIN_SHDR China Shandong Remaining --- --- other
CHIN_SHEN China Shenyang --- --- other
CHIN_SHIJ China Shijiazhuang --- --- other
CHIN_SHND China Shandong --- --- other
CHIN_SHNX China Shanxi --- --- other
CHIN_SHXR China Shanxi Remaining --- --- other
CHIN_SICH China Sichuan --- --- other
CHIN_TAIY China Taiyuan --- --- other
CHIN_TANG China Tangshan --- --- other
CHIN_TIAN China Tianjin --- --- other
CHIN_TIBE China Tibet (Xizang) --- --- other
CHIN_WHOL China --- --- other
CHIN_WUHA China Wuhan --- --- other
CHIN_XING China Xinjiang --- --- other
CHIN_XINT China Xingtai --- --- other
CHIN_XINX China Xinxiang --- --- other
CHIN_YANG China Yangquan --- --- other
CHIN_YUNN China Yunnan --- --- other
CHIN_ZHEJ China Zhejiang --- --- other
CHIN_ZHEN China Zhengzhou --- --- other
CHIN_ZIBO China Zibo --- --- other
CHSH Chugoku-Shikoku --- --- region_to_climate
CHUB Chubu --- --- region_to_climate
CIF Fixed cost for the investment function --- --- other
CITY_BEIJ City Beijing --- --- other
CITY_JINA City Ji nan --- --- other
CIV Variable cost for the investment function --- --- other
CK Fertilizer price --- --- other
CL Labor cost --- --- other
CLE current legislation --- --- other
CLSD_A3 Closed (sealed) degreaser: use of A3 solvents VOC --- technology
CLSD_A3+ACA Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
CLSD_CL Closed (sealed) degreaser: use of chlorinated solvents VOC --- technology
CLSD_HF Closed (sealed) degreaser: use of fluoro (HFC, HFE) solvents VOC --- technology
CLSD_HF+ACA Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
CM Camels AGR M animals activity
CM Camels AGR kt N activity
CM Camels AGR none activity
CO2EF CO2 emission vector --- --- other
COAL Coal --- --- other
COAL Coal --- --- act_categories_3
COALP Coal production --- --- gains_sector_3
COAL_ABAND Abandoned coal mines PROC kt CH4 sector
COAL_AMER coal price america(s) --- --- other
COAL_ASIA coal price europe --- --- other
COAL_EURO coal price asia $2005/boe --- --- other
COAST Coast and lakes --- --- region_to_climate
COIL Coil coating VOCP mln m2 sector
COLD Cold cleaner VOC --- technology
COLO_WHOL Colombia --- --- other
COMB1_RICE Combining ALT_RICE and SULF_RICE CH4 --- technology
COMB2_RICE Combining ALT_RICE and SULF_RICE and INTER_RICE CH4 --- technology
COMM_B Commercial refrigeration, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
COMM_B Commercial refrigeration, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
COMM_S Commercial refrigeration, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
COMM_S Commercial refrigeration, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
COMPRESS Reduction of gas leakages at compressor stations in gas transmission pipelines CH4 --- technology
COM_EX Existing commercial buildings --- --- other
COM_NEW New commercial buildings --- --- other
CON Fuel conversion --- --- gains_sector_3
CONSTRUCT Construction activities (fugitive) PROC M m2 sector
CONTROL_SLV Controlling solvent emissions VOC VOC --- technology
CONT_NET Doubling of leak control frequency of gas distribution network CH4 --- technology
CONVCWPB Conversion of centre worked pre-bake (CWPB) to point feeder prebake (PFPB) technology FGAS --- technology
CONVSWPB Conversion of Side worked prebake (SWPB) to point feeder prebake (PFPB) FGAS --- technology
CONVVSS Conversion of Vertical stud S¿derberg (VSS) to point feeder prebake (PFPB) FGAS --- technology
CON_COMB Fuel conversion - combustion --- --- gains_sector_3
CON_COMB Transformation - combustion ENE PJ sector
CON_COMB1 Fuel conversion (grate firingr) ENE PJ sector
CON_COMB2 Fuel conversion (fluidized bed boiler) ENE PJ sector
CON_COMB3 Fuel conversion (pulverized bed boiler) ENE PJ sector
CON_LOSS Fuel conversion - losses --- --- gains_sector_3
CON_LOSS Transformation - losses ENE PJ sector
COOKING Cooking --- --- other
COWS Covers on oil/water separators VOC --- technology
COWS_3000_MILK Milk yield over 3000 kg/animal treshold AGR kt milk sector
CR Catalytic reduction (selective or non-selective) N2O --- technology
CROA_WHOL Croatia --- --- other
CROP_RESID N from crops left on field AGR kt N sector
CRU Crude oil PROC Mt activity
CRU Crude oil PROC PJ activity
CRU Crude oil PROC kt CH4 activity
CS Covered outdoor storage of manure; mean efficiency NH3 --- technology
CSBP Use of current standard solvent based paints (60% solvent content) and application efficiency 65% VOC --- technology
CSBP+INC Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
CS_LNA Combination of CS_LNA NH3 --- technology
CS_high Covered outdoor storage of manure; high efficiency NH3 --- technology
CS_low Covered outdoor storage of manure; low efficiency NH3 --- technology
CTG Coating VOCP kt activity
CUSM Non-ferous metals --- --- emf_ssp_sector
CUSM Non-ferous metals --- --- emf_ssp_sector
CVMA Variable cost manure applied on arable land --- --- other
CVMG Variable cost manure applied on grassland --- --- other
CW Water cost --- --- other
CY001A CYPRUS --- --- other
CYC Cyclone HG --- technology
CYC Cyclone PM --- technology
CYC Cyclone PN --- technology
CYC_REM Cyclone - remaining capacity HG --- technology
CYPR_WHOL Cyprus --- --- other
CZ01 Praha --- --- other
CZ02 St?ední ?echy --- --- other
CZ03 Jihozápad --- --- other
CZ04 Severozápad --- --- other
CZ05 Severovýchod --- --- other
CZ06A Brno --- --- other
CZ06Z Jihovýchod --- --- other
CZ07 St?ední Morava --- --- other
CZ08A Ostrava/Karviná/Frýdek-Místek --- --- other
CZ08Z Moravskoslezsko --- --- other
CZRE_WHOL Czech Republic --- --- other
C_OTH_NEEDS Other needs - commercial --- --- other
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
DC Derived coal (coke, briquettes) ENE PJ activity
DC Derived coal (coke, briquettes) MOB PJ activity
DDK Down Draft Kiln CH4 --- technology
DDK Down Draft Kiln CO --- technology
DDK Down Draft Kiln CO2 --- technology
DDK Down Draft Kiln HG --- technology
DDK Down Draft Kiln N2O --- technology
DDK Down Draft Kiln NOX --- technology
DDK Down Draft Kiln PM --- technology
DDK Down Draft Kiln PN --- technology
DDK Down Draft Kiln SO2 --- technology
DDK Down Draft Kiln VOC --- technology
DECO_P Decorative paints VOCP kt sector
DEGR Degreasing VOCP kt SLV sector
DEGR_NEW Degreasing (new installations) VOCP kt SLV sector
DENM_WHOL Denmark --- --- other
DEZAXX0006S Orte erhöhter verkehrsbedingter Schadstoffbelastung im Land Brandenburg ab 2005 --- --- other
DEZAXX0007S Kleinstädtischer und ländlicher Raum im Land Brandenburg ab 2005 --- --- other
DEZBXX0001A Ballungsraum Berlin --- --- other
DEZCXX0004A Ballungsraum Freiburg --- --- other
DEZCXX0005A Ballungsraum Karlsruhe --- --- other
DEZCXX0006A Ballungsraum Mannheim/Heidelberg --- --- other
DEZCXX0007A Ballungsraum Stuttgart --- --- other
DEZCXX0041S Regierungsbezirk Karlsruhe (ohne Ballungsräume) --- --- other
DEZCXX0042S Regierungsbezirk Freiburg (ohne Ballungsraum) --- --- other
DEZCXX0043S Regierungsbezirk Tübingen --- --- other
DEZCXX0063S Regierungsbezirk Stuttgart (ohne Ballungsraum) --- --- other
DEZDXX0001A Ballungsraum München --- --- other
DEZDXX0002A Ballungsraum Augsburg --- --- other
DEZDXX0003A Ballungsraum Nürnberg/Fürth/Erlangen --- --- other
DEZDXX0023S Oberbayern ohne Ballungsraum München --- --- other
DEZDXX0024S Niederbayern --- --- other
DEZDXX0025S Oberpfalz --- --- other
DEZDXX0026S Unterfranken --- --- other
DEZDXX0027S Mittelfranken ohne Ballungsraum Nürnberg/Fürth/Erlangen --- --- other
DEZDXX0028S Oberfranken --- --- other
DEZDXX0029S Schwaben ohne Ballungsraum Augsburg --- --- other
DEZEIX0107A Ballungsraum Niedersachsen-Bremen --- --- other
DEZEXX0101S Bremen (Bremerhaven) --- --- other
DEZFXX0001A Ballungsraum I (Rhein-Main) --- --- other
DEZFXX0002A Ballungsraum II (Kassel) --- --- other
DEZFXX0003S Gebiet I (Südhessen) --- --- other
DEZFXX0004S Gebiet II (Lahn-Dill-Gebiet) --- --- other
DEZFXX0005S Gebiet III (Mittel- und Nordhessen) --- --- other
DEZGLX0001A Ballungsraum Hamburg --- --- other
DEZHXX0003A Ballungsraum Rostock --- --- other
DEZHXX0004S Mittlere Städte im Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern --- --- other
DEZHXX0005S Ländlicher Raum im Land Mecklenburg-Vorpommern --- --- other
DEZIXX0101S Niedersachsen-Nord --- --- other
DEZIXX0102S Niedersachsen-Mitte --- --- other
DEZIXX0103S Niedersachsen-Sued --- --- other
DEZIXX0104A Ballungsraum Hannover-Braunschweig --- --- other
DEZIXX0105A Ballungsraum Osnabrueck --- --- other
DEZIXX0106A Ballungsraum Goettingen --- --- other
DEZJXX0002A Wuppertal --- --- other
DEZJXX0003A Münster --- --- other
DEZJXX0004A Köln --- --- other
DEZJXX0005A Hagen --- --- other
DEZJXX0006A Essen --- --- other
DEZJXX0008A Dortmund --- --- other
DEZJXX0009A Düsseldorf --- --- other
DEZJXX0010A Bielefeld --- --- other
DEZJXX0011A Aachen --- --- other
DEZJXX0013A Mönchengladbach --- --- other
DEZJXX0014S Warstein --- --- other
DEZJXX0015A Rheinisches Braunkohlenrevier --- --- other
DEZJXX0016S Urbane Bereiche und ländlicher Raum im Land Nordrhein-Westfalen --- --- other
DEZJXX0017A Duisburg --- --- other
DEZJXX0018S Krefeld --- --- other
DEZKXX0004S Koblenz/Neuwied --- --- other
DEZKXX0005S Trier --- --- other
DEZKXX0006S Mainz --- --- other
DEZKXX0007S Worms/Fankenthal/Ludwigshafen --- --- other
DEZKXX0008S Oberrheingraben --- --- other
DEZKXX0009S Nord-West Gebiet im Land Rheinland-Pfalz --- --- other
DEZLXX0001A Ballungsraum Kiel --- --- other
DEZLXX0002A Ballungsraum Lübeck --- --- other
DEZLXX0003S ländlicher Raum im Land Schleswig-Holstein --- --- other
DEZLXX0005S Itzehoe --- --- other
DEZLXX0006S Ratzeburg --- --- other
DEZLXX0007S Städte 10-100000 Einwohner ohne Itzehoe und Ratzeburg im Land Schleswig-Holstein --- --- other
DEZMXX0001A Ballungsraum Saarbrücken (BSB) --- --- other
DEZMXX0002S Gebiet Dillingen-Saarlouis (UDS) --- --- other
DEZMXX0003S Rest-Saarland (RS) --- --- other
DEZNXX0001A Leipzig --- --- other
DEZNXX0002A Dresden --- --- other
DEZNXX0009S Mittelgebirgskamm --- --- other
DEZNXX0013S Westsachsen --- --- other
DEZNXX0014S Ostsachsen --- --- other
DEZNXX0015A Ballungsraum Chemnitz --- --- other
DEZOXX0002A Halle --- --- other
DEZOXX0015A Landeshauptstadt Magdeburg --- --- other
DEZOXX0016S LSA Nord --- --- other
DEZOXX0017S LSA West --- --- other
DEZOXX0018S LSA Ost --- --- other
DEZOXX0019S LSA Süd --- --- other
DEZPXX0003S Gebiet Thüringen 3 --- --- other
DEZPXX0010S Gebiet Thüringen 1 --- --- other
DEZPXX0011S Gebiet Thüringen 2 --- --- other
DGCCOM Comb. modification on gas use in commercial sector NH3 --- technology
DGCCOM Comb. modification on gas use in commercial sector NOX --- technology
DGCCR Combustion modification on gas use in commercial and residential sectors NH3 --- technology
DGCCR Combustion modification on gas use in commercial and residential sectors NOX --- technology
DHFCM Combustion modification on heavy fuel oil use in commercial sector NH3 --- technology
DHFCM Combustion modification on heavy fuel oil use in commercial sector NOX --- technology
DK0001 København --- --- other
DK0002 Aarhus --- --- other
DK0003 Remaining DK --- --- other
DL Dairy cows - liquid systems AGR M animals activity
DL Dairy cows - liquid systems AGR kt N activity
DL Dairy cows - liquid systems AGR kt milk activity
DL Dairy cows - liquid systems AGR none activity
DL Dairy cows - liquid systems --- --- act_categories_3
DL_F Dairy cows - liquid (slurry) systems - enteric fermentation AGR M animals activity
DL_F Dairy cows - liquid (slurry) systems - enteric fermentation AGR kt milk activity
DMDCCO Combustion modification on gasoil use in commercial sector NH3 --- technology
DMDCCO Combustion modification on gasoil use in commercial sector NOX --- technology
DMDCCR Combustion modification on gasoil use in commercial and residential sectors NH3 --- technology
DMDCCR Combustion modification on gasoil use in commercial and residential sectors NOX --- technology
DNG Dung ENE PJ activity
DOM Residential-commercial ENE PJ sector
DOM_CC_23 Urban domestic wastewater -centralized collection with anaerobic secondary and/or tertiary treatment (incl. treatment with bacteria and/or flaring of residual methane) (MCF=0) CH4 --- technology
DOM_CC_23U Urban domestic wastewater -centralized collection with anaerobic secondary and/or tertiary treatment with gas recovery, upgrading and use (MCF=0) CH4 --- technology
DOM_CC_AER Urban domestic wastewater -centralized collection with aerobic treatment without temporary overloads (MCF=0) CH4 --- technology
DOM_COM Commercial (combustion) ENE PJ sector
DOM_COM_MB_A Medium boilers (<50MW) - automatic (commercial) ENE PJ sector
DOM_COM_MB_M Medium boilers (<1MW) - manual (commercial) ENE PJ sector
DOM_FPLACE Fireplaces ENE PJ sector
DOM_LIGHT Residential - kerosene lamps ENE PJ sector
DOM_MB_A Medium boilers (<50MW) - automatic ENE PJ sector
DOM_MB_M Medium boilers (<1MW) - manual ENE PJ sector
DOM_OS Domestic use of solvents (other than paint) VOCP M people sector
DOM_OTH Services, agriculture, etc. ENE PJ sector
DOM_OTH_FPLACE Fireplaces (agr, forestry, other) ENE PJ sector
DOM_OTH_MB_A Medium boilers (<50MW) - automatic (agr, forestry, other) ENE PJ sector
DOM_OTH_MB_M Medium boilers (<1MW) - manual (agr, forestry, other) ENE PJ sector
DOM_OTH_PIT Three-stone stove (agr, forestry, other) ENE PJ sector
DOM_OTH_SHB_A Single house boilers (<50 kW) - automatic (agr, forestry, other) ENE PJ sector
DOM_OTH_SHB_M Single house boilers (<50 kW) - manual (agr, forestry, other) ENE PJ sector
DOM_OTH_STOVE_C Cooking stoves (agr, forestry, other) ENE PJ sector
DOM_OTH_STOVE_H Heating stoves (agr, forestry, other) ENE PJ sector
DOM_PIT Three-stone stove ENE PJ sector
DOM_RES Residential ENE PJ sector
DOM_RES_FPLACE Fireplaces (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RES_PIT Three-stone stove (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RES_SHB_A Single house boilers (<50 kW) - automatic (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RES_SHB_M Single house boilers (<50 kW) - manual (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RES_STOVE_C Cooking stoves (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RES_STOVE_H Heating stoves (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RUR Residential - rural ENE PJ sector
DOM_RURAL Residential - rural ENE PJ sector
DOM_RUR_FPLACE Rural Fireplaces (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RUR_PIT Rural Three-stone stove (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RUR_SHB_A Rural Single house boilers (<50 kW) - automatic (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RUR_SHB_M Rural Single house boilers (<50 kW) - manual (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RUR_STOVE_C Rural Cooking stoves (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_RUR_STOVE_H Rural Heating stoves (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_S Domestic small hermetic refrigerators, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
DOM_S Domestic small hermetic refrigerators, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
DOM_SHB_A Single house boilers (<50 kW) - automatic ENE PJ sector
DOM_SHB_M Single house boilers (<50 kW) - manual ENE PJ sector
DOM_STOVE_C Cooking stoves ENE PJ sector
DOM_STOVE_H Heating stoves ENE PJ sector
DOM_URB Residential - urban ENE PJ sector
DOM_URBAN Residential - urban ENE PJ sector
DOM_URB_FPLACE Urban Fireplaces (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_URB_PIT Urban Three-stone stove (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_URB_SHB_A Urban Single house boilers (<50 kW) - automatic (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_URB_SHB_M Urban Single house boilers (<50 kW) - manual (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_URB_STOVE_C Urban Cooking stoves (households) ENE PJ sector
DOM_URB_STOVE_H Urban Heating stoves (households) ENE PJ sector
DRY Dry cleaning VOCP kt TEX sector
DRY_NEW Dry cleaning (new installations) VOCP kt TEX sector
DS Dairy cows - solid systems AGR M animals activity
DS Dairy cows - solid systems AGR kt N activity
DS Dairy cows - solid systems AGR kt milk activity
DS Dairy cows - solid systems AGR none activity
DS Dairy cows - solid systems --- --- act_categories_3
D_GASST Gasoline distribution - service stations MOB PJ sector
D_REFDEP Gasoline storage & distribution (excl. gasoline stations) MOB PJ sector
D_REFDEP_S Gasoline storage & distribution (excl. transport sector) ENE PJ sector
Dairy cattle Dairy cattle --- --- sec_cat_label
Dairy cattle Dairy cattle --- --- sec_cat_label
Dairy cattle Dairy cattle --- --- sec_cat_label
Dairy cattle Dairy cattle --- --- sec_cat_label
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
EAFR_WHOL Eastern Africa (excl Kenya, Tanzania) --- --- other
ECUA_WHOL Ecuador --- --- other
EE0010 Tallinn --- --- other
EE0011 Kohtla-Järve --- --- other
EE0012 Põhja-Eesti --- --- other
EE0013 Lõuna-Eesti --- --- other
EGYP_WHOL Egypt --- --- other
EL0001 Βόρεια Ελλάδα --- --- other
EL0002 Νότια Ελλάδα --- --- other
EL0003 Οικισμός Αθήνα --- --- other
EL0004 Οικισμός Θεσσαλονίκη --- --- other
ELDEM Electricity demand --- --- other
ELE Electricity ENE PJ activity
ELE Electricity MOB PJ activity
ELE Electricity --- --- act_categories_3
ELEC Electric cremation HG --- technology
ELEC Electric cremation PM --- technology
ELEC Electric cremation PN --- technology
ELE_KM Electricity MOB Gvkm activity
ELE_NV Number of vehicles driving on electricity MOB thousand of vehicles activity
ELE_P Electricity Price --- --- other
EMI Emissions of NMVOC VOCP kt VOC activity
EMIS.FACT SO2 uncontrolled plant emission factors --- --- other
EMIS_FACT Industrial processes SO2 emission factors --- --- other
EMU Emulsions, water-based dispersion paints VOC --- technology
ENC+ACA Enclosure and adsorption VOC --- technology
ENC+INC Enclosure and incineration VOC --- technology
ENCEN East North Central --- --- region_to_climate
ENE Energy --- --- other
ENMOU East North Mountain --- --- region_to_climate
ENW Enamelled wire VOCP kt activity
EP Ethylene and Propylene VOCP kt activity
EPS Expandable polystyrene beads consumption VOCP kt activity
ES0111 CÓRDOBA --- --- other
ES0119 MÁLAGA Y COSTA DEL SOL --- --- other
ES0122 NUEVA ZONA DE NÚCLEOS DE 50.000 A 250.000 HABITANTES --- --- other
ES0123 NUEVA ZONAS RURALES --- --- other
ES0201 PIRINEOS --- --- other
ES0202 VALLE DEL EBRO --- --- other
ES0203 BAJO ARAGON --- --- other
ES0204 CORDILLERA IBERICA --- --- other
ES0205 ZARAGOZA --- --- other
ES0301 ASTURIAS OCCIDENTAL --- --- other
ES0302 ASTURIAS CENTRAL --- --- other
ES0303 ASTURIAS ORIENTAL --- --- other
ES0304 GIJÓN --- --- other
ES0401 PALMA --- --- other
ES0402 SIERRA DE TRAMUNTANA --- --- other
ES0409 MENORCA-MAÓ-ES CASTELL --- --- other
ES0410 RESTO MENORCA --- --- other
ES0411 EIVISSA --- --- other
ES0413 RESTO MALLORCA --- --- other
ES0508 LA PALMA, LA GOMERA Y EL HIERRO --- --- other
ES0509 NORTE DE GRAN CANARIA --- --- other
ES0510 SUR DE GRAN CANARIA --- --- other
ES0512 NORTE DE TENERIFE --- --- other
ES0513 SUR DE TENERIFE --- --- other
ES0601 BAHÍA DE SANTANDER --- --- other
ES0712 RESTO DE CASTILLA-LA MANCHA 3 --- --- other
ES0715 CUENCA --- --- other
ES0801 AGLOMERACIÓN BURGOS --- --- other
ES0802 AGLOMERACIÓN LEÓN --- --- other
ES0817 CERRATO --- --- other
ES0818 MUCIPIOS MEDIANOS DE CyL --- --- other
ES0820 BIERZO --- --- other
ES0821 MESETA CENTRAL DE CyL --- --- other
ES0901 ÀREA DE BARCELONA --- --- other
ES0902 VALLÈS-BAIX LLOBREGAT --- --- other
ES0903 PENEDÈS - GARRAF --- --- other
ES0904 CAMP DE TARRAGONA --- --- other
ES0905 CATALUNYA CENTRAL --- --- other
ES0906 PLANA DE VIC --- --- other
ES0907 MARESME --- --- other
ES0908 COMARQUES DE GIRONA --- --- other
ES0909 EMPORDÀ --- --- other
ES0910 ALT LLOBREGAT --- --- other
ES0911 PIRINEU ORIENTAL --- --- other
ES0912 PIRINEU OCCIDENTAL --- --- other
ES0913 PREPIRINEU --- --- other
ES0914 TERRES DE PONENT --- --- other
ES0915 TERRES DE L'EBRE --- --- other
ES1007 TURIA. ÁREA COSTERA --- --- other
ES1008 TURIA. ÁREA INTERIOR --- --- other
ES1015 CASTELLÓ --- --- other
ES1016 L'HORTA --- --- other
ES1017 ALACANT --- --- other
ES1018 ELX --- --- other
ES1101 CÁCERES --- --- other
ES1102 BADAJOZ --- --- other
ES1104 EXTREMADURA RURAL --- --- other
ES1201 A CORUÑA --- --- other
ES1202 FERROL --- --- other
ES1203 SANTIAGO --- --- other
ES1204 LUGO --- --- other
ES1205 OURENSE --- --- other
ES1206 PONTEVEDRA --- --- other
ES1207 VIGO --- --- other
ES1208 A (FERROLTERRA-ORTEGAL) --- --- other
ES1210 C (TERRA CHÁ) --- --- other
ES1211 D (VALDEORRAS) --- --- other
ES1212 E (A LÍMIA-MIÑO) --- --- other
ES1213 F (SUR DAS RÍAS BAIXAS) --- --- other
ES1215 H (A MARIÑA) --- --- other
ES1216 B2 (FRANJA ÓRDES-EUME II) --- --- other
ES1217 I (ARTEIXO) --- --- other
ES1301 MADRID --- --- other
ES1308 CORREDOR DEL HENARES --- --- other
ES1309 URBANA SUR --- --- other
ES1310 URBANA NOROESTE --- --- other
ES1311 SIERRA NORTE --- --- other
ES1312 CUENCA DEL ALBERCHE --- --- other
ES1313 CUENCA DEL TAJUÑA --- --- other
ES1404 VALLE DE ESCOMBRERAS --- --- other
ES1406 CARTAGENA --- --- other
ES1407 CIUDAD DE MURCIA --- --- other
ES1408 LITORAL-MAR MENOR --- --- other
ES1504 COMARCA DE PAMPLONA --- --- other
ES1602 BAJO NERVION --- --- other
ES1603 KOSTALDEA --- --- other
ES1604 DONOSTIALDEA --- --- other
ES1605 ALTO IBAIZABAL - ALTO DEBA --- --- other
ES1606 GOIHERRI --- --- other
ES1607 LLANADA ALAVESA --- --- other
ES1608 PAIS VASCO RIBERA --- --- other
ES1704 LOGROÑO --- --- other
ES1705 LA RIOJA --- --- other
ESCEN East South Central --- --- region_to_climate
ESP1 Electrostatic precipitator: 1 field HG --- technology
ESP1 Electrostatic precipitator: 1 field PM --- technology
ESP1 Electrostatic precipitator: 1 field PN --- technology
ESP2 Electrostatic precipitator: 2 fields HG --- technology
ESP2 Electrostatic precipitator: 2 fields PM --- technology
ESP2 Electrostatic precipitator: 2 fields PN --- technology
ESTO_WHOL Estonia --- --- other
EUROP European part --- --- region_to_climate
EXD_GAS Production & distribution of natural gas VOCP kt VOC sector
EXD_GAS_NEW Production & distribution of natural gas - new mains VOCP kt VOC sector
EXD_LQ Extraction of oil (incl delivery to terminals) VOCP kt VOC sector
EXD_LQ_NEW Extraction of oil (incl delivery to terminals; with recovery) VOCP kt VOC sector
EX_CTTL Grazing cattle N-excretions AGR kt N activity
EX_SH Grazing sheep N-excretions AGR kt N activity
E_INT_HU Energy intensity per housing unit --- --- other
E_INT_MULT_HU Intensity multiplier --- --- other
E_INT_MULT_SQM Intensity multiplier --- --- other
E_INT_SQM Energy intensity per sq m --- --- other
End_Use_Industry_Bio_Trad Industrial combustion (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Industry_Bio_Trad Industrial combustion (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Industry_Coal Industrial combustion (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Industry_Coal Industrial combustion (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Industry_HLF Industrial combustion (oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Industry_HLF Industrial combustion (oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Industry_LLF Industrial combustion (light oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Industry_LLF Industrial combustion (light oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Industry_NatGas Industrial combustion (gas) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Industry_NatGas Industrial combustion (gas) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_Bio_Mod Residential (modern biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_Bio_Mod Residential (modern biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_Bio_Trad Residential (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_Bio_Trad Residential (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_Bio_Trad_Cook Residential cooking (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_Bio_Trad_Heat Residential heating (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_Coal Residential (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_Coal Residential (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_Coal_Cook Residential cooking (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_Coal_Heat Residential heating (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_HLF Residential (oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_HLF Residential (oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_LLF Residential (light oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_LLF Residential (light oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_NatGas Residential (gas) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Residential_NatGas Residential (gas) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Services_Bio_Trad Services (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Services_Bio_Trad_Heat Services (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Services_Coal Services (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Services_Coal_Heat Services (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_AGR_HLF Agricultural machinery (diesel) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_Coal Transport (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_Coal Transport (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_HDT_HLF Heavy duty vehicles (diesel) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_HDT_LLF Heavy duty vehicles (gasoline) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_HLF Transport (diesel) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_HLF Transport (diesel) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_HLF Transport (diesel) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_HLF Transport (diesel) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_LDT_HLF Light duty vehicles (diesel) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_LDT_LLF Light duty vehicles (gasoline) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_LLF Transport (gasoline, LPG) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_LLF Transport (gasoline, LPG) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_LLF Transport (gasoline, LPG) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_LLF Transport (gasoline, LPG) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_MC_LLF Motorcycles and mopeds --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_NatGas Transport (CNG) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_NatGas Transport (CNG) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_OFF_HLF Other non-road (diesel) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
End_Use_Transport_OFF_LLF Other non-road (gasoline) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
FALLOW Lay fallow N2O --- technology
FARM_AD Farm-scale anaerobic digestion plants CH4 --- technology
FARM_AD_L large Farm-scale anaerobic digestion plants CH4 --- technology
FATOIL Fat and oil extraction (seeds) VOCP kt sector
FBC Fluidized bed combustion N2O --- technology
FBC_CM Combustion modification in fluidized bed combustion N2O --- technology
FCBTK Fixed Chimeny Bull's Trench Kiln CH4 --- technology
FCBTK Fixed Chimeny Bull's Trench Kiln CO --- technology
FCBTK Fixed Chimeny Bull's Trench Kiln CO2 --- technology
FCBTK Fixed Chimeny Bull's Trench Kiln HG --- technology
FCBTK Fixed Chimeny Bull's Trench Kiln N2O --- technology
FCBTK Fixed Chimeny Bull's Trench Kiln NOX --- technology
FCBTK Fixed Chimeny Bull's Trench Kiln PM --- technology
FCBTK Fixed Chimeny Bull's Trench Kiln PN --- technology
FCBTK Fixed Chimeny Bull's Trench Kiln SO2 --- technology
FCBTK Fixed Chimeny Bull's Trench Kiln VOC --- technology
FCON Use of mineral N-fertilizer --- --- other
FCON_OTHN Mineral N fertilizers use (excl. urea) AGR kt N sector
FCON_UREA Urea application (incl. ABC) AGR kt N sector
FEED Mix of feed changes (includes e.g., increased feed intake, replacement of roughage for concentrates, change to more fat and non-structural carbohydrates in diet) CH4 --- technology
FEED_MOD Feed modification (all livestock) PM --- technology
FEED_MOD Feed modification (all livestock) PN --- technology
FERPRO_ALL Total fertilizers production --- --- other
FERT Mineral N fertilizers --- --- act_categories_3
FERTPRO Mineral N fertilizer production AGR kt N sector
FEXT_B Fire extinguishers, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
FEXT_B Fire extinguishers, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
FEXT_S Fire extinguishers, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
FEXT_S Fire extinguishers, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
FF Fabric filters CO --- technology
FF Fabric filters PM --- technology
FF Fabric filters PN --- technology
FFSINJ Fabric filters - power plants with injection CO --- technology
FFSINJ Fabric filters - power plants with injection HG --- technology
FFSINJ Fabric filters - power plants with injection PM --- technology
FFSINJ Fabric filters - power plants with injection PN --- technology
FGAS Fluorinated greenhouse gas FGAS Mt CO2 equiv. activity
FGASVOL Relative flue gas volume(Ratio to Hard Coal - HC) --- --- other
FGAS_IND Other F-gas industrial emissions (activity given as other FGAS emissions in kt) FGAS Mt CO2 equiv. sector
FI0001 Uudenmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus poislukien pääkaupunkiseutu --- --- other
FI0002 Varsinais-Suomen ja Satakunnan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskukset --- --- other
FI0003 Hämeen elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus --- --- other
FI0004 Pirkanmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus --- --- other
FI0005 Kaakkois-Suomen elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus --- --- other
FI0006 Etelä-Savon elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus --- --- other
FI0007 Pohjois-Savon elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus --- --- other
FI0008 Pohjois-Karjalan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus --- --- other
FI0009 Keski-Suomen elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus --- --- other
FI0010 Etelä-Pohjanmaan ja Pohjanmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskukset --- --- other
FI0011 Pohjois-Pohjanmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus --- --- other
FI0012 Kainuun elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus --- --- other
FI0013 Lapin elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus --- --- other
FI0014 Pääkaupunkiseutu (HSY-alue) --- --- other
FILTER Filters in households (kitchen) PM --- technology
FILTER Filters in households (kitchen) PN --- technology
FINL_WHOL Finland --- --- other
FIRE_MASS forest, grassland burning AGR Mt biomass activity
FK Fixed operating cost --- --- other
FK Fluoro-ketone (FK-5-1-12) FGAS --- technology
FLA_REF Flaring instead of venting of gas in oil refinery CH4 --- technology
FLOODING Flooding of entity CH4 --- technology
FLR_GP Good practice in oil and gas industry - flaring CH4 --- technology
FLR_GP Good practice in oil and gas industry - flaring CO --- technology
FLR_GP Good practice in oil and gas industry - flaring CO2 --- technology
FLR_GP Good practice in oil and gas industry - flaring NH3 --- technology
FLR_GP Good practice in oil and gas industry - flaring NOX --- technology
FLR_GP Good practice in oil and gas industry - flaring PM --- technology
FLR_GP Good practice in oil and gas industry - flaring PN --- technology
FLR_GP Good practice in oil and gas industry - flaring SO2 --- technology
FLR_GP Good practice in oil and gas industry - flaring VOC --- technology
FN Fertilizer use - other N fertilizers --- --- other
FOOD Food and drink industry VOCP M people sector
FOOD_AD Food industry waste treated in anaerobic digestion (biogasification) plant with energy recovery CH4 --- technology
FOOD_COM Food industry waste treated in compost CH4 --- technology
FOOD_INC Food industry: waste incinerated in plant withot energy recovery CH4 --- technology
FOOD_INC_ENE Food industry: waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery CH4 --- technology
FOREST Forest AGR Mt biomass sector
FO_M Fixed operation and maintenance cost (in relation to investment cost) --- --- other
FPRICE Fuel price --- --- other
FP_IMP Improved fireplace CH4 --- technology
FP_IMP Improved fireplace CO --- technology
FP_IMP Improved fireplace HG --- technology
FP_IMP Improved fireplace PM --- technology
FP_IMP Improved fireplace PN --- technology
FP_IMP Improved fireplace VOC --- technology
FP_NEW New fireplace CH4 --- technology
FP_NEW New fireplace CO --- technology
FP_NEW New fireplace HG --- technology
FP_NEW New fireplace PM --- technology
FP_NEW New fireplace PN --- technology
FP_NEW New fireplace VOC --- technology
FR Fertilizer use - urea --- --- other
FR01A01 LORRAINE-METZ --- --- other
FR01N20 LORRAINE-ZR --- --- other
FR04A01 ILE-DE-FRANCE-PARIS --- --- other
FR04N20 ILE-DE-FRANCE-ZR --- --- other
FR05N30 HAUTE-NORMANDIE-ZI --- --- other
FR07A01 AUVERGNE-CLERMONT --- --- other
FR07N10 AUVERGNE-ZUR --- --- other
FR07N20 AUVERGNE-ZR --- --- other
FR09N10 POITOU-CHARENTES-ZUR --- --- other
FR09N20 POITOU-CHARENTES-ZR --- --- other
FR11A01 NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS-LILLE --- --- other
FR11N10 NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS-ZUR --- --- other
FR11N20 NORD-PAS-DE-CALAIS-ZR --- --- other
FR12N10 MIDI-PYRENEES-ZUR --- --- other
FR12N20 MIDI-PYRENEES-ZR --- --- other
FR15A01 RHONE-ALPES-GRENOBLE --- --- other
FR16A01 ALSACE-MULHOUSE --- --- other
FR16A02 ALSACE-STRASBOURG --- --- other
FR16N10 ALSACE-ZUR --- --- other
FR16N20 ALSACE-ZR --- --- other
FR17N10 FRANCHE-COMTE-ZUR --- --- other
FR17N20 FRANCHE-COMTE-ZR --- --- other
FR18N10 PICARDIE-ZUR --- --- other
FR18N20 PICARDIE-ZR --- --- other
FR19A01 BRETAGNE-RENNES --- --- other
FR19N10 BRETAGNE-ZUR --- --- other
FR19N20 BRETAGNE-ZR --- --- other
FR20A01 RHONE-ALPES-LYON --- --- other
FR20N10 RHONE-ALPES-ZUR --- --- other
FR20N20 RHONE-ALPES-ZR --- --- other
FR21N10 BASSE-NORMANDIE-ZUR --- --- other
FR21N20 BASSE-NORMANDIE-ZR --- --- other
FR23A01 PAYS-DE-LA-LOIRE-NANTES --- --- other
FR23N10 PAYS-DE-LA-LOIRE-ZUR --- --- other
FR23N20 PAYS-DE-LA-LOIRE-ZR --- --- other
FR25N10 HAUTE-NORMANDIE-ZUR --- --- other
FR25N20 HAUTE-NORMANDIE-ZR --- --- other
FR26N10 BOURGOGNE-ZUR --- --- other
FR26N20 BOURGOGNE-ZR --- --- other
FR29A01 RHONE-ALPES-ST-ETIENNE --- --- other
FR30A02 LORRAINE-NANCY --- --- other
FR30N10 LORRAINE-ZUR --- --- other
FR31A01 AQUITAINE-BORDEAUX --- --- other
FR31N10 AQUITAINE-ZUR --- --- other
FR31N20 AQUITAINE-ZR --- --- other
FR34A01 CENTRE-ORLEANS --- --- other
FR34A02 CENTRE-TOURS --- --- other
FR34N10 CENTRE-ZUR --- --- other
FR34N20 CENTRE-ZR --- --- other
FR35N10 LIMOUSIN-ZUR --- --- other
FR35N20 LIMOUSIN-ZR --- --- other
FR37N10 GUADELOUPE-ZUR --- --- other
FR37N20 GUADELOUPE-ZR --- --- other
FR38N10 REUNION-ZUR --- --- other
FR38N20 REUNION-ZR --- --- other
FR39N10 MARTINIQUE-ZUR --- --- other
FR39N20 MARTINIQUE-ZR --- --- other
FR40N10 GUYANE-ZUR --- --- other
FR40N20 GUYANE-ZR --- --- other
FR41N10 CORSE-ZUR --- --- other
FR41N20 CORSE-ZR --- --- other
FRAN_WHOL France --- --- other
FREE Free range poultry PM --- technology
FREE Free range poultry PN --- technology
FSED Simulation of possible developments beyond Product Directive VOC --- technology
FSUA_WHOL Other Former USSR, Asia --- --- other
FU Fur animals AGR M animals activity
FU Fur animals AGR kt N activity
FU Fur animals AGR none activity
FUEL_EX_D Fuel production & distribution --- --- gains_sector_3
FWD Fuelwood ENE PJ activity
F_IMP Improved ignition systems on flares VOC --- technology
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
GAS Gaseous fuels --- --- act_categories_3
GAS Natural gas (incl. other gases) ENE PJ activity
GAS Natural gas (incl. other gases) MOB PJ activity
GAS Natural gas (incl. other gases) MOB share activity
GAS Natural gas (incl. other gases) PROC PJ activity
GAS Natural gas (incl. other gases) PROC PJ gas transmitted activity
GAS Natural gas (incl. other gases) PROC km activity
GASP Natural gas production --- --- gains_sector_3
GAS_AMER gas price america(s) --- --- other
GAS_ASIA gas price asia --- --- other
GAS_EURO gas price europe $2005/boe --- --- other
GAS_KM Natural gas (incl. other gases) MOB Gvkm activity
GAS_M Natural gas ENE PJ activity
GAS_M Natural gas MOB PJ activity
GAS_M Natural gas MOB none activity
GAS_NV Number of vehicles driving on GAS ENE thousand of engines activity
GAS_NV Number of vehicles driving on GAS MOB thousand of vehicles activity
GAS_P Gas Price --- --- other
GDP Gross domestic product (market exchange rate - MEX) ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
GDP_PPP Gross domestic product (purchasing power parity - PPP) ENE 10^9 Euro PPP activity
GEOR_WHOL Georgia --- --- other
GERM_NEWL Germany --- --- other
GERM_OLDL Old Laender --- --- other
GERM_UNIF Unified --- --- other
GERM_WHOL Germany --- --- other
GHDOM Good housekeeping: domestic oil boilers CO --- technology
GHDOM Good housekeeping: domestic oil boilers HG --- technology
GHDOM Good housekeeping: domestic oil boilers PM --- technology
GHDOM Good housekeeping: domestic oil boilers PN --- technology
GHIND Good housekeeping: industrial oil boilers PM --- technology
GHIND Good housekeeping: industrial oil boilers PN --- technology
GJ_VEH_A Gigajoul over vehicle over year"; } --- --- other
GLUE_INH Industrial application of adhesives (high performance) VOCP kt sector
GLUE_INT Industrial application of adhesives (traditional) VOCP kt sector
GP Good practice: leakage control CH4 --- technology
GP Good practice: leakage control FGAS --- technology
GP_HIGH Good practice: High leakage control CH4 --- technology
GP_MEDIUM Good practice: Medium leakage control CH4 --- technology
GRASSLAND Grassland and soils AGR 0 sector
GRASSLAND Grassland and soils AGR M ha sector
GRASSLAND Grassland and soils AGR Mt biomass sector
GRAZE_L Grazing on large farms AGR kt N sector
GRAZE_L Grazing on large farms AGR none sector
GRAZE_M Grazing on medium farms AGR kt N sector
GRAZE_M Grazing on medium farms AGR none sector
GRAZE_S Grazing on small farms AGR kt N sector
GRAZE_S Grazing on small farms AGR none sector
GREE_WHOL Greece --- --- other
GSHP_B Ground source heat pumps, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
GSHP_B Ground source heat pumps, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
GSHP_S Ground source heat pumps, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
GSHP_S Ground source heat pumps, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
GSL Gasoline ENE PJ activity
GSL Gasoline MOB PJ activity
GSL Gasoline MOB share activity
GSL Gasoline --- --- act_categories_3
GSL_BIO Bio Gasoline MOB none activity
GSL_KM Gasoline MOB Gvkm activity
GSL_M Gasoline ENE PJ activity
GSL_M Gasoline MOB PJ activity
GSL_M Gasoline MOB none activity
GSL_NV Number of vehicles driving on GSL ENE thousand of engines activity
GSL_NV Number of vehicles driving on GSL MOB thousand of vehicles activity
GSL_NV_HE Number of High emitter vehicles driving on GSL MOB thousand of vehicles activity
GSL_P Gasoline Price --- --- other
GTH Geothermal ENE PJ activity
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
H2 Hydrogen ENE PJ activity
H2 Hydrogen MOB PJ activity
H2 Hydrogen --- --- act_categories_3
H2_KM Hydrogen MOB Gvkm activity
H2_NV Number of vehicles driving on H2 MOB thousand of vehicles activity
HAMP Improved application (HVLP), gunwash, SMP VOC --- technology
HAMP+SUB1 Primary measures and 25% of high solids and water based paints VOC --- technology
HAMP+SUB2 Primary measures and 40% high solids, 60% water based paints VOC --- technology
HAY_SIL Hay-silage for cattle PM --- technology
HAY_SIL Hay-silage for cattle PN --- technology
HC1 Hard coal, grade 1 ENE PJ activity
HC1 Hard coal, grade 1 MOB PJ activity
HC2 Hard coal, grade 2 ENE PJ activity
HC2 Hard coal, grade 2 MOB PJ activity
HC3 Hard coal, grade 3 ENE PJ activity
HC3 Hard coal, grade 3 MOB PJ activity
HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbon FGAS kt HCFC/year activity
HCFC Hydrochlorofluorocarbon MOB none activity
HCFC22_E HCFC-22 production for emissive use FGAS kt HFC/year sector
HCFC22_F HCFC-22 production for feedstock use FGAS kt HFC/year sector
HCM Hydrocarbon machine VOC --- technology
HC_DEGAS Hard Coal degasification CH4 --- technology
HDB_ELE_a Heavy duty bus (HDB) with electric drive (battery or trolley), advanced design --- --- other
HDB_ELE_c Heavy duty bus (HDB) with electric drive (battery or trolley), conventional design --- --- other
HDB_ELE_i Heavy duty bus (HDB) with electric drive (battery or trolley), improved design --- --- other
HDB_H2_FCV_a Heavy duty bus (HDB) with hydrogen powered fuel cells, advanced design --- --- other
HDB_H2_FCV_c Heavy duty bus (HDB) with hydrogen powered fuel cells, conventional design --- --- other
HDB_H2_FCV_i Heavy duty bus (HDB) with hydrogen powered fuel cells, improved design --- --- other
HDB_ICE_a Heavy duty bus (HDB) with internal combustion engine, advanced design --- --- other
HDB_ICE_c Heavy duty bus (HDB) with internal combustion engine, conventional design --- --- other
HDB_ICE_i Heavy duty bus (HDB) with internal combustion engine, improved design --- --- other
HDEUI EURO I CH4 --- technology
HDEUI EURO I CO --- technology
HDEUI EURO I HG --- technology
HDEUI EURO I N2O --- technology
HDEUI EURO I NH3 --- technology
HDEUI EURO I NOX --- technology
HDEUI EURO I PM --- technology
HDEUI EURO I PN --- technology
HDEUI EURO I VOC --- technology
HDEUII EURO II CH4 --- technology
HDEUII EURO II CO --- technology
HDEUII EURO II HG --- technology
HDEUII EURO II N2O --- technology
HDEUII EURO II NH3 --- technology
HDEUII EURO II NOX --- technology
HDEUII EURO II PM --- technology
HDEUII EURO II PN --- technology
HDEUII EURO II VOC --- technology
HDEUIII EURO III CH4 --- technology
HDEUIII EURO III CO --- technology
HDEUIII EURO III HG --- technology
HDEUIII EURO III N2O --- technology
HDEUIII EURO III NH3 --- technology
HDEUIII EURO III NOX --- technology
HDEUIII EURO III PM --- technology
HDEUIII EURO III PN --- technology
HDEUIII EURO III VOC --- technology
HDEUIV EURO IV CH4 --- technology
HDEUIV EURO IV CO --- technology
HDEUIV EURO IV HG --- technology
HDEUIV EURO IV N2O --- technology
HDEUIV EURO IV NH3 --- technology
HDEUIV EURO IV NOX --- technology
HDEUIV EURO IV PM --- technology
HDEUIV EURO IV PN --- technology
HDEUIV EURO IV VOC --- technology
HDEUV EURO V CH4 --- technology
HDEUV EURO V CO --- technology
HDEUV EURO V HG --- technology
HDEUV EURO V N2O --- technology
HDEUV EURO V NH3 --- technology
HDEUV EURO V NOX --- technology
HDEUV EURO V PM --- technology
HDEUV EURO V PN --- technology
HDEUV EURO V VOC --- technology
HDEUVI EURO VI CH4 --- technology
HDEUVI EURO VI CO --- technology
HDEUVI EURO VI HG --- technology
HDEUVI EURO VI N2O --- technology
HDEUVI EURO VI NH3 --- technology
HDEUVI EURO VI NOX --- technology
HDEUVI EURO VI PM --- technology
HDEUVI EURO VI PN --- technology
HDEUVI EURO VI VOC --- technology
HDEUVII EURO VII CH4 --- technology
HDEUVII EURO VII CO --- technology
HDEUVII EURO VII HG --- technology
HDEUVII EURO VII N2O --- technology
HDEUVII EURO VII NH3 --- technology
HDEUVII EURO VII NOX --- technology
HDEUVII EURO VII PM --- technology
HDEUVII EURO VII PN --- technology
HDEUVII EURO VII VOC --- technology
HDSEI Stage 1 CH4 --- technology
HDSEI Stage 1 CO --- technology
HDSEI Stage 1 HG --- technology
HDSEI Stage 1 NH3 --- technology
HDSEI Stage 1 NOX --- technology
HDSEI Stage 1 PM --- technology
HDSEI Stage 1 PN --- technology
HDSEI Stage 1 VOC --- technology
HDSEII Stage 2 CH4 --- technology
HDSEII Stage 2 CO --- technology
HDSEII Stage 2 HG --- technology
HDSEII Stage 2 NH3 --- technology
HDSEII Stage 2 NOX --- technology
HDSEII Stage 2 PM --- technology
HDSEII Stage 2 PN --- technology
HDSEII Stage 2 VOC --- technology
HDSEIII Stage 3 CH4 --- technology
HDSEIII Stage 3 CO --- technology
HDSEIII Stage 3 HG --- technology
HDSEIII Stage 3 NH3 --- technology
HDSEIII Stage 3 NOX --- technology
HDSEIII Stage 3 PM --- technology
HDSEIII Stage 3 PN --- technology
HDSEIII Stage 3 VOC --- technology
HDT_ICE_a Heavy duty truck (HDT) with internal combustion engine, advanced design --- --- other
HDT_ICE_c Heavy duty truck (HDT) with internal combustion engine, conventional design --- --- other
HDT_ICE_i Heavy duty truck (HDT) with internal combustion engine, improved design --- --- other
HED High efficiency deduster CO --- technology
HED High efficiency deduster HG --- technology
HED High efficiency deduster PM --- technology
HED High efficiency deduster PN --- technology
HELP get me out of here MOB none activity
HELP none MOB none sector
HF Heavy fuel oil ENE PJ activity
HF Heavy fuel oil MOB PJ activity
HF Heavy fuel oil --- --- act_categories_3
HF2MD Fuel switching for SO2 for PP_ENG sectors SO2 --- technology
HFC Hydrofluorocarbon FGAS kt HFC/year activity
HFC Hydrofluorocarbon MOB kt HFC/year activity
HFC_OTH Other (solvents, fire extinguishers, etc.) FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
HFC_OTH Other (solvents, fire extinguishers, etc.) FGAS kt HFC/year sector
HF_NV Number of vehicles driving on HF ENE thousand of engines activity
HF_NV Number of vehicles driving on HF MOB thousand of vehicles activity
HISTOSOLS Organic soils AGR M ha sector
HK Hoffman Kilns CH4 --- technology
HK Hoffman Kilns CO --- technology
HK Hoffman Kilns CO2 --- technology
HK Hoffman Kilns HG --- technology
HK Hoffman Kilns N2O --- technology
HK Hoffman Kilns NOX --- technology
HK Hoffman Kilns PM --- technology
HK Hoffman Kilns PN --- technology
HK Hoffman Kilns SO2 --- technology
HK Hoffman Kilns VOC --- technology
HMVES SF6 use in high and mid voltage switches ENE kt SF6/year sector
HO Horses AGR M animals activity
HO Horses AGR kt N activity
HO Horses AGR none activity
HOTM Hot melts or UV cross-linking acrylates or electron beam curing systems (solids content 100%) VOC --- technology
HOTO Hokkaido-Tohoku --- --- region_to_climate
HOUSE_EX Existing houses --- --- other
HOUSE_NEW New houses --- --- other
HOUS_AD Household anaerobic digestion CH4 --- technology
HR Hurricane lamp CH4 --- technology
HR Hurricane lamp CO --- technology
HR Hurricane lamp HG --- technology
HR Hurricane lamp N2O --- technology
HR Hurricane lamp NH3 --- technology
HR Hurricane lamp NOX --- technology
HR Hurricane lamp PM --- technology
HR Hurricane lamp PN --- technology
HR Hurricane lamp SO2 --- technology
HR Hurricane lamp VOC --- technology
HSE Good housekeeping VOC --- technology
HSE+BISUB Good houseking in steel industry and switch to emulsion bitumen VOC --- technology
HSS High solids coating systems (20% solvent content), application process with an efficiency of 35% VOC --- technology
HSS+PRM High solids coating systems (20% solvent content), application process with an efficiency of 75% VOC --- technology
HT Heat --- --- act_categories_3
HT Heat (steam, hot water) ENE PJ activity
HT Heat (steam, hot water) MOB PJ activity
HU Housing units --- --- other
HU0001 Budapest region --- --- other
HU0002 Gy?r-Mosonmagyaróvár --- --- other
HU0003 Komárom-Tatabánya-Esztergom --- --- other
HU0004 Székesfehérvár-Veszprém --- --- other
HU0005 Dunaújváros region --- --- other
HU0006 Pécs region --- --- other
HU0008 Sajó valley --- --- other
HU0009 Debrecen region --- --- other
HU0010 Other areas of the country, except the allotted cities --- --- other
HU0011 Allotted cities --- --- other
HUNG_WHOL Hungary --- --- other
HYD Hydro ENE PJ activity
Hg_0 Hg_0 : elemental gaseous mercury --- --- other
Hg_II Hg_II : oxidized divalent mercury --- --- other
Hg_P Hg_P : particulate bound mercury --- --- other
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
ICEL_WHOL Iceland --- --- other
IDK_BTK Mix of Intermittent Downdraught (IDK) and Bull's Trench Kiln (BTK) CH4 --- technology
IDK_BTK Mix of Intermittent Downdraught (IDK) and Bull's Trench Kiln (BTK) CO --- technology
IDK_BTK Mix of Intermittent Downdraught (IDK) and Bull's Trench Kiln (BTK) CO2 --- technology
IDK_BTK Mix of Intermittent Downdraught (IDK) and Bull's Trench Kiln (BTK) HG --- technology
IDK_BTK Mix of Intermittent Downdraught (IDK) and Bull's Trench Kiln (BTK) N2O --- technology
IDK_BTK Mix of Intermittent Downdraught (IDK) and Bull's Trench Kiln (BTK) NOX --- technology
IDK_BTK Mix of Intermittent Downdraught (IDK) and Bull's Trench Kiln (BTK) PM --- technology
IDK_BTK Mix of Intermittent Downdraught (IDK) and Bull's Trench Kiln (BTK) PN --- technology
IDK_BTK Mix of Intermittent Downdraught (IDK) and Bull's Trench Kiln (BTK) SO2 --- technology
IDK_BTK Mix of Intermittent Downdraught (IDK) and Bull's Trench Kiln (BTK) VOC --- technology
IE0001 Zone A --- --- other
IE0002 Zone B --- --- other
IE0005 Zone C --- --- other
IE0006 Zone D --- --- other
IFC Internal floating covers or secondary seals VOC --- technology
IFC+ST_IAD IFC and Stage IA (double stage) controls VOC --- technology
IFC+ST_IAS IFC and Stage IA (single stage) controls VOC --- technology
IFC+VRU_I Internal floating covers/sec.seals,vapour recovery (single stage) VOC --- technology
IFC+VRU_II Internal floating covers/sec.seals,vapour recovery (double stage) VOC --- technology
IN Fertilizer production --- --- other
INC Incineration VOC --- technology
INC_HFC23 Incineration: post combustion of HFC-23 emitted from production of HCFC-22 FGAS --- technology
IND Manufacture industry --- --- other
INDI_ANPR India Andhra Pradesh --- --- other
INDI_ASSA India Assam --- --- other
INDI_BENG India West Bengal --- --- other
INDI_BIHA India Bihar --- --- other
INDI_BOMB India Bombay --- --- other
INDI_CALC India Calcutta --- --- other
INDI_CHHA India Chhattisgarh --- --- other
INDI_DELH India Delhi --- --- other
INDI_EHIM India North East (excl. Assam) --- --- other
INDI_GOA India Goa --- --- other
INDI_GUJA India Gujarat --- --- other
INDI_HARY India Haryana --- --- other
INDI_HIPR India Himachal Pradesh --- --- other
INDI_JHAR India Jharkhand --- --- other
INDI_KARN India Karnataka --- --- other
INDI_KERA India Kerala --- --- other
INDI_KOLK India Kolkata --- --- other
INDI_MADR India Madras --- --- other
INDI_MAHA India Maharashtra-Dadra-Nagar Haveli-Daman-Diu --- --- other
INDI_MAPR India Madhya Pradesh --- --- other
INDI_ORIS India Orissa --- --- other
INDI_PUNJ India Punjab (I) --- --- other
INDI_RAJA India Rajasthan --- --- other
INDI_TAMI India Tamil Nadu --- --- other
INDI_UTAN India Uttaranchal --- --- other
INDI_UTPR India Uttar Pradesh --- --- other
INDI_WHIM India Jammu and Kashmir --- --- other
INDI_WHOL India --- --- other
INDI_WHOL India --- --- unep_regions3_b
INDOTH_INC Other manufacturing industry: waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery CH4 --- technology
INDOTH_INC Other manufacturing industry: waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery HG --- technology
INDOTH_INC_ENE Other manufacturing industry: waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery CH4 --- technology
INDOTH_INC_ENE Other manufacturing industry: waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery HG --- technology
INDO_JAKA Indonesia Jakarta --- --- other
INDO_JAVA Indonesia Java --- --- other
INDO_PLUS Indonesia+ --- --- unep_regions3_b
INDO_REST Indonesia Rest of Indonesia --- --- other
INDO_SUMA Indonesia Sumatra --- --- other
INDO_WHOL Indonesia --- --- other
IND_B Industrial refrigeration, including food and agricultural, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
IND_B Industrial refrigeration, including food and agricultural, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
IND_COMB Industrial combustion --- --- gains_sector_3
IND_FOOD_AERO Industrial wastewater:pulp-and paper industry-aerobic treatment (MCF=0) CH4 --- technology
IND_FOOD_ANAE_NON Industrial wastewater:pulp-and paper industry-anaerobic treatment in digester,reactor or deep lagoon without gas recovery (MCF=0.5) CH4 --- technology
IND_FOOD_ANAE_USE Industrial wastewater:pulp-and paper industry-anaerobic treatment in digester,reactor or deep lagoon with gas recovery, upgrading and use (MCF=0) CH4 --- technology
IND_FOOD_COD COD in wastewater - food manufacturing industry PROC kt COD sector
IND_FOOD_NOC Wastewater without treatment: food manufacturing industry PROC kt COD sector
IND_FOOD_TRM Wastewater with treatment: food manufacturing industry PROC kt COD sector
IND_LARGE Large industries --- --- viet_sec_agg
IND_OS Other industrial use of solvents VOCP kt VOC sector
IND_OTH Other industrial sources VOCP kt VOC sector
IND_OTH_AERO Industrial wastewater:other industry-aerobic treatment (MCF=0) CH4 --- technology
IND_OTH_ANAE_NON Industrial wastewater:other industry-anaerobic treatment without gas recovery(MCF=0) CH4 --- technology
IND_OTH_ANAE_USE Industrial wastewater:other industry-anaerobic treatment with gas recovery(MCF=0) CH4 --- technology
IND_OTH_COD COD in wastewater - other organic manufacturing industry PROC kt COD sector
IND_OTH_NOC Wastewater without treatment: other organics manufacturing industry PROC kt COD sector
IND_OTH_TRM Wastewater with treatment: other organics manufacturing industry PROC kt COD sector
IND_PAP_AERO Industrial wastewater:pulp-and paper industry-aerobic treatment (MCF=0) CH4 --- technology
IND_PAP_ANAE_NON Industrial wastewater:pulp-and paper industry-anaerobic treatment in digester,reactor or deep lagoon without gas recovery (MCF=0.5) CH4 --- technology
IND_PAP_ANAE_USE Industrial wastewater:pulp-and paper industry-anaerobic treatment in digester,reactor or deep lagoon with gas recovery, upgrading and use (MCF=0) CH4 --- technology
IND_PAP_COD COD in wastewater - pulp and paper manufacturing industry PROC kt COD sector
IND_PAP_NOC Wastewater without treatment: pulp and paper manufacturing industry PROC kt COD sector
IND_PAP_TRM Wastewater with treatment: pulp and paper manufacturing industry PROC kt COD sector
IND_PROC Industrial processes --- --- gains_sector_3
IND_P_CNT Industrial paint use (continuous processes) VOCP kt sector
IND_P_OT Industrial paint use (other) VOCP kt sector
IND_P_PL Industrial paint use (plastic parts) VOCP kt sector
IND_S Industrial refrigeration, including food and agricultural, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
IND_S Industrial refrigeration, including food and agricultural, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
IND_SMALL Small industries --- --- viet_sec_agg
INHIB Nihiliation Inhibitory N2O --- technology
INHIB Nihiliation Inhibitory NOX --- technology
INK Printing inks VOCP kt INK activity
INLAND Inland, mountains and arctic --- --- region_to_climate
INORG Inorganic chemical industry VOCP kt VOC sector
INTEREST RATE Interest rate on borrowed money --- --- other
INV_C Constant coefficient in the investment cost function --- --- other
INV_C1 Constant coefficient in the investment cost function - part 1. --- --- other
INV_C2 Constant coefficient in the investment cost function - part 2. --- --- other
INV_HU Capital investment per housing unit --- --- other
INV_SQM Capital investment per sq m --- --- other
INV_V Variable (boiler size dependent) coefficient in the investment cost function --- --- other
INV_V1 Variable (boiler size dependent) coefficient in the investment cost function - part 1. --- --- other
INV_V2 Variable (boiler size dependent) coefficient in the investment cost function - part 2. --- --- other
INW_FOOD Solid waste: food manufacturing industry PROC Mt waste sector
INW_OTH Solid waste: other manufacturing industry PROC Mt waste sector
INW_PAP Solid waste: pulp and paper manufacturing industry PROC Mt waste sector
INW_RUB Solid waste: rubber and plastics manufacturing industry PROC Mt waste sector
INW_TEX Solid waste: textile manufacturing industry PROC Mt waste sector
INW_TOT Solid waste from manufacturing industry (total) PROC Mt waste sector
INW_WOOD Solid waste: wood manufacturing industry PROC Mt waste sector
IN_BO_CHEM Chemical industry (boilers) ENE PJ sector
IN_BO_CON Transformation sector (boilers) ENE PJ sector
IN_BO_OTH Other industry (boilers; liquid and gaseous fuels) ENE PJ sector
IN_BO_OTH_L Other industry (large coal boilers; > 50 MWth ) ENE PJ sector
IN_BO_OTH_S Other industry (small coal boilers; < 50 MWth ) ENE PJ sector
IN_BO_PAP Paper & pulp (boilers) ENE PJ sector
IN_CYC Cyclone HG --- technology
IN_CYC Cyclone PM --- technology
IN_CYC Cyclone PN --- technology
IN_ESP1 Electrostatic precipitator: 1 field HG --- technology
IN_ESP1 Electrostatic precipitator: 1 field PM --- technology
IN_ESP1 Electrostatic precipitator: 1 field PN --- technology
IN_ESP2 Electrostatic precipitator: 2 fields HG --- technology
IN_ESP2 Electrostatic precipitator: 2 fields PM --- technology
IN_ESP2 Electrostatic precipitator: 2 fields PN --- technology
IN_HED High efficiency deduster CO --- technology
IN_HED High efficiency deduster HG --- technology
IN_HED High efficiency deduster PM --- technology
IN_HED High efficiency deduster PN --- technology
IN_OC Industrial furnaces ENE PJ sector
IN_OC1 Industry: Other combustion, grate firing ENE PJ sector
IN_OC2 Industry: Other combustion, fluidized bed ENE PJ sector
IN_OC3 Industry: Other combustion, pulverized ENE PJ sector
IN_OCTOT Other industry (furnaces) ENE PJ sector
IN_OC_CHEM Chemical industry (furnaces) ENE PJ sector
IN_OC_ISTE Iron and steel (furnaces) ENE PJ sector
IN_OC_NFME Non-ferrous metals (furnaces) ENE PJ sector
IN_OC_NMMI Non-metallic minerals (furnaces) ENE PJ sector
IN_OC_OTH Other Industry (furnaces) ENE PJ sector
IN_OC_PAP Paper & pulp (furnaces) ENE PJ sector
IN_PR_CELI Ind. Process: Cement and lime --- --- other
IN_PR_COKE Ind. Process: Coke oven --- --- other
IN_PR_NFME Ind. Process: Other non-ferrous metals prod. - primary and secondary --- --- other
IN_PR_NIAC Industry - Process emissions - Nitric acid plants --- --- other
IN_PR_PIGI Ind. Process: Pig iron, blast furnace --- --- other
IN_PR_PULP Industry - Process emissions - Pulp and paper --- --- other
IN_PR_REF Ind. Process: Petroleum refineries --- --- other
IN_PR_SINT Ind. Process: Agglomeration plant - sinter --- --- other
IN_PR_SUAC Industry - Process emissions - Sulphuric acid plants --- --- other
IN_SPC Sorbent polymer catalyst modules, applied in the industrial combustion sector HG --- technology
IN_WSCRB Wet scrubber PM --- technology
IN_WSCRB Wet scrubber PN --- technology
IO Other industrial emissions --- --- other
IOGCM Combustion modification on oil and gas industrial boilers and furnaces NH3 --- technology
IOGCM Combustion modification on oil and gas industrial boilers and furnaces NOX --- technology
IOGCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on oil and gas industrial boilers and furnaces CO --- technology
IOGCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on oil and gas industrial boilers and furnaces NH3 --- technology
IOGCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on oil and gas industrial boilers and furnaces NOX --- technology
IOGCSN Combustion modification and selective non-catalytic reduction on oil and gas industrial boilers and furnaces N2O --- technology
IOGCSN Combustion modification and selective non-catalytic reduction on oil and gas industrial boilers and furnaces NH3 --- technology
IOGCSN Combustion modification and selective non-catalytic reduction on oil and gas industrial boilers and furnaces NOX --- technology
IO_NH3_EMISS Other industrial NH3 emissions AGR kt NH3 sector
IR Interest rate --- --- other
IRAN_WHOL Islamic Republic of Iran --- --- other
IREL_WHOL Ireland --- --- other
ISBP Use of improved solvent based paints (55%), application efficiency as above VOC --- technology
ISBP+INC Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
ISFCM Combustion modification on solid fuels fired industrial boilers and furnaces NH3 --- technology
ISFCM Combustion modification on solid fuels fired industrial boilers and furnaces NOX --- technology
ISFCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on solid fuels fired industrial boilers and furnaces CO --- technology
ISFCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on solid fuels fired industrial boilers and furnaces NH3 --- technology
ISFCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on solid fuels fired industrial boilers and furnaces NOX --- technology
ISFCSN Combustion modification and selective non-catalytic reduction on solid fuels fired industrial boilers and furnaces N2O --- technology
ISFCSN Combustion modification and selective non-catalytic reduction on solid fuels fired industrial boilers and furnaces NH3 --- technology
ISFCSN Combustion modification and selective non-catalytic reduction on solid fuels fired industrial boilers and furnaces NOX --- technology
ISRA_WHOL Israel --- --- other
IT0101 Torino 01 --- --- other
IT0102 Torino 02 --- --- other
IT0103 Torino agglomerato --- --- other
IT0104 Vercelli 01 --- --- other
IT0105 Vercelli 02 --- --- other
IT0106 Novara 01 --- --- other
IT0107 Novara 02 --- --- other
IT0108 Cuneo 01 --- --- other
IT0109 Cuneo 02 --- --- other
IT0110 Asti 01 --- --- other
IT0111 Asti 02 --- --- other
IT0112 Alessandria 01 --- --- other
IT0113 Alessandria 02 --- --- other
IT0114 Biella 01 --- --- other
IT0115 Biella 02 --- --- other
IT0116 Verbania 01 --- --- other
IT0117 Verbania 02 --- --- other
IT0204 VdA_Fondo_Valle --- --- other
IT0205 VdA_Rurale_Montana --- --- other
IT0306 Agglomerato di Milano --- --- other
IT0307 Agglomerato di Bergamo --- --- other
IT0308 Agglomerato di Brescia --- --- other
IT0309 Pianura ad elevata urbanizzazione (A) --- --- other
IT0310 Pianura (B) --- --- other
IT0311 Montagna (C ) --- --- other
IT0312 Fondovalle (D) --- --- other
IT0401 Zona A --- --- other
IT0402 Zona B --- --- other
IT0441 South Tyrol - Valleys --- --- other
IT0442 South Tyrol - Mountains --- --- other
IT0501 Zona 1 Agglomerato: Agglomerato Venezia-Treviso --- --- other
IT0502 Zona 1 Agglomerato: Agglomerato Padova --- --- other
IT0503 Zona 1 Agglomerato: Agglomerato Vicenza --- --- other
IT0504 Zona 1 Agglomerato: Agglomerato Verona --- --- other
IT0505 Zona A1 Provincia --- --- other
IT0506 Zona A2 Provincia --- --- other
IT0507 Zona C Provincia --- --- other
IT0607 Zona Triestina --- --- other
IT0608 Zona di pianura --- --- other
IT0609 Zona di montagna --- --- other
IT0701 Comune di Genova --- --- other
IT0702 Aree urbane con fonti emittenti miste - Savonese - --- --- other
IT0703 Aree urbane con fonti emittenti miste -La Spezia - --- --- other
IT0704 Aree urbane in cui prevale la fonte traffico --- --- other
IT0705 Aree urbane in cui prevale la fonte produttiva-Bormida- --- --- other
IT0706 Aree urbane in cui prevale la fonte produttiva-Busalla- --- --- other
IT0707 Zona di mantenimento --- --- other
IT08100 Agglomerato --- --- other
IT08101 Appennino --- --- other
IT08102 Pianura Ovest --- --- other
IT08103 Pianura Est --- --- other
IT0906 Agglomerato Firenze --- --- other
IT0907 Zona Prato  Pistoia --- --- other
IT0908 Zona Costiera --- --- other
IT0909 Zona Valdarno Pisano e Piana Lucchese --- --- other
IT0910 Zona Valdarno Aretino e Valdichiana --- --- other
IT0911 Zona collinare montana --- --- other
IT1006 Zona collinare e montuosa --- --- other
IT1007 Zona di valle --- --- other
IT1008 Zona della conca ternana --- --- other
IT1101 Zona A --- --- other
IT1102 Zona B --- --- other
IT1211 Zona Appenninica --- --- other
IT1212 Zona Valle del Sacco --- --- other
IT1213 Zona Litoranea --- --- other
IT1215 Agglomerato di Roma --- --- other
IT1301 Zona Metropolitana --- --- other
IT1302 Zona osservazione costiera --- --- other
IT1303 Zona osservazione industriale --- --- other
IT1304 Zona Mantenimento --- --- other
IT1401 Campobasso --- --- other
IT1505 Zona A1 Provincia --- --- other
IT1506 Zona A2 Provincia --- --- other
IT1611 zona di collina --- --- other
IT1612 zona di pianura --- --- other
IT1613 zona industriale --- --- other
IT1614 agglomerato di Bari --- --- other
IT1701 Zona risanamento potentina --- --- other
IT1702 Zona mantenimento --- --- other
IT1801 A --- --- other
IT1802 B --- --- other
IT1803 C --- --- other
IT1804 D --- --- other
IT1911 Agglomerato di Palermo --- --- other
IT1912 Agglomerato di Catania --- --- other
IT1913 Agglomerato di Messina --- --- other
IT1914 Aree Industriali --- --- other
IT1915 Altro --- --- other
IT2001 Cagliari --- --- other
IT2002 Sassari --- --- other
IT2003 Area industriale Sarroch --- --- other
IT2004 Area industriale Portoscuso --- --- other
IT2005 Area industriale Porto Torres --- --- other
IT2006 Zona di mantenimento --- --- other
ITAL_WHOL Italy --- --- other
ITLY_ABRU Abruzzo --- --- other
ITLY_AOST Valle d'Aosta --- --- other
ITLY_BASI Basilicata --- --- other
ITLY_BRIN LPS Brindisi Sud, Brindisi --- --- other
ITLY_CALA Calabria --- --- other
ITLY_CAMP Campania --- --- other
ITLY_CIVI LPS Civitavecchia, Roma --- --- other
ITLY_EMIL Emilia-Romagna --- --- other
ITLY_FRIU Friuli-Venezia Giulia --- --- other
ITLY_FUSI LPS Fusina, Venezia --- --- other
ITLY_GELA LPS Gela, Caltanissetta --- --- other
ITLY_GENO LPS Genova, Genova --- --- other
ITLY_LAZI Lazio --- --- other
ITLY_LIGU Liguria --- --- other
ITLY_LIVO LPS Livorno, Livorno --- --- other
ITLY_LOMB Lombardia --- --- other
ITLY_MARC Marche --- --- other
ITLY_MELA LPS S. Filippo del Mela, Messina --- --- other
ITLY_MILA Milano metro --- --- other
ITLY_MOLI Molise --- --- other
ITLY_MONF LPS Monfalcone, Gorizia --- --- other
ITLY_NAPO Napoli metro --- --- other
ITLY_OSTI LPS Ostiglia, Mantova --- --- other
ITLY_PIEM Piemonte --- --- other
ITLY_PIOM LPS Piombino, Livorno --- --- other
ITLY_PRIO LPS Priolo G, Siracusa --- --- other
ITLY_PUGL Puglia --- --- other
ITLY_ROMA Roma metro --- --- other
ITLY_SARD Sardegna --- --- other
ITLY_SEAT National Sea Traffic --- --- other
ITLY_SERM LPS Sermide, Mantova --- --- other
ITLY_SICI Sicilia --- --- other
ITLY_TOLL LPS Porto Tolle, Rovigo --- --- other
ITLY_TORI Torino metro --- --- other
ITLY_TOSC Toscana --- --- other
ITLY_TREN Trentino Alto Adige --- --- other
ITLY_UMBR Umbria --- --- other
ITLY_VADO LPS Vado Ligure, Savona --- --- other
ITLY_VENE Veneto --- --- other
ITLY_WHOL ITALY --- --- other
IWFGD Industry - wet flue gases desulphurisation SO2 --- technology
I_LAND Improved Landfills VOC --- technology
Industrial combustion Industrial combustion --- --- gains_jjj_sec_agg
Industrial process Industrial process --- --- gains_jjj_sec_agg
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
JAPA_AGGR Japan aggregated --- --- other
JAPA_CHSH Japan Chugoku-Shikoku --- --- other
JAPA_CHUB Japan Chubu --- --- other
JAPA_HOTO Japan Hokkaido-Tohoku --- --- other
JAPA_KANT Japan Kanto --- --- other
JAPA_KINK Japan Kinki --- --- other
JAPA_KYOK Japan Kyushu-Okinawa --- --- other
JAPA_WHOL Japan --- --- other
JAPA_WHOL Japan --- --- unep_regions3_b
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
KANT Kanto --- --- region_to_climate
KAZA_WHOL Kazakhstan --- --- other
KENY_WHOL Kenya --- --- other
KINK Kinki --- --- region_to_climate
KORE_AALL Korea --- --- unep_regions3_b
KORN_WHOL Korea (North) --- --- other
KORS_BSSI Korea (South) Busan --- --- other
KORS_CBDO Korea (South) Chungcheongbuk-do --- --- other
KORS_CNDO Korea (South) Chungcheongnam-do --- --- other
KORS_DGSI Korea (South) Daegu --- --- other
KORS_DJSI Korea (South) Daejeon --- --- other
KORS_GBDO Korea (South) Gyeongsangbuk-do --- --- other
KORS_GGDO Korea (South) Gyeonggi-do --- --- other
KORS_GJSI Korea (South) Gwangju --- --- other
KORS_GNDO Korea (South) Gyeongsangnam-do --- --- other
KORS_GWDO Korea (South) Gangwon-do --- --- other
KORS_ICSI Korea (South) Incheon --- --- other
KORS_JBDO Korea (South) Jeollabuk-do [North Jeolla] --- --- other
KORS_JJDO Korea (South) Jeju-do --- --- other
KORS_JNDO Korea (South) Jeollanam-do [South Jeolla] --- --- other
KORS_NORT Korea (South) North --- --- other
KORS_PUSA Korea (South) Pusan --- --- other
KORS_SEOI Korea (South) Seoul-Inchon --- --- other
KORS_SJSI Korea (South) Sejong --- --- other
KORS_SOUT Korea (South) South --- --- other
KORS_SUSI Korea (South) Seoul --- --- other
KORS_USSI Korea (South) Ulsan --- --- other
KORS_WHOL Korea (South) --- --- other
KOSO_WHOL Kosovo --- --- other
KT Thousand tons --- --- other
KT INK Thousand tons of printing ink used --- --- other
KT N Thousand tons nitrogen --- --- other
KT PAINT Thousand tons of paint used --- --- other
KT PG Thousand tons of paint and glue produced --- --- other
KT SLV Thousand tons of solvents used --- --- other
KT TEX Thousand tons of textiles (clothing) cleaned --- --- other
KT VOC Thousand tons of emitted NMVOC --- --- other
KVEH Thousand vehicles painted --- --- other
KYOK Kyushu-Okinawa --- --- region_to_climate
KYRG_WHOL Kyrgyzstan --- --- other
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
LABOR Labor demand --- --- other
LAME_REST Rest South America --- --- unep_regions3_b
LAME_WHOL Latin America --- --- other
LAOS_WHOL Laos --- --- other
LARGE_AREA Share of area occupied by large farms AGR share sector
LATV_WHOL Latvia --- --- other
LCPU Luxembourg City and its PeriUrban area (represented mainly by the canton Luxembourg) --- --- other
LD2_EE_c 2-stroke moped (LD2) with electric engine --- --- other
LD2_EE_i 2-stroke moped (LD2) with electric engine, improved design --- --- other
LD2_ICE_c 2-stroke moped (LD2) with internal combustion engine --- --- other
LD2_ICE_i 2-stroke moped (LD2) with internal combustion engine, improved design --- --- other
LDAR_I Leak detection and repair program, stage I VOC --- technology
LDAR_I+COWS Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
LDAR_II Leak detection and repair program, stage II VOC --- technology
LDAR_II+COWS Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
LDAR_III Leak detection and repair program, stage III VOC --- technology
LDAR_IV Leak detection and repair program, stage IV VOC --- technology
LDC_BEV Battery electric car (LD4C) --- --- other
LDC_BEV_a Battery electric car (LD4C) with advanced battery and vehicle design --- --- other
LDC_H2_FCV Hydrogen powered fuel cell car (LD4C) --- --- other
LDC_HEV Hybrid electric car (LD4C) with limited battery range --- --- other
LDC_HEV_a Hybrid electric car (LD4C) with advanced battery and vehicle design --- --- other
LDC_ICE_a Car (LD4C) with advanced internal combustion engine and vehicle design --- --- other
LDC_ICE_c Conventional car (LD4C) with internal combustion engine --- --- other
LDC_PHEV Plug-in hybrid electric car (LD4C) with advanced battery and vehicle design --- --- other
LDT_BEV Battery electric light truck (LD4T) --- --- other
LDT_BEV_a Battery electric light truck (LD4T) with advanced battery and vehicle design --- --- other
LDT_H2_FCV Hydrogen powered fuel cell light truck (LD4T) --- --- other
LDT_HEV Hybrid electric light truck (LD4T) with limited battery range --- --- other
LDT_HEV_a Hybrid electric light truck (LD4T) with advanced battery and vehicle design --- --- other
LDT_ICE_a Light truck (LD4T) with advanced internal combustion engine and vehicle design --- --- other
LDT_ICE_c Conventional light truck (LD4T) with internal combustion engine --- --- other
LDT_PHEV Plug-in hybrid electric light truck (LD4T) with advanced battery and vehicle design --- --- other
LEAD_GASOL Leaded gasoline MOB PJ sector
LEATHER Leather coating VOCP kt sector
LED LED lamp CH4 --- technology
LED LED lamp CO --- technology
LED LED lamp HG --- technology
LED LED lamp N2O --- technology
LED LED lamp NH3 --- technology
LED LED lamp NOX --- technology
LED LED lamp PM --- technology
LED LED lamp PN --- technology
LED LED lamp SO2 --- technology
LED LED lamp VOC --- technology
LFEUI EURO 1 CH4 --- technology
LFEUI EURO 1 CO --- technology
LFEUI EURO 1 HG --- technology
LFEUI EURO 1 N2O --- technology
LFEUI EURO 1 NH3 --- technology
LFEUI EURO 1 NOX --- technology
LFEUI EURO 1 PM --- technology
LFEUI EURO 1 PN --- technology
LFEUI EURO 1 VOC --- technology
LFEUII EURO 2 CH4 --- technology
LFEUII EURO 2 CO --- technology
LFEUII EURO 2 HG --- technology
LFEUII EURO 2 N2O --- technology
LFEUII EURO 2 NH3 --- technology
LFEUII EURO 2 NOX --- technology
LFEUII EURO 2 PM --- technology
LFEUII EURO 2 PN --- technology
LFEUII EURO 2 VOC --- technology
LFEUIII EURO 3 CH4 --- technology
LFEUIII EURO 3 CO --- technology
LFEUIII EURO 3 HG --- technology
LFEUIII EURO 3 N2O --- technology
LFEUIII EURO 3 NH3 --- technology
LFEUIII EURO 3 NOX --- technology
LFEUIII EURO 3 PM --- technology
LFEUIII EURO 3 PN --- technology
LFEUIII EURO 3 VOC --- technology
LFEUIV EURO 4 CH4 --- technology
LFEUIV EURO 4 CO --- technology
LFEUIV EURO 4 HG --- technology
LFEUIV EURO 4 N2O --- technology
LFEUIV EURO 4 NH3 --- technology
LFEUIV EURO 4 NOX --- technology
LFEUIV EURO 4 PM --- technology
LFEUIV EURO 4 PN --- technology
LFEUIV EURO 4 VOC --- technology
LFEUV EURO 5 CH4 --- technology
LFEUV EURO 5 CO --- technology
LFEUV EURO 5 HG --- technology
LFEUV EURO 5 N2O --- technology
LFEUV EURO 5 NH3 --- technology
LFEUV EURO 5 NOX --- technology
LFEUV EURO 5 PM --- technology
LFEUV EURO 5 PN --- technology
LFEUV EURO 5 VOC --- technology
LFEUVI EURO 6 CH4 --- technology
LFEUVI EURO 6 CO --- technology
LFEUVI EURO 6 HG --- technology
LFEUVI EURO 6 N2O --- technology
LFEUVI EURO 6 NH3 --- technology
LFEUVI EURO 6 NOX --- technology
LFEUVI EURO 6 PM --- technology
LFEUVI EURO 6 PN --- technology
LFEUVI EURO 6 VOC --- technology
LFL Leaded gasoline MOB PJ activity
LH Laying hens AGR M animals activity
LH Laying hens AGR kt N activity
LH Laying hens AGR none activity
LH Laying hens --- --- act_categories_3
LHGCO low HG coal usage HG --- technology
LHGCO_PM Measures that lower Hg emissions through fuel modification (e.g. coal washing, beneficiation, Br addition), combined with PM control (ESP, HED); in industrial combustion sector HG --- technology
LHGCO_REM Measures that lower Hg emissions through fuel modification (e.g. coal washing, beneficiation, Br addition) - remaining capacity without overlap form other control technologies HG --- technology
LIGHTING Lighting --- --- other
LINJ In-furnace control - limestone injection SO2 --- technology
LIQUID Liquid fuels --- --- act_categories_3
LITH_WHOL Lithuania --- --- other
LNA Low ammonia application; mean efficiency NH3 --- technology
LNA_high Low ammonia application; high efficiency NH3 --- technology
LNA_low Low ammonia application; low efficiency NH3 --- technology
LNF Low nitrogen feed NH3 --- technology
LNF_BF Combination of LNF_BF NH3 --- technology
LNF_BF_CS Combination of LNF_BF_CS NH3 --- technology
LNF_BF_CS_LNA Combination of LNF_BF_CS_LNA NH3 --- technology
LNF_BF_LNA Combination of LNF_BF_LNA NH3 --- technology
LNF_BF_LNA_high Combination of LNF_BF_LNA_high NH3 --- technology
LNF_BF_LNA_low Combination of LNF_BF_LNA_low NH3 --- technology
LNF_CS Combination of LNF_CS NH3 --- technology
LNF_CS_LNA Combination of LNF_CS_LNA NH3 --- technology
LNF_LNA Combination of LNF_LNA NH3 --- technology
LNF_LNA_high Combination of LNF_LNA_high NH3 --- technology
LNF_LNA_low Combination of LNF_LNA_low NH3 --- technology
LNF_SA Combination of LNF_SA NH3 --- technology
LNF_SA_LNA Combination of LNF_SA_LNA NH3 --- technology
LOW_GWP Alternative refrigerant ¿ Low GWP refrigerant (e. g. HFC-152a) FGAS --- technology
LPB Low pentane (4%) expandable beads VOC --- technology
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas ENE PJ activity
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas MOB PJ activity
LPG Liquefied petroleum gas --- --- act_categories_3
LPG_KM Liquefied petroleum gas MOB Gvkm activity
LPG_NV Number of vehicles driving on LPG MOB thousand of vehicles activity
LSCK Low sulphur coke (0.6 %S) SO2 --- technology
LSCO Low sulphur coal (0.6 %S) SO2 --- technology
LSGSL Low sulphur gasoline (0.001 %S) SO2 --- technology
LSHF Low sulphur fuel oil (0.6 %S) PN --- technology
LSHF Low sulphur fuel oil (0.6 %S) SO2 --- technology
LSI+ENC Low solvent inks and enclosure VOC --- technology
LSI+ENC+ACA Low solvent inks, enclosure and adsorption VOC --- technology
LSI+ENC+INC Low solvent inks, enclosure and incineration VOC --- technology
LSI+ENC+INC_ACA Low solvent inks, enclosure and incineration or adsorption VOC --- technology
LSMD1 Low sulphur diesel oil - stage 1 (0.2 % S) PN --- technology
LSMD1 Low sulphur diesel oil - stage 1 (0.2 % S) SO2 --- technology
LSMD2 Low sulphur diesel oil - stage 2 (0.045 % S) PN --- technology
LSMD2 Low sulphur diesel oil - stage 2 (0.045 % S) SO2 --- technology
LSMD3 Low sulphur diesel oil - stage 3 (0.001 % S) SO2 --- technology
LSS+PRM Low solids systems (80% solvent content) and application process with an efficiency of 75% (electrostatic, roller coating, curtain coating, dipping) VOC --- technology
LSS+PRM+INC Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
LSWBI Low solvent or water based inks VOC --- technology
LSWBI+ENC+ACA Low solvent/water based inks, enclosure and adsorption VOC --- technology
LSWBI+ENC+INC Low solvent/water based inks, enclosure and incineration VOC --- technology
LSWBI+ENC+INC_A Low solvent/water based inks and incineration/adsorption VOC --- technology
LT Lifetime --- --- other
LT0100 Vilnius --- --- other
LT0200 Kaunas --- --- other
LT0300 Lietuva --- --- other
LTDDADJ_SQM Long-term degree-days adjustment --- --- other
LTIME Lifetime --- --- other
LUXE_WHOL Luxembourg --- --- other
LV0001 Riga --- --- other
LV0002 Latvia --- --- other
Light duty vehicles&Heavy duty vehicles-diesel Light duty vehicles&Heavy duty vehicles-diesel --- --- gains_jjj_sec_agg
Losses_Coal Coal mining --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Losses_Coal Losses_Coal --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Losses_Distribution_Use Gas distribution --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Losses_Distribution_Use Gas distribution --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Losses_Prod_Conventional_Gas Gas exploration (conventional) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Losses_Prod_Oil Oil production --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Losses_Prod_Shale_Gas Gas exploration (shale gas) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Losses_Vent_Flare Oil and gas (venting, flaring) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Losses_Vent_Flare Oil and gas (venting, flaring) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Losses_Vent_Flare Oil and gas (venting, flaring) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
M ANIMALS Million animals --- --- other
M HA Million hectares --- --- other
M M2 Million square meters --- --- other
M PERSONS Million persons --- --- other
M4_EE_c Motorcycle (M4) with electric engine --- --- other
M4_EE_i Motorcycle (M4) with electric engine, improved design --- --- other
M4_ICE_c Motorcycle (M4) with internal combustion engine --- --- other
M4_ICE_i Motorcycle (M4) with internal combustion engine, improved design --- --- other
MACE_WHOL Macedonia --- --- other
MACRO Macro --- --- act_categories_3
MACRO Macro parameters ( Population, GDP, etc.) ENE 10^9 Euro MEX sector
MACRO Macro parameters ( Population, GDP, etc.) ENE 10^9 Euro PPP sector
MACRO Macro parameters ( Population, GDP, etc.) ENE M people sector
MAGNPR SF6 use in magnesium production and casting FGAS t Mg processed/year sector
MALA_KUAL Malaysia Kuala Lumpur --- --- other
MALA_PENM Malaysia Peninsular Malaysia --- --- other
MALA_SASA Malaysia Sarawak-Sabah --- --- other
MALA_WHOL Malaysia --- --- other
MALT_WHOL Malta --- --- other
MANURE Manure treatment and manure distributed on soils AGR kt N sector
MANURE_N N contained in animal manure AGR kt N activity
MATLA Middle Atlantic --- --- region_to_climate
MAX_APPL_CROSS_HU Maximum penetration - all measures --- --- other
MAX_APPL_CROSS_SQM Maximum penetration - all measures --- --- other
MAX_APPL_HU Maximum penetration of measure --- --- other
MAX_APPL_SQM Maximum penetration of measure --- --- other
MB_CYC Cyclone CH4 --- technology
MB_CYC Cyclone HG --- technology
MB_CYC Cyclone PM --- technology
MB_CYC Cyclone PN --- technology
MB_CYC Cyclone VOC --- technology
MB_HED High efficiency deduster CH4 --- technology
MB_HED High efficiency deduster HG --- technology
MB_HED High efficiency deduster PM --- technology
MB_HED High efficiency deduster PN --- technology
MB_HED High efficiency deduster VOC --- technology
MB_HED_A High efficiency deduster CH4 --- technology
MB_HED_A High efficiency deduster CO --- technology
MB_HED_A High efficiency deduster HG --- technology
MB_HED_A High efficiency deduster PM --- technology
MB_HED_A High efficiency deduster PN --- technology
MB_HED_A High efficiency deduster VOC --- technology
MB_HED_F High efficiency deduster CH4 --- technology
MB_HED_F High efficiency deduster CO --- technology
MB_HED_F High efficiency deduster HG --- technology
MB_HED_F High efficiency deduster PM --- technology
MB_HED_F High efficiency deduster PN --- technology
MB_HED_F High efficiency deduster VOC --- technology
MB_PELL Pellet boiler CH4 --- technology
MB_PELL Pellet boiler CO --- technology
MB_PELL Pellet boiler HG --- technology
MB_PELL Pellet boiler PM --- technology
MB_PELL Pellet boiler PN --- technology
MB_PELL Pellet boiler VOC --- technology
MCBTK Moving Chimney Bull's Trench Kiln CH4 --- technology
MCBTK Moving Chimney Bull's Trench Kiln CO --- technology
MCBTK Moving Chimney Bull's Trench Kiln CO2 --- technology
MCBTK Moving Chimney Bull's Trench Kiln HG --- technology
MCBTK Moving Chimney Bull's Trench Kiln N2O --- technology
MCBTK Moving Chimney Bull's Trench Kiln NOX --- technology
MCBTK Moving Chimney Bull's Trench Kiln PM --- technology
MCBTK Moving Chimney Bull's Trench Kiln PN --- technology
MCBTK Moving Chimney Bull's Trench Kiln SO2 --- technology
MCBTK Moving Chimney Bull's Trench Kiln VOC --- technology
MD Diesel ENE PJ activity
MD Diesel MOB PJ activity
MD Diesel MOB share activity
MD Diesel --- --- act_categories_3
MDEUI EURO 1 CH4 --- technology
MDEUI EURO 1 CO --- technology
MDEUI EURO 1 HG --- technology
MDEUI EURO 1 N2O --- technology
MDEUI EURO 1 NH3 --- technology
MDEUI EURO 1 NOX --- technology
MDEUI EURO 1 PM --- technology
MDEUI EURO 1 PN --- technology
MDEUI EURO 1 VOC --- technology
MDEUII EURO 2 CH4 --- technology
MDEUII EURO 2 CO --- technology
MDEUII EURO 2 HG --- technology
MDEUII EURO 2 N2O --- technology
MDEUII EURO 2 NH3 --- technology
MDEUII EURO 2 NOX --- technology
MDEUII EURO 2 PM --- technology
MDEUII EURO 2 PN --- technology
MDEUII EURO 2 VOC --- technology
MDEUIII EURO 3 CH4 --- technology
MDEUIII EURO 3 CO --- technology
MDEUIII EURO 3 HG --- technology
MDEUIII EURO 3 N2O --- technology
MDEUIII EURO 3 NH3 --- technology
MDEUIII EURO 3 NOX --- technology
MDEUIII EURO 3 PM --- technology
MDEUIII EURO 3 PN --- technology
MDEUIII EURO 3 VOC --- technology
MDEUIV EURO 4 CH4 --- technology
MDEUIV EURO 4 CO --- technology
MDEUIV EURO 4 HG --- technology
MDEUIV EURO 4 N2O --- technology
MDEUIV EURO 4 NH3 --- technology
MDEUIV EURO 4 NOX --- technology
MDEUIV EURO 4 PM --- technology
MDEUIV EURO 4 PN --- technology
MDEUIV EURO 4 VOC --- technology
MDEUV EURO 5 CH4 --- technology
MDEUV EURO 5 CO --- technology
MDEUV EURO 5 HG --- technology
MDEUV EURO 5 N2O --- technology
MDEUV EURO 5 NH3 --- technology
MDEUV EURO 5 NOX --- technology
MDEUV EURO 5 PM --- technology
MDEUV EURO 5 PN --- technology
MDEUV EURO 5 VOC --- technology
MDEUVI EURO 6 CH4 --- technology
MDEUVI EURO 6 CO --- technology
MDEUVI EURO 6 HG --- technology
MDEUVI EURO 6 N2O --- technology
MDEUVI EURO 6 NH3 --- technology
MDEUVI EURO 6 NOX --- technology
MDEUVI EURO 6 PM --- technology
MDEUVI EURO 6 PN --- technology
MDEUVI EURO 6 VOC --- technology
MDEUVII EURO 7 on light duty diesel road vehicles CH4 --- technology
MDEUVII EURO 7 on light duty diesel road vehicles CO --- technology
MDEUVII EURO 7 on light duty diesel road vehicles HG --- technology
MDEUVII EURO 7 on light duty diesel road vehicles N2O --- technology
MDEUVII EURO 7 on light duty diesel road vehicles NH3 --- technology
MDEUVII EURO 7 on light duty diesel road vehicles NOX --- technology
MDEUVII EURO 7 on light duty diesel road vehicles PM --- technology
MDEUVII EURO 7 on light duty diesel road vehicles PN --- technology
MDEUVII EURO 7 on light duty diesel road vehicles VOC --- technology
MDEUVIp EURO 6a/b NOX --- technology
MDEUVIp EURO 6a/b PM --- technology
MDEUVIp EURO 6a/b VOC --- technology
MDEUVIt EURO 6 t CH4 --- technology
MDEUVIt EURO 6 t CO --- technology
MDEUVIt EURO 6 t N2O --- technology
MDEUVIt EURO 6 t NH3 --- technology
MDEUVIt EURO 6 t NOX --- technology
MDEUVIt EURO 6 t PM --- technology
MDEUVIt EURO 6 t PN --- technology
MDEUVIt EURO 6 t VOC --- technology
MD_BIO Bio diesel MOB none activity
MD_KM Medium distillates (diesel,light fuel oil) MOB Gvkm activity
MD_M Diesel ENE PJ activity
MD_M Diesel MOB PJ activity
MD_M Diesel MOB none activity
MD_NV Number of vehicles driving on MD ENE thousand of engines activity
MD_NV Number of vehicles driving on MD MOB thousand of vehicles activity
MD_NV_HE Number of High emitter vehicles driving on MD MOB thousand of vehicles activity
MEDIUM_AREA Share of area occupied by medium size farms AGR share sector
MEDS_EUFL EU flags --- --- other
MEDS_ROWF other --- --- other
MEDS_SH12 12 miles --- --- other
MEDS_WHOL Mediterranean Sea --- --- other
MEXI_WHOL Mexico --- --- other
MEXI_WHOL Mexico --- --- unep_regions3_b
MFR maximum feasible reduction --- --- other
MIDD_EAST Middle East --- --- unep_regions3_b
MIDE_WHOL Middle East --- --- other
MINE_BC Brown coal mining PROC Mt sector
MINE_BC_POST Mining: Brown coal -post-mining emissions PROC Mt sector
MINE_BC_PRE Mining: Brown coal -pre-mining emissions PROC Mt sector
MINE_BC_VAM Mining: Brown coal - ventilation air methane PROC Mt sector
MINE_GP Good practice in mining industry HG --- technology
MINE_GP Good practice in mining industry PM --- technology
MINE_GP Good practice in mining industry PN --- technology
MINE_HC Hard coal mining PROC Mt sector
MINE_HC_POST Mining: Hard coal -post-mining emissions PROC Mt sector
MINE_HC_PRE Mining: Hard coal -pre-mining emissions PROC Mt sector
MINE_HC_VAM Mining: Hard coal - ventilation air methane PROC Mt sector
MINE_OTH Mining: Bauxite, copper, iron ore, other PROC Mt sector
MK Marques Kilns CH4 --- technology
MK Marques Kilns CO --- technology
MK Marques Kilns CO2 --- technology
MK Marques Kilns HG --- technology
MK Marques Kilns N2O --- technology
MK Marques Kilns NOX --- technology
MK Marques Kilns PM --- technology
MK Marques Kilns PN --- technology
MK Marques Kilns SO2 --- technology
MK Marques Kilns VOC --- technology
MLN POP Million inhabitants --- --- other
MMO2I Stage 1 (2-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MMO2I Stage 1 (2-stroke) CO --- technology
MMO2I Stage 1 (2-stroke) HG --- technology
MMO2I Stage 1 (2-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MMO2I Stage 1 (2-stroke) NOX --- technology
MMO2I Stage 1 (2-stroke) PM --- technology
MMO2I Stage 1 (2-stroke) PN --- technology
MMO2I Stage 1 (2-stroke) VOC --- technology
MMO2II Stage 2 (2-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MMO2II Stage 2 (2-stroke) CO --- technology
MMO2II Stage 2 (2-stroke) HG --- technology
MMO2II Stage 2 (2-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MMO2II Stage 2 (2-stroke) NOX --- technology
MMO2II Stage 2 (2-stroke) PM --- technology
MMO2II Stage 2 (2-stroke) PN --- technology
MMO2II Stage 2 (2-stroke) VOC --- technology
MMO2III Stage 3 (2-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MMO2III Stage 3 (2-stroke) CO --- technology
MMO2III Stage 3 (2-stroke) HG --- technology
MMO2III Stage 3 (2-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MMO2III Stage 3 (2-stroke) NOX --- technology
MMO2III Stage 3 (2-stroke) PM --- technology
MMO2III Stage 3 (2-stroke) PN --- technology
MMO2III Stage 3 (2-stroke) VOC --- technology
MMO2IV Stage 4 (2-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MMO2IV Stage 4 (2-stroke) CO --- technology
MMO2IV Stage 4 (2-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MMO2IV Stage 4 (2-stroke) NOX --- technology
MMO2IV Stage 4 (2-stroke) PM --- technology
MMO2IV Stage 4 (2-stroke) PN --- technology
MMO2IV Stage 4 (2-stroke) VOC --- technology
MMO2V Stage 5 (2-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MMO2V Stage 5 (2-stroke) CO --- technology
MMO2V Stage 5 (2-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MMO2V Stage 5 (2-stroke) NOX --- technology
MMO2V Stage 5 (2-stroke) PM --- technology
MMO2V Stage 5 (2-stroke) PN --- technology
MMO2V Stage 5 (2-stroke) VOC --- technology
MMO2VI Stage 6 (2-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MMO2VI Stage 6 (2-stroke) CO --- technology
MMO2VI Stage 6 (2-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MMO2VI Stage 6 (2-stroke) NOX --- technology
MMO2VI Stage 6 (2-stroke) PM --- technology
MMO2VI Stage 6 (2-stroke) PN --- technology
MMO2VI Stage 6 (2-stroke) VOC --- technology
MOB Mobile --- --- other
MOLD_WHOL Republic of Moldova --- --- other
MONG_WHOL Mongolia --- --- other
MONT_WHOL Montenegro --- --- other
MOT4I Stage 1 (4-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MOT4I Stage 1 (4-stroke) CO --- technology
MOT4I Stage 1 (4-stroke) HG --- technology
MOT4I Stage 1 (4-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MOT4I Stage 1 (4-stroke) NOX --- technology
MOT4I Stage 1 (4-stroke) PM --- technology
MOT4I Stage 1 (4-stroke) PN --- technology
MOT4I Stage 1 (4-stroke) VOC --- technology
MOT4II Stage 2 (4-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MOT4II Stage 2 (4-stroke) CO --- technology
MOT4II Stage 2 (4-stroke) HG --- technology
MOT4II Stage 2 (4-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MOT4II Stage 2 (4-stroke) NOX --- technology
MOT4II Stage 2 (4-stroke) PM --- technology
MOT4II Stage 2 (4-stroke) PN --- technology
MOT4II Stage 2 (4-stroke) VOC --- technology
MOT4III Stage 3 (4-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MOT4III Stage 3 (4-stroke) CO --- technology
MOT4III Stage 3 (4-stroke) HG --- technology
MOT4III Stage 3 (4-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MOT4III Stage 3 (4-stroke) NOX --- technology
MOT4III Stage 3 (4-stroke) PM --- technology
MOT4III Stage 3 (4-stroke) PN --- technology
MOT4III Stage 3 (4-stroke) VOC --- technology
MOT4IV Stage 4 (4-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MOT4IV Stage 4 (4-stroke) CO --- technology
MOT4IV Stage 4 (4-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MOT4IV Stage 4 (4-stroke) NOX --- technology
MOT4IV Stage 4 (4-stroke) PM --- technology
MOT4IV Stage 4 (4-stroke) PN --- technology
MOT4IV Stage 4 (4-stroke) VOC --- technology
MOT4V Stage 5 (4-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MOT4V Stage 5 (4-stroke) CO --- technology
MOT4V Stage 5 (4-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MOT4V Stage 5 (4-stroke) NOX --- technology
MOT4V Stage 5 (4-stroke) PM --- technology
MOT4V Stage 5 (4-stroke) PN --- technology
MOT4V Stage 5 (4-stroke) VOC --- technology
MOT4VI Stage 6 (4-stroke) CH4 --- technology
MOT4VI Stage 6 (4-stroke) CO --- technology
MOT4VI Stage 6 (4-stroke) NH3 --- technology
MOT4VI Stage 6 (4-stroke) NOX --- technology
MOT4VI Stage 6 (4-stroke) PM --- technology
MOT4VI Stage 6 (4-stroke) PN --- technology
MOT4VI Stage 6 (4-stroke) VOC --- technology
MSS Medium solids systems (55% solvent content), conventional application process with an efficiency of 35% VOC --- technology
MSS+INC Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
MSS+PRM Medium solids systems (55% solvent content), application process with an efficiency of 75% VOC --- technology
MSW_FOOD Municipal solid waste: food & garden PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_GLA Municipal solid waste: glass PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_HIST_SWD_FLA Historical solid waste diverted to landfill with gas recovery and flaring CH4 --- technology
MSW_HIST_SWD_USE Historical solid waste diverted to landfill with gas recovery and utilization CH4 --- technology
MSW_MET Municipal solid waste: metals PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_OTH Municipal solid waste: other waste PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_PAP Municipal solid waste: paper PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_PLA Municipal solid waste: plastics PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_RUR Rural Municipal solid waste (total) generated PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_RUR_FOOD Rural Municipal solid waste: food & garden PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_RUR_GLA Rural Municipal solid waste: glass PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_RUR_MET Rural Municipal solid waste: metals PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_RUR_OTH Rural Municipal solid waste: other waste PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_RUR_PAP Rural Municipal solid waste: paper PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_RUR_PLA Rural Municipal solid waste: plastics PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_RUR_TEX Rural Municipal solid waste: textiles PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_RUR_WOOD Rural Municipal solid waste: wood PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_TEX Municipal solid waste: textiles PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_TEX Municipal solid waste: textiles PROC share sector
MSW_TOT Municipal solid waste (total) PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_URB Urban Municipal solid waste (total) generated PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_URB_FOOD Urban Municipal solid waste: food & garden PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_URB_GLA Urban Municipal solid waste: glass PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_URB_MET Urban Municipal solid waste: metals PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_URB_OTH Urban Municipal solid waste: other waste PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_URB_PAP Urban Municipal solid waste: paper PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_URB_PLA Urban Municipal solid waste: plastics PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_URB_TEX Urban Municipal solid waste: textiles PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_URB_WOOD Urban Municipal solid waste: wood PROC Mt waste sector
MSW_WOOD Municipal solid waste: wood PROC Mt waste sector
MT Million tons of --- --- other
MT CRUDE Million tons of crude oil --- --- other
MT0001 Maltese Agglomeration --- --- other
MT0002 Maltese Zone --- --- other
MTFR Maximum Technically Feasible Reduction --- --- other
MYAN_WHOL Myanmar --- --- other
M_INC Modernized plant (lower fugitives) and improved thermal oxidation VOC --- technology
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
N-Fertilizer application N-Fertilizer application --- --- sec_cat_label
N-Fertilizer application N-Fertilizer application --- --- sec_cat_label
N2O_USE Use of nitrous oxide PROC M people sector
NA National --- --- region_to_climate
NA Not applicable --- --- other
NACID Nitric acid --- --- emf_ssp_sector
NACID Nitric acid --- --- emf_ssp_sector
NAFR_WHOL North Africa: Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Sudan, Marocco --- --- other
NAGR Agrochemicals - new products VOC --- technology
NAT0 not belonging to Natura2000 --- --- other
NAT1 belonging to Natura 2000 --- --- other
NATIONAL National climate zone --- --- other
NATI_WHOL Italy --- --- other
NCCM New generation closed circuit machine VOC --- technology
NENGL New England --- --- region_to_climate
NEPA_WHOL Nepal --- --- other
NETH_WHOL Netherlands --- --- other
NEWCWPB Conversion of centre worked pre-bake (CWPB) to new technologies (i. e. inert anodes, wetted drained cathodes etc.) FGAS --- technology
NEWPFPB Conversion of point feeder pre-bake (PFPB) to new technologies (i. e. inert anodes, wetted drained cathodes etc.) FGAS --- technology
NEWSWPB Conversion of side worked pre-bake (SWPB) to new technologies (i. e. inert anodes, wetted drained cathodes etc.) FGAS --- technology
NEWVSS Conversion of vertical stud soderberg (VSS) to new technologies (i. e. inert anodes, wetted drained cathodes etc.) FGAS --- technology
NF3 Alternative solvent: use of NF3 FGAS --- technology
NIGE_LAGO Lagos --- --- other
NIGE_OLAG Oyo, Osun, Ogun states --- --- other
NIGE_REST Rest of Nigeria --- --- other
NIGE_WHOL Nigeria --- --- other
NL0100 Noord --- --- other
NL0200 Midden --- --- other
NL0210 Amsterdam/Haarlem --- --- other
NL0220 Utrecht --- --- other
NL0230 Den Haag/ Leiden --- --- other
NL0240 Rotterdam/ Dordrecht --- --- other
NL0300 Zuid --- --- other
NL0310 Eindhoven --- --- other
NL0320 Heerlen/ Kerkrade --- --- other
NL1 Groningen --- --- other
NL10 Noord-Brabant --- --- other
NL11 Limburg --- --- other
NL12 Flevoland --- --- other
NL2 Friesland --- --- other
NL3 Drenthe --- --- other
NL4 Overijssel --- --- other
NL5 Gelderland --- --- other
NL6 Utrecht --- --- other
NL7 Noord-Holland --- --- other
NL8 Zuid-Holland --- --- other
NL9 Zeeland --- --- other
NO1 Oslo, Asker, Bærum, Lørenskog, Skedsmo, Oppegård, Ski, Lier and Drammen --- --- other
NO2 Bergen --- --- other
NO3 Trondheim --- --- other
NO4 Østlandet inclusive Vest-Agder (except zone NO1) --- --- other
NO5 Rogaland, Hordaland (except zone NO2) and Sogn og Fjordane --- --- other
NO6 Møre og Romsdal, Sør-Trøndelag (except zone NO3), Nord-Trøndelag and Nordland. --- --- other
NO7 Troms, Finnmark and Svalbard --- --- other
NOC No control CH4 --- technology
NOC No control CO --- technology
NOC No control CO2 --- technology
NOC No control FGAS --- technology
NOC No control HG --- technology
NOC No control N2O --- technology
NOC No control NH3 --- technology
NOC No control NOX --- technology
NOC No control PM --- technology
NOC No control PN --- technology
NOC No control SO2 --- technology
NOC No control VOC --- technology
NOF No fuel use AGR 0 activity
NOF No fuel use AGR M animals activity
NOF No fuel use AGR M ha activity
NOF No fuel use AGR Mt activity
NOF No fuel use AGR kt activity
NOF No fuel use AGR kt N activity
NOF No fuel use AGR kt NH3 activity
NOF No fuel use AGR kt milk activity
NOF No fuel use AGR none activity
NOF No fuel use AGR share activity
NOF No fuel use FGAS t Refrigerant activity
NOF No fuel use PROC M m2 activity
NOF No fuel use PROC M people activity
NOF No fuel use PROC Mt activity
NOF No fuel use PROC Mt CO2 activity
NOF No fuel use PROC Mt Cl2/year activity
NOF No fuel use PROC Mt waste activity
NOF No fuel use PROC PJ activity
NOF No fuel use PROC kt CH4 activity
NOF No fuel use PROC kt CO activity
NOF No fuel use PROC kt COD activity
NOF No fuel use PROC kt N2O activity
NOF No fuel use PROC kt NOx activity
NOF No fuel use PROC kt PM (TSP) activity
NOF No fuel use PROC kt SO2 activity
NOF No fuel use PROC t Au/year activity
NOF No fuel use PROC t Hg/year activity
NOF No fuel use --- --- act_categories_3
NONEN Non-energy use --- --- gains_sector_3
NONEN Nonenergy use of fuels ENE PJ sector
NON_EXHAUST Sum (abrasion, brake, tyre wear) --- --- other
NORS_EUFL EU flags --- --- other
NORS_ROWF other --- --- other
NORS_SH12 12 miles --- --- other
NORS_WHOL North Sea --- --- other
NORTH Northern part --- --- region_to_climate
NORTH Northern part (placeholder) --- --- region_to_climate
NORW_WHOL Norway --- --- other
NOXEF NOx emission factors --- --- other
NOXRE NOx removal efficiency --- --- other
NOX_EFACT Industrial Processes NOx emission factors --- --- other
NPACI North Pacific --- --- region_to_climate
NPR New process VOC --- technology
NSCDIET Change to more non-structural carbohydrates (more starch and sugars and less fibres) in concentrate feed --- --- other
NSC_CH4 Stock not suitable for CH4 control CH4 --- technology
NSC_NOX Stock not suitable for NOx control NH3 --- technology
NSC_NOX Stock not suitable for NOx control NOX --- technology
NSC_PM Stock not suitable for control CH4 --- technology
NSC_PM Stock not suitable for control CO2 --- technology
NSC_PM Stock not suitable for control NOX --- technology
NSC_PM Stock not suitable for control PM --- technology
NSC_PM Stock not suitable for control PN --- technology
NSC_PM Stock not suitable for control SO2 --- technology
NSC_PM Stock not suitable for control VOC --- technology
NSC_SO2 Stock not suitable for SO2 control SO2 --- technology
NSC_TRA Stock not suitable for control - transport sources CH4 --- technology
NSC_TRA Stock not suitable for control - transport sources NH3 --- technology
NSC_TRA Stock not suitable for control - transport sources NOX --- technology
NSC_TRA Stock not suitable for control - transport sources PM --- technology
NSC_TRA Stock not suitable for control - transport sources PN --- technology
NSC_TRA Stock not suitable for control - transport sources VOC --- technology
NSC_VOC Stock not suitable for VOC control VOC --- technology
NSWAL New South Wales --- --- region_to_climate
NTQLD North Territory + Queensland --- --- region_to_climate
NUC Nuclear ENE PJ activity
NUCLEAR Nuclear --- --- other
NUCLEAR Nuclear --- --- act_categories_3
NZEL_WHOL New Zealand --- --- other
N_INPUT Mass of Nitrogen added AGR kt N activity
N_INPUT Mass of Nitrogen added AGR share activity
None Exhaust None Exhaust --- --- gains_jjj_sec_agg
None road machinery None road machinery --- --- gains_jjj_sec_agg
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
OAFR_WHOL Other Africa --- --- other
OC Polyurethane one component foam FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
OC Polyurethane one component foam FGAS kt HFC/year sector
OCEA_WHOL Oceania --- --- unep_regions3_b
OF Other foam FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
OF Other foam FGAS kt HFC/year sector
OILP Oil production --- --- gains_sector_3
OIL_WORLD world oil price --- --- other
OL Other cattle - liquid systems AGR M animals activity
OL Other cattle - liquid systems AGR kt N activity
OL Other cattle - liquid systems AGR none activity
OL Other cattle - liquid systems --- --- act_categories_3
OLAM_WHOL Other Latin America --- --- other
OL_F Other cattle - liquid (slurry) systems - enteric fermentation AGR M animals activity
OM Operating and maintenance --- --- other
OP Other poultry AGR M animals activity
OP Other poultry AGR kt N activity
OP Other poultry AGR none activity
OP Other poultry --- --- act_categories_3
OPT VIS plus optimisation of the process VOC --- technology
OPTIM Optimize process parameters towards low N2O yield N2O --- technology
OPTPR Process optimization VOC --- technology
ORG_STORE Organic chemical industry - storage VOCP kt VOC sector
OS Other cattle - solid systems AGR M animals activity
OS Other cattle - solid systems AGR kt N activity
OS Other cattle - solid systems AGR none activity
OS Other cattle - solid systems --- --- act_categories_3
OS1 Biomass fuels ENE PJ activity
OS2 Other biomass and waste fuels ENE PJ activity
OTHER Other --- --- act_categories_3
OTHER Other needs --- --- other
OTHER Other sources incl. natural --- --- viet_sec_agg
OTHER_CH4 Other CH4 emissions not included separately in GAINS and statistical differences PROC kt CH4 sector
OTHER_CO Other CO emissions PROC kt CO sector
OTHER_CO2 Other CO2 emissions PROC Mt CO2 sector
OTHER_FGAS Other F-gas emissions (activity given as other FGAS emissions in kt) FGAS Mt CO2 equiv. sector
OTHER_HG Other Hg emissions PROC t Hg/year sector
OTHER_N2O Other N2O emissions PROC kt N2O sector
OTHER_NOX Other NOx emissions PROC kt NOx sector
OTHER_PM Other PM emissions PROC kt PM (TSP) sector
OTHER_SO2 Other SO2 emissions PROC kt SO2 sector
OTHER_VOC Other NMVOC emissions VOCP kt VOC sector
OTHI Generic technology I for TRA_RD_OTH sector CH4 --- technology
OTHI Generic technology I for TRA_RD_OTH sector CO --- technology
OTHI Generic technology I for TRA_RD_OTH sector HG --- technology
OTHI Generic technology I for TRA_RD_OTH sector NH3 --- technology
OTHI Generic technology I for TRA_RD_OTH sector NOX --- technology
OTHI Generic technology I for TRA_RD_OTH sector PM --- technology
OTHI Generic technology I for TRA_RD_OTH sector PN --- technology
OTHI Generic technology I for TRA_RD_OTH sector VOC --- technology
OTHII Generic technology II for TRA_RD_OTH sector CH4 --- technology
OTHII Generic technology II for TRA_RD_OTH sector CO --- technology
OTHII Generic technology II for TRA_RD_OTH sector HG --- technology
OTHII Generic technology II for TRA_RD_OTH sector NH3 --- technology
OTHII Generic technology II for TRA_RD_OTH sector NOX --- technology
OTHII Generic technology II for TRA_RD_OTH sector PM --- technology
OTHII Generic technology II for TRA_RD_OTH sector PN --- technology
OTHII Generic technology II for TRA_RD_OTH sector VOC --- technology
OTHIII Generic technology III for TRA_RD_OTH sector CH4 --- technology
OTHIII Generic technology III for TRA_RD_OTH sector CO --- technology
OTHIII Generic technology III for TRA_RD_OTH sector HG --- technology
OTHIII Generic technology III for TRA_RD_OTH sector NH3 --- technology
OTHIII Generic technology III for TRA_RD_OTH sector NOX --- technology
OTHIII Generic technology III for TRA_RD_OTH sector PM --- technology
OTHIII Generic technology III for TRA_RD_OTH sector PN --- technology
OTHIII Generic technology III for TRA_RD_OTH sector VOC --- technology
OTH_ENERGY Other energy (non-renewable waste) --- --- act_categories_3
OTH_LIVESTOCK Other livestock --- --- act_categories_3
OTH_NH3_EMISS Other NH3 emissions (incl. humans & pets) AGR kt NH3 sector
OTH_ORG_PR Organic chemical industry - downstream units VOCP kt VOC sector
OTH_RENEW Renewables (excl. biomass) --- --- act_categories_3
Other Other --- --- sec_cat_label
Other Other --- --- gains_jjj_sec_agg
Other Other --- --- sec_cat_label
Other Other --- --- sec_cat_label
Other cattle Other cattle --- --- sec_cat_label
Other cattle Other cattle --- --- sec_cat_label
Other livestock Other livestock --- --- sec_cat_label
Other livestock Other livestock --- --- sec_cat_label
Other livestock Other livestock --- --- sec_cat_label
Other livestock Other livestock --- --- sec_cat_label
Other livestock Other livestock --- --- sec_cat_label
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
PAKI_KARA Pakistan Karachi --- --- other
PAKI_NMWP Pakistan NW Frontier Provinces-Baluchistan --- --- other
PAKI_PUNJ Pakistan Punjab (P) --- --- other
PAKI_SIND Pakistan Sind --- --- other
PAKI_WHOL Pakistan --- --- other
PAPER Pulp and paper --- --- emf_ssp_sector
PAPER Pulp and paper --- --- emf_ssp_sector
PAP_INC Paper industry: black liqour recovery and incineration without energy recovery CH4 --- technology
PAP_INC_ENE Paper industry: black liqour recovery and incineration with energy recovery CH4 --- technology
PARA_WHOL Paraguay --- --- other
PB+REC 6% Pentane expandable beads (85%) and recycled EPS waste (15%) VOC --- technology
PB+REC+INC Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
PBCCM Combustion modification on existing brown coal power plants NH3 --- technology
PBCCM Combustion modification on existing brown coal power plants NOX --- technology
PBCCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on existing brown coal power plants NH3 --- technology
PBCCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on existing brown coal power plants NOX --- technology
PBCSCR Selective catalytic reduction on new brown coal power plants NH3 --- technology
PBCSCR Selective catalytic reduction on new brown coal power plants NOX --- technology
PERU_WHOL Peru --- --- other
PFC Perfluorocarbons FGAS kt PFC/year activity
PFC Perfluorocarbons PROC Mt prim Al prod/year activity
PFC_OTH PFC use in other applications including tyres, tennis balls, sport shoes and sometimes in the semiconductor industry FGAS kt PFC/year sector
PFC_OTH PFC use in other applications including tyres, tennis balls, sport shoes and sometimes in the semiconductor industry FGAS t Refrigerant sector
PG Paint and glue produced VOCP kt PG activity
PHARMA Pharmaceutical industry VOCP kt SLV sector
PHCCM Combustion modification on existing hard coal power plants NH3 --- technology
PHCCM Combustion modification on existing hard coal power plants NOX --- technology
PHCCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on existing hard coal power plants NH3 --- technology
PHCCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on existing hard coal power plants NOX --- technology
PHCSCR Selective catalytic reduction on new hard coal power plants CO --- technology
PHCSCR Selective catalytic reduction on new hard coal power plants NH3 --- technology
PHCSCR Selective catalytic reduction on new hard coal power plants NOX --- technology
PHIL_BVMI Philippines Bicol-Visayas-Mindanao --- --- other
PHIL_LUZO Philippines Luzon --- --- other
PHIL_MANI Philippines Metro Manila --- --- other
PHIL_WHOL Philippines --- --- other
PIS Products incorporating solvents VOCP kt PG sector
PJ 10^15 Joules --- --- other
PL Pigs - liquid systems AGR M animals activity
PL Pigs - liquid systems AGR kt N activity
PL Pigs - liquid systems AGR none activity
PL Pigs - liquid systems --- --- act_categories_3
PL0201 Aglomeracja Wroc?awska --- --- other
PL0202 miasto Legnica --- --- other
PL0203 miasto Wa?brzych --- --- other
PL0204 strefa dolno?l?ska --- --- other
PL0401 Aglomeracja Bydgoska --- --- other
PL0402 miasto Toru? --- --- other
PL0403 miasto W?oc?awek --- --- other
PL0404 strefa kujawsko - pomorska --- --- other
PL0601 Aglomeracja Lubelska --- --- other
PL0602 strefa lubelska --- --- other
PL0801 miasto Gorzów Wlkp. --- --- other
PL0802 miasto Zielona Góra --- --- other
PL0803 strefa lubuska --- --- other
PL1001 Aglomeracja ?ódzka --- --- other
PL1002 strefa ?ódzka --- --- other
PL1201 Aglomeracja Krakowska --- --- other
PL1202 miasto Tarnów --- --- other
PL1203 strefa ma?opolska --- --- other
PL1401 Aglomeracja Warszawska --- --- other
PL1402 miasto P?ock --- --- other
PL1403 miasto Radom --- --- other
PL1404 strefa mazowiecka --- --- other
PL1601 miasto Opole --- --- other
PL1602 strefa opolska --- --- other
PL1801 miasto Rzeszów --- --- other
PL1802 strefa podkarpacka --- --- other
PL2001 Aglomeracja Bia?ostocka --- --- other
PL2002 strefa podlaska --- --- other
PL2201 Aglomeracja Trójmiejska --- --- other
PL2202 strefa pomorska --- --- other
PL2401 Aglomeracja Górno?l?ska --- --- other
PL2402 Aglomeracja Rybnicko-Jastrz?bska --- --- other
PL2403 miasto Bielsko-Bia?a --- --- other
PL2404 miasto Cz?stochowa --- --- other
PL2405 strefa ?l?ska --- --- other
PL2601 miasto Kielce --- --- other
PL2602 strefa ?wi?tokrzyska --- --- other
PL2801 miasto Olsztyn --- --- other
PL2802 miasto Elbl?g --- --- other
PL2803 strefa warmi?sko-mazurska --- --- other
PL3001 Aglomeracja Pozna?ska --- --- other
PL3002 miasto Kalisz --- --- other
PL3003 strefa wielkopolska --- --- other
PL3201 Aglomeracja Szczeci?ska --- --- other
PL3202 miasto Koszalin --- --- other
PL3203 strefa zachodniopomorska --- --- other
PLSTYR_PR Polystyrene processing VOCP kt sector
PM Manure production --- --- other
PMOF Primary measures in offset printing, incl. enclosure VOC --- technology
PMOF+INC Primary measures (offset) and incineration VOC --- technology
PMOF+SF Primary measures (offset) and solvent free inks VOC --- technology
PMOF+SF_INC Primary measures (offset), solvent free inks, incineration VOC --- technology
PMSINJ PMSINJ HG --- technology
PM_FGD PM_FGD HG --- technology
PM_INC Burning of Poultry Manure NH3 --- technology
PM_REM PM_REM HG --- technology
PNT Paint use VOCP kt activity
PN_NONUFP PN_nonUFP Number of particles with mobility diameter > 100 nm --- --- other
PN_UFP Number of ultrafine particles (mobility diameter < 100 nm) --- --- other
POGCM Combustion modification on existing oil and gas power plants NH3 --- technology
POGCM Combustion modification on existing oil and gas power plants NOX --- technology
POGCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on existing oil and gas power plants CO --- technology
POGCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on existing oil and gas power plants NH3 --- technology
POGCSC Combustion modification and selective catalytic reduction on existing oil and gas power plants NOX --- technology
POGSCR Selective catalytic reduction on new oil and gas power plants CO --- technology
POGSCR Selective catalytic reduction on new oil and gas power plants NH3 --- technology
POGSCR Selective catalytic reduction on new oil and gas power plants NOX --- technology
POLA_WHOL Poland --- --- other
POP Population PROC M people activity
POP Population VOCP M people activity
POP_TOT Total population (in macro tables) ENE M people activity
PORT_WHOL Portugal --- --- other
POWDER Powder coating system (solvent free) VOC --- technology
POWER_NOPP_ENG Power & heating plants (excluding generator sets) --- --- gains_sector_3
POWER_PL Power & heating plants --- --- gains_sector_3
POWER_PL Power and heating plants --- --- viet_sec_agg
PP Power & district heat plants --- --- other
PPP/MEX Ratio of GDP in PPP to GDP in MEX --- --- other
PP_ENG Diesel generator sets ENE PJ sector
PP_ENG Diesel generator sets ENE thousand of engines sector
PP_ENG Generator sets --- --- gains_sector_3
PP_EX_L Power & district heat plants - existing coal (>50 MWth) ENE PJ sector
PP_EX_OTH Power & district heat plants - existing (excl. coal) ENE PJ sector
PP_EX_S Power & district heat plants - existing coal (<50 MWth) ENE PJ sector
PP_ICD_CCS IGCC new - CHP district heat - CCS --- --- other
PP_ICD_NCS IGCC new - CHP district heat - no CCS --- --- other
PP_ICI_CCS IGCC new - CHP industry - CCS --- --- other
PP_ICI_NCS IGCC new - CHP industry - no CCS --- --- other
PP_IE_CCS IGCC new - elec. only - CCS --- --- other
PP_IE_NCS IGCC new - elec. only - no CCS --- --- other
PP_IGCC Power & district heat plants - IGCC ENE PJ sector
PP_IGCC_CCS IGGC new plant with CCS --- --- other
PP_IGCC_CCS Power & district heat plants - IGCC with CCS ENE PJ sector
PP_IGCC_CHP_DH IGGC new CHP for district heat --- --- other
PP_IGCC_CHP_IN IGGC new CHP in Industry --- --- other
PP_IGCC_EL IGGC new - elec. only --- --- other
PP_IGCC_NOCCS IGGC new plant without CCS --- --- other
PP_MOD Modern power plants (coal: ultra & supercritical; gas: CCGT) ENE PJ sector
PP_MOD_CCS Modern power plants (coal: ultra & supercritical; gas: CCGT) with CCS ENE PJ sector
PP_NCD_CCS non-IGCC new CHP - district heat - CCS --- --- other
PP_NCD_NCS non-IGCC new CHP - district heat - no CCS --- --- other
PP_NCI_CCS non-IGCC new - CHP industry - CCS --- --- other
PP_NCI_NCS non-IGCC new - CHP industry - no CCS --- --- other
PP_NDO_CCS non-IGCC new - district heat only - CCS --- --- other
PP_NDO_NCS non-IGCC new - district heat only - no CCS --- --- other
PP_NEW Power & district heat plants - new (excl. coal) ENE PJ sector
PP_NEW_CCS non-IGGC new plant with CCS --- --- other
PP_NEW_CHP_DH non-IGGC new CHP for district heat --- --- other
PP_NEW_CHP_IN non-IGGC new CHP in Industry --- --- other
PP_NEW_DHO IGGC new district heat only --- --- other
PP_NEW_EL non-IGGC new - elec. only --- --- other
PP_NEW_L Power & district heat plants - new coal (>50 MWth) ENE PJ sector
PP_NEW_NOCCS non-IGGC new plant without CCS --- --- other
PP_NE_CCS non-IGCC new - elec. only - CCS --- --- other
PP_NE_NCS non-IGCC new - elec. only - no CCS --- --- other
PP_TOTAL Power & district heat plants (total) ENE PJ sector
PRDIF Price differences for each fuel where low-sulphur fuel can be used as an emission control measure --- --- other
PRECFARM Precision farming N2O --- technology
PRECFARM Precision farming NOX --- technology
PRF_GP1 Good practice: ind.process - stage 1 (fugitive) HG --- technology
PRF_GP1 Good practice: ind.process - stage 1 (fugitive) PM --- technology
PRF_GP1 Good practice: ind.process - stage 1 (fugitive) PN --- technology
PRF_GP2 Good practice: ind.process - stage 2 (fugitive) HG --- technology
PRF_GP2 Good practice: ind.process - stage 2 (fugitive) PM --- technology
PRF_GP2 Good practice: ind.process - stage 2 (fugitive) PN --- technology
PRM Process modification VOC --- technology
PRM+NAGR Primary and new agrochemical products VOC --- technology
PRM+SUB Process modification and substitution VOC --- technology
PRM+SUB+A_INC Process modification, substitution, adsorption, incineration VOC --- technology
PRM1+LEOP Primary measures paskage one and low level employment of end-of-pipe measures (incl. thermal incineration, condensation, and other) VOC --- technology
PRM2+HEOP Primary measures paskage two and high level employment of end-of-pipe measures (incl. thermal incineration, carbon adsorption, condensation, and other) VOC --- technology
PRMPLUS Primary (lower solvent content of enamel and reduced fugitive emissions) and secondary measures (increased efficiency of the oven) VOC --- technology
PRNOX1 Stage 1 - Process NOx control NOX --- technology
PRNOX2 Stage 2 - Process NOx control NOX --- technology
PRNOX3 Stage 3 - Process NOx control NOX --- technology
PROC Industrial processes & production --- --- act_categories_3
PROC Process --- --- other
PROCESSES Process --- --- other
PROD Production of oil/gas PROC PJ sector
PROD_AGAS Production of oil or gas: venting of flaring of APG PROC PJ sector
PROD_LEAK Production of oil or gas: emissions from unintended leakage during extraction PROC PJ sector
PROPPREC Propionate precursors --- --- other
PRT_OFFS Offset printing (existing) VOCP kt INK sector
PRT_OFFS_NEW Offset printing (new) VOCP kt INK sector
PRT_PACK Flexography & rotogravure - packaging VOCP kt INK sector
PRT_PACK_NEW Flexography & rotogravure - packaging (new inst.) VOCP kt INK sector
PRT_PUB Rotogravure in publication (existing) VOCP kt INK sector
PRT_PUB_NEW Rotogravure in publication (new) VOCP kt INK sector
PRT_SCR Screen printing (existing) VOCP kt INK sector
PRT_SCR_NEW Screen printing (new) VOCP kt INK sector
PRWFGD Wet flue gases desulphurisation (retrofitted) SO2 --- technology
PR_ADIP adipic acid production PROC Mt sector
PR_ALPRIM Aluminum production - primary PROC Mt sector
PR_ALPRIM Primary aluminum --- --- gains_sector_3
PR_ALSEC Aluminum production - secondary PROC Mt sector
PR_AP PR_AP HG --- technology
PR_AUP Total gold production PROC t Au/year sector
PR_BAOX Basic oxygen furnace PROC Mt sector
PR_BRICK Brick production PROC Mt sector
PR_BRIQ Briquettes production PROC Mt sector
PR_CAPR Caprolactam PROC Mt sector
PR_CAST Cast iron (grey iron foundries) PROC Mt sector
PR_CAST_F Cast iron (grey iron foundries) (fugitive) PROC Mt sector
PR_CBLACK Carbon black production PROC Mt sector
PR_CEM Cement and lime --- --- gains_sector_3
PR_CEM Cement production PROC Mt sector
PR_COKE Coke oven PROC Mt sector
PR_COKE Coke ovens --- --- gains_sector_3
PR_CSP Chlorine & caustic soda production - electrolysis using mercury cells PROC Mt Cl2/year sector
PR_CYC Cyclone HG --- technology
PR_CYC Cyclone PM --- technology
PR_CYC Cyclone PN --- technology
PR_EARC Electric arc furnace PROC Mt sector
PR_ESP1 Electrostatic precipitator: 1 field PM --- technology
PR_ESP1 Electrostatic precipitator: 1 field PN --- technology
PR_ESP2 Electrostatic precipitator: 2 fields PM --- technology
PR_ESP2 Electrostatic precipitator: 2 fields PN --- technology
PR_FERT Fertilizer production AGR Mt sector
PR_FF PR_FF HG --- technology
PR_FFSINJ Sorbent injection, combined with a fabric filter specifically installed for Hg control, applied in industrial processes HG --- technology
PR_GLASS Glass production (flat, blown, container glass) PROC Mt sector
PR_HEARTH Open hearth furnace PROC Mt sector
PR_HED High efficiency deduster CO --- technology
PR_HED High efficiency deduster HG --- technology
PR_HED High efficiency deduster PM --- technology
PR_HED High efficiency deduster PN --- technology
PR_LIME Lime production PROC Mt sector
PR_NIAC Nitric acid production PROC Mt sector
PR_OTHER Production of glass fiber, gypsum, PVC, other PROC Mt sector
PR_OT_NFME Non-ferrous metals --- --- gains_sector_3
PR_OT_NFME Non-ferrous metals prod. (excl aluminum) PROC Mt sector
PR_PELL Agglomeration plant - pellets PROC Mt sector
PR_PIGI Pig iron, blast furnace PROC Mt sector
PR_PIGI_F Pig iron, blast furnace (fugitive) PROC Mt sector
PR_PM_FGD PR_PM_FGD HG --- technology
PR_PULP Paper pulp mills PROC Mt sector
PR_PULP Pulp and paper --- --- gains_sector_3
PR_REF Petroleum refineries PROC Mt sector
PR_REF Refineries --- --- gains_sector_3
PR_SINT Agglomeration plant - sinter PROC Mt sector
PR_SINT_F Agglomeration plant - sinter (fugitive) PROC Mt sector
PR_SMIND_F Small industrial and business facilities - fugitive PROC M people sector
PR_STEEL Steel production --- --- gains_sector_3
PR_SUAC Sulfuric acid production PROC Mt sector
PR_WSCRB Wet scrubber PM --- technology
PR_WSCRB Wet scrubber PN --- technology
PS Pigs - solid systems AGR M animals activity
PS Pigs - solid systems AGR kt N activity
PS Pigs - solid systems AGR none activity
PS Pigs - solid systems --- --- act_categories_3
PSFCSN Selective non-catalytic reduction on other biomass and waste fuels for existing powerplants NOX --- technology
PSFSNC Selective non-catalytic reduction on other biomass and waste fuels for new powerplants NOX --- technology
PT Peta joules --- --- other
PT1001 Braga --- --- other
PT1002 Vale do Ave --- --- other
PT1003 Vale do Sousa --- --- other
PT1004 Porto Litoral --- --- other
PT1005 Norte Litoral --- --- other
PT1006 Norte Interior --- --- other
PT2001 Aveiro/Ílhavo --- --- other
PT2002 Coimbra --- --- other
PT2003 Zona de Influência de Estarreja --- --- other
PT2004 Centro Litoral --- --- other
PT2005 Centro Interior --- --- other
PT3001 Área Metropolitana de Lisboa Norte --- --- other
PT3002 Área Metropolitana de Lisboa Sul --- --- other
PT3003 Setúbal --- --- other
PT3004 Vale do Tejo e Oeste --- --- other
PT6001 Funchal --- --- other
PT6003 RAM --- --- other
PT7001 Açores --- --- other
PT8001 Penísula de Setúbal/ Álcacer do Sal --- --- other
PT8002 Zona Sul --- --- other
PVC PVC produced by suspension process VOCP kt activity
PVC_PR Polyvinylchloride produceduction by suspension process VOCP kt sector
PWFGD Wet flue gases desulphurisation SO2 --- technology
Pigs Pigs --- --- sec_cat_label
Pigs Pigs --- --- sec_cat_label
Poultry Poultry --- --- sec_cat_label
Poultry Poultry --- --- sec_cat_label
Power & heating plants Power & heating plants --- --- gains_jjj_sec_agg
Power_Gen_Bio_Trad Power plants (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Bio_Trad Power plants (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Bio_Trad Power plants (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Bio_Trad Power plants (biomass) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Bio_Trad_New Power plants (biomass), new --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Bio_Trad_Old Power plants (biomass), existing --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Coal Power plants (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Coal Power plants (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Coal Power plants (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Coal Power plants (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Coal Power plants (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Coal_IGCC_CCS Power plants (coal), IGCC with CCS --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Coal_New Power plants (coal), new --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_Coal_Old Power plants (coal), existing --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_HLF Power plants (oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_HLF Power plants (oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_HLF Power plants (oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_HLF_CCS Power plants (oil), with CCS --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_LLF Power plants (light oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_LLF Power plants (light oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_NatGas Power plants (gas) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Power_Gen_NatGas Power plants (gas) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
QD Disposal waste --- --- other
QE Electricity use --- --- other
QFI Fodder use --- --- other
QG Gas use --- --- other
QL Labor use --- --- other
QMH Manure application --- --- other
QW Water use --- --- other
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
RAC_B Residential air conditioning using water chilling, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
RAC_B Residential air conditioning using water chilling, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
RAC_S Residential air conditioning using water chilling, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
RAC_S Residential air conditioning using water chilling, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
RAILAC_B Mobile air conditioning in railway coaches, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
RAILAC_B Mobile air conditioning in railway coaches, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
RAILAC_S Mobile air conditioning in railway coaches, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
RAILAC_S Mobile air conditioning in railway coaches, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
RAL Rural area in the country of Luxembourg (represented mainly by the ten remaining cantons) --- --- other
REAF_WHOL Rest of East Africa --- --- other
REC_USE Recovery and use CH4 --- technology
REC_USE Recovery and use CO --- technology
REC_USE Recovery and use CO2 --- technology
REC_USE Recovery and use NH3 --- technology
REC_USE Recovery and use NOX --- technology
REC_USE Recovery and use PM --- technology
REC_USE Recovery and use SO2 --- technology
REC_USE Recovery and use VOC --- technology
REC_USE2 High eff. Recovery and use CH4 --- technology
REC_USE2 High eff. Recovery and use CO --- technology
REC_USE2 High eff. Recovery and use CO2 --- technology
REC_USE2 High eff. Recovery and use NH3 --- technology
REC_USE2 High eff. Recovery and use NOX --- technology
REC_USE2 High eff. Recovery and use PM --- technology
REC_USE2 High eff. Recovery and use SO2 --- technology
REC_USE2 High eff. Recovery and use VOC --- technology
REDUCE Combined application of N2O with other aenesthetics N2O --- technology
REDUCE2 Improved removal efficiency of technology reducing N2O N2O --- technology
RED_FROM Reduction from --- --- other
RED_TO Reduction to --- --- other
REF Product reformulation VOC --- technology
REF1 Reformulation of products (stage 1 - see BIPRO, 2002 study; researched options) VOC --- technology
REF2 Reformulation of products (stage 2 - see BIPRO, 2002 study; feasible but more expensive options) VOC --- technology
REF3 Reformulation of products (stage 3 - see BIPRO, 2002 study; more work required on real potential, options might be prohibitively expensive) VOC --- technology
REMA_BEIJ Remaing Beijing --- --- other
REMA_SHND Remaing Shandong --- --- other
REMEF Removal efficiency coefficients --- --- other
REMEFF Removal Efficiency --- --- other
REN Renewable energy other than biomass ENE PJ activity
REPLACE Exchange N2O by the aenesthetics N2O --- technology
REPL_NET Replacement of grey cast iron gas distribution network CH4 --- technology
RESP1 Generic, e.g. street washing PM --- technology
RESP1 Generic, e.g. street washing PN --- technology
RES_BBQ Meat frying, food preparation, BBQ PROC M people sector
RES_CIGAR Cigarette smoking PROC M people sector
RES_COM Residential combustion --- --- viet_sec_agg
RES_COM Residential combustion --- --- gains_sector_3
RES_CREM Traditional (open-air) cremation PROC M people sector
RES_FIREW Fireworks PROC M people sector
RES_SPC Sorbent polymer catalyst modules in residential emission sources HG --- technology
RETCWPB Retrofitting of centre worked pre-bake (CWPB) technology FGAS --- technology
RETRO Retrofit cost factor, used for calculation of unit investment cost for capacities in 1990 --- --- other
RETSWPB Retrofitting of side worked pre-bake (SWPB) technology FGAS --- technology
RETVSS Retrofitting of vertical stud soderberg (VSS) technology FGAS --- technology
RFGD High efficiency flue gases desulphurisation SO2 --- technology
RICE_FLOOD Continously flooded rice cultivation area AGR M ha sector
RICE_INTER Intermittently flooded rice cultivation area AGR M ha sector
RICE_N Mineral N fertilizer added to rice fields AGR kt N activity
RICE_UPLAND Upland (non-wetland) rice cultivation area AGR M ha sector
RO11199 Bihor --- --- other
RO11299 Bistrita-Nasaud --- --- other
RO11301 Cluj-Napoca --- --- other
RO11399 Cluj --- --- other
RO11401 Baia Mare --- --- other
RO11499 Maramures --- --- other
RO11599 Satu-Mare --- --- other
RO11699 Salaj --- --- other
RO12199 Alba --- --- other
RO12201 Brasov --- --- other
RO12299 Brasov --- --- other
RO12399 Covasna --- --- other
RO12499 Harghita --- --- other
RO12599 Mures --- --- other
RO12699 Sibiu --- --- other
RO21101 Bacau --- --- other
RO21199 Bacau --- --- other
RO21299 Botosani --- --- other
RO21301 Iasi --- --- other
RO21399 Iasi --- --- other
RO21499 Neamt --- --- other
RO21599 Suceava --- --- other
RO21699 Vaslui --- --- other
RO22101 Braila --- --- other
RO22199 Braila --- --- other
RO22299 Buzau --- --- other
RO22301 Constanta --- --- other
RO22399 Constanta --- --- other
RO22401 Galati --- --- other
RO22499 Galati --- --- other
RO22599 Tulcea --- --- other
RO22699 Vrancea --- --- other
RO31101 Pitesti --- --- other
RO31199 Arges --- --- other
RO31299 Calarasi --- --- other
RO31399 Dambovita --- --- other
RO31499 Giurgiu --- --- other
RO31599 Ialomita --- --- other
RO31601 Ploiesti --- --- other
RO31699 Prahova --- --- other
RO31799 Teleorman --- --- other
RO32101 Bucuresti --- --- other
RO32299 Ilfov --- --- other
RO41101 Craiova --- --- other
RO41199 Dolj --- --- other
RO41299 Gorj --- --- other
RO41399 Mehedinti --- --- other
RO41499 Olt --- --- other
RO41599 Valcea --- --- other
RO42199 Arad --- --- other
RO42299 Caras-Severin --- --- other
RO42399 Hunedoara --- --- other
RO42401 Timisoara --- --- other
RO42499 Timis --- --- other
ROMA_WHOL Romania --- --- other
RSAF_WHOL Remaining Southern Africa --- --- other
RUB Synthetic rubber VOCP kt activity
RUB_INC Rubber and plastics industry: waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery CH4 --- technology
RUB_INC_ENE Rubber and plastics industry: waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery CH4 --- technology
RURAL Rural activity PROC Mt waste activity
RURAL_10YR_BP Rural activity at 10yr before the respective - present year PROC Mt waste activity
RURAL_10YR_BP Rural activity at 10yr before the respective - present year PROC share activity
RURAL_20YR_BP Rural activity at 20yr before the respective - present year PROC Mt waste activity
RUSS_AGGR Russia aggregated --- --- other
RUSS_ALTA Altayskiy (Barnaul), Altay (Gorno-Altaysk) --- --- other
RUSS_AMUR Amurskaya (Blagoveshchensk) --- --- other
RUSS_ASIA Russia Asian part --- --- other
RUSS_BURT Buryatiya (Ulan-Ude) --- --- other
RUSS_CHIT Chitinskaya, Aginskiy Buryatskiy (Aginskoye) --- --- other
RUSS_EURO Russia European part --- --- other
RUSS_FEAS Far East --- --- other
RUSS_IRKT Irkutskaya, Ust-Ordynskiy Buryatskiy --- --- other
RUSS_KALI Kaliningrad --- --- other
RUSS_KAMT Kamchatskaya (Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy), Koryakskiy --- --- other
RUSS_KEME Kemerovskaya --- --- other
RUSS_KHAB Khabarovskiy, Evreyskaya(Birobijan) --- --- other
RUSS_KOLK Kola and Karelia --- --- other
RUSS_KRAS Krasnoyarskiy, Taymyrskiy, Evenkiyskiy, Khakasiya --- --- other
RUSS_MGDN Magadanskaya, Chukotskiy (Anadyr) --- --- other
RUSS_MOSC Moscow --- --- other
RUSS_NCAU Northern Caucasus --- --- other
RUSS_NOVO Novosibirskaya --- --- other
RUSS_NWST Northwestern --- --- other
RUSS_OMSK Omskaya --- --- other
RUSS_OTCE Other central --- --- other
RUSS_PLUS Russia+ --- --- unep_regions3_b
RUSS_PRIM Primorskiy (Vladivostok) --- --- other
RUSS_REMR Remaining --- --- other
RUSS_SAHL Sakhalinskaya (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk) --- --- other
RUSS_SIBI Sibiria --- --- other
RUSS_SOUT South --- --- other
RUSS_SPET St Petersburg --- --- other
RUSS_TOMK Tomskaya --- --- other
RUSS_TUMN Tyumenskaya, Khanty-Mansiyskiy, Yamalo-Nenetskiy --- --- other
RUSS_TUVA Tyva (Kyzyl) --- --- other
RUSS_URAL Ural Europe (Kirovskaya, Permskaya, Komi, +) --- --- other
RUSS_URAR Ural Asia-Chelabinskaya, Sverdlovskaya, Kurganskaya --- --- other
RUSS_VOLG Volga --- --- other
RUSS_WHOL Russia --- --- other
RUSS_YAKT Sakha (Yakutsk) --- --- other
R_OTH_NEEDS Other needs - residential --- --- other
Residential combustion Residential combustion --- --- gains_jjj_sec_agg
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
S1 Power and district heat plants --- --- other
S1A Electricity and heat output --- --- other
S1B Refineries and coke plants: combustion --- --- other
S1C Energy sector: own use and losses --- --- other
S2 Residential and commercial etc. --- --- other
S3 Industrial combustion --- --- other
S7 Road transport --- --- other
S8 Non road mobile sources --- --- other
SA Low emission housing NH3 --- technology
SAAR_WHOL Kingdom of Saudi Arabia --- --- other
SAFR_GAUT Gauteng --- --- other
SAFR_REST Rest of South Africa --- --- other
SAFR_WHOL Republic of South Africa --- --- other
SAFR_WHOL South Africa --- --- unep_regions3_b
SATLA South Atlantic --- --- region_to_climate
SA_LNA Low emission housing and manure application NH3 --- technology
SB Utilization rate --- --- other
SC Coated surface VOCP mln m2 activity
SD Seeds VOCP kt activity
SED Simulation of changes in paint formulation and application patterns in order to comply with the EU Product Directive VOC --- technology
SEMICOND PFC use in semiconductor industry FGAS kt PFC/year sector
SEMO_WHOL Serbia and Montenegro --- --- other
SERB_WHOL Serbia --- --- other
SF+SMP Solvent free inks and solvent management plant VOC --- technology
SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride ENE kt SF6/year activity
SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride FGAS kt SF6/year activity
SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride FGAS t Mg processed/year activity
SF6_OTH SF6 use in other applications including tyres, tennis balls, sport shoes and sometimes in the semiconductor industry FGAS kt SF6/year sector
SGASP Shale gas production --- --- gains_sector_3
SH Sheep and goats AGR M animals activity
SH Sheep and goats AGR kt N activity
SH Sheep and goats AGR none activity
SHARE Share of AGR share activity
SHB_HED High efficiency deduster for single house boiler using coal CH4 --- technology
SHB_HED High efficiency deduster for single house boiler using coal HG --- technology
SHB_HED High efficiency deduster for single house boiler using coal PM --- technology
SHB_HED High efficiency deduster for single house boiler using coal PN --- technology
SHB_HED High efficiency deduster for single house boiler using coal VOC --- technology
SHB_IMP_B Biomass single house boiler improved CH4 --- technology
SHB_IMP_B Biomass single house boiler improved CO --- technology
SHB_IMP_B Biomass single house boiler improved HG --- technology
SHB_IMP_B Biomass single house boiler improved PM --- technology
SHB_IMP_B Biomass single house boiler improved PN --- technology
SHB_IMP_B Biomass single house boiler improved VOC --- technology
SHB_NEW_B Biomass single house boiler new CH4 --- technology
SHB_NEW_B Biomass single house boiler new CO --- technology
SHB_NEW_B Biomass single house boiler new HG --- technology
SHB_NEW_B Biomass single house boiler new PM --- technology
SHB_NEW_B Biomass single house boiler new PN --- technology
SHB_NEW_B Biomass single house boiler new VOC --- technology
SHB_NEW_C Coal single house boiler new CH4 --- technology
SHB_NEW_C Coal single house boiler new CO --- technology
SHB_NEW_C Coal single house boiler new HG --- technology
SHB_NEW_C Coal single house boiler new PM --- technology
SHB_NEW_C Coal single house boiler new PN --- technology
SHB_NEW_C Coal single house boiler new VOC --- technology
SHB_PELL Biomass single house boiler - pellets CH4 --- technology
SHB_PELL Biomass single house boiler - pellets CO --- technology
SHB_PELL Biomass single house boiler - pellets HG --- technology
SHB_PELL Biomass single house boiler - pellets PM --- technology
SHB_PELL Biomass single house boiler - pellets PN --- technology
SHB_PELL Biomass single house boiler - pellets VOC --- technology
SHB_PLESP Biomass single house boiler - pellets and electrostatic precipitator CH4 --- technology
SHB_PLESP Biomass single house boiler - pellets and electrostatic precipitator CO --- technology
SHB_PLESP Biomass single house boiler - pellets and electrostatic precipitator HG --- technology
SHB_PLESP Biomass single house boiler - pellets and electrostatic precipitator PM --- technology
SHB_PLESP Biomass single house boiler - pellets and electrostatic precipitator PN --- technology
SHB_PLESP Biomass single house boiler - pellets and electrostatic precipitator VOC --- technology
SHM+ACA Schumacher type desolventiser-toaster-dryer-cooler plus an old hexane recovery section VOC --- technology
SHM+ACAN Schumacher type desolventiser-toaster-dryer-cooler plus a new hexane recovery section and process optimization VOC --- technology
SHO Shoes VOCP mln pairs activity
SHOE Manufacturing of shoes VOCP mln pairs sector
SHP Small hydro power ENE PJ activity
SH_BIOF Share of biofuel MOB share sector
SH_NONRICE_L Share of mineral fertilizers applied on non-rice fields - large farms AGR share sector
SH_NONRICE_M Share of mineral fertilizers applied on non-rice fields - medium farms AGR share sector
SH_NONRICE_S Share of mineral fertilizers applied on non-rice fields - small farms AGR share sector
SH_RICE_L Share of mineral fertilizers applied on rice fields - large farms AGR share sector
SH_RICE_M Share of mineral fertilizers applied on rice fields - medium farms AGR share sector
SH_RICE_S Share of mineral fertilizers applied on rice fields - small farms AGR share sector
SI1 Panonsko --- --- other
SI2 Alpsko in Panonsko --- --- other
SI3 Alpsko - Dinarsko --- --- other
SI4 Sredozemsko --- --- other
SIL Ljubljana --- --- other
SIM Maribor --- --- other
SING_WHOL Singapore --- --- other
SINJ sorbent injection HG --- technology
SKBA01.1 BRATISLAVA --- --- other
SKBA02 Bratislavský kraj --- --- other
SKBB01 Banskobystrický kraj --- --- other
SKKO01.1 KOŠICE --- --- other
SKKO02 Košický kraj --- --- other
SKNI01 Nitriansky kraj --- --- other
SKPR01 Prešovský kraj --- --- other
SKRE_WHOL Slovak Republic --- --- other
SKTN01 Trnavský kraj --- --- other
SKTR01 Tren?iansky kraj --- --- other
SKZI01 Žilinský kraj --- --- other
SLOV_WHOL Slovenia --- --- other
SLV Solvent use VOCP kt SLV activity
SMA Manure applied on arable land --- --- other
SMALL_AREA Share of area occupied by small size farms AGR share sector
SMG Manure applied on grassland --- --- other
SO2PR1 Stage 1 - Process SO2 control SO2 --- technology
SO2PR2 Stage 2 - Process SO2 control SO2 --- technology
SO2PR3 Stage 3 - Process SO2 control SO2 --- technology
SOEA_ASIA Southeastern Asia --- --- unep_regions3_b
SOIL_N Mineral N fertilizer added to agricultural soils AGR kt N activity
SOLVENT Solvent use --- --- gains_sector_3
SOLVENT Solvents --- --- act_categories_3
SOLV_PEM Solvents used in precision, electronics and metal cleaning FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
SOLV_PEM Solvents used in precision, electronics and metal cleaning FGAS kt HFC/year sector
SORBDEM Sorbent material demand --- --- other
SORBENT Sorbent material demand --- --- other
SOUA_REST Rest South Asia --- --- unep_regions3_b
SOUTH Southern part --- --- region_to_climate
SOUTH Southern part (placeholder) --- --- region_to_climate
SPACE_COOL Space cooling --- --- other
SPACE_HEAT Space heating --- --- other
SPACE_VENT Space ventilation --- --- other
SPACI South Pacific --- --- region_to_climate
SPAI_WHOL Spain --- --- other
SPC Sorbent polymer catalyst modules HG --- technology
SPRAY Spraying water at construction places PM --- technology
SPRAY Spraying water at construction places PN --- technology
SPRM Good housekeeping and substitution (60% solvent based and 40% water based adhesives) VOC --- technology
SPRM+BIO Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
SPRM+INC Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
SPRMPLUS As SPRM plus automatic application VOC --- technology
SPV Solar photovoltaic ENE PJ activity
SQM Floor space --- --- other
SRIL_WHOL Sri Lanka --- --- other
SS Farm (stable) size --- --- other
ST Waste storage time --- --- other
ST(II+IB) Stage II and IB at service station VOC --- technology
STCRACK_PR Steam cracking (ethylene & propylene production) VOCP kt sector
STEEL Steel production --- --- emf_ssp_sector
STEEL Steel production --- --- emf_ssp_sector
STH Solar thermal ENE PJ activity
STH_AGR Storage & handling of agricultural crops PROC Mt sector
STH_COAL Storage & handling of coal PROC Mt sector
STH_FEORE Storage & handling of iron ore PROC Mt sector
STH_GP Good practice: storage and handling HG --- technology
STH_GP Good practice: storage and handling PM --- technology
STH_GP Good practice: storage and handling PN --- technology
STH_NPK Storage & handling of N,P,K fertilizers PROC Mt sector
STH_OTH_IN Storage & handling of other industrial bulk products PROC Mt sector
STLHCM Combustion modification on large vessels using residual oil HG --- technology
STLHCM Combustion modification on large vessels using residual oil NH3 --- technology
STLHCM Combustion modification on large vessels using residual oil NOX --- technology
STLHCM Combustion modification on large vessels using residual oil PM --- technology
STLMCM Combustion modification on large vessels using marine diesel fuel HG --- technology
STLMCM Combustion modification on large vessels using marine diesel fuel NH3 --- technology
STLMCM Combustion modification on large vessels using marine diesel fuel NOX --- technology
STLMCM Combustion modification on large vessels using marine diesel fuel PM --- technology
STLSCR Selective catalytic reduction on large vessels using residual oil CO --- technology
STLSCR Selective catalytic reduction on large vessels using residual oil HG --- technology
STLSCR Selective catalytic reduction on large vessels using residual oil NH3 --- technology
STLSCR Selective catalytic reduction on large vessels using residual oil NOX --- technology
STLSCR Selective catalytic reduction on large vessels using residual oil PM --- technology
STMCM Combustion modification on medium vessels using marine diesel fuel HG --- technology
STMCM Combustion modification on medium vessels using marine diesel fuel NH3 --- technology
STMCM Combustion modification on medium vessels using marine diesel fuel NOX --- technology
STMCM Combustion modification on medium vessels using marine diesel fuel PM --- technology
STMSCR Selective catalytic reduction on large vessels using residual oil NOX --- technology
STRIP Combination of STRIP NH3 --- technology
STRIP_COST Stripping cost --- --- other
STVNT Stripping and vent gas treatment VOC --- technology
STVNT+LK STVNT plus leak detection and repair program to reduce fugitive emisisons VOC --- technology
STVNTOPT STVNT plus optimization of emission treatment VOC --- technology
STVNTOPT+LK Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
STV_BRIQ Briquette stove CH4 --- technology
STV_BRIQ Briquette stove CO --- technology
STV_BRIQ Briquette stove HG --- technology
STV_BRIQ Briquette stove PM --- technology
STV_BRIQ Briquette stove VOC --- technology
STV_ESP_B New stove with electrostatic precipitator CH4 --- technology
STV_ESP_B New stove with electrostatic precipitator CO --- technology
STV_ESP_B New stove with electrostatic precipitator HG --- technology
STV_ESP_B New stove with electrostatic precipitator PM --- technology
STV_ESP_B New stove with electrostatic precipitator PN --- technology
STV_ESP_B New stove with electrostatic precipitator VOC --- technology
STV_FAN_B Fan assisted cooking stove CH4 --- technology
STV_FAN_B Fan assisted cooking stove CO --- technology
STV_FAN_B Fan assisted cooking stove PM --- technology
STV_FAN_B Fan assisted cooking stove VOC --- technology
STV_IMP_B Improved stove - biomass CH4 --- technology
STV_IMP_B Improved stove - biomass CO --- technology
STV_IMP_B Improved stove - biomass HG --- technology
STV_IMP_B Improved stove - biomass PM --- technology
STV_IMP_B Improved stove - biomass PN --- technology
STV_IMP_B Improved stove - biomass VOC --- technology
STV_IMP_C Improved stove - coal CH4 --- technology
STV_IMP_C Improved stove - coal CO --- technology
STV_IMP_C Improved stove - coal HG --- technology
STV_IMP_C Improved stove - coal PM --- technology
STV_IMP_C Improved stove - coal PN --- technology
STV_IMP_C Improved stove - coal VOC --- technology
STV_LPG switch to LPG CH4 --- technology
STV_LPG switch to LPG CO --- technology
STV_LPG switch to LPG PM --- technology
STV_LPG switch to LPG VOC --- technology
STV_NEW_B New stove - biomass CH4 --- technology
STV_NEW_B New stove - biomass CO --- technology
STV_NEW_B New stove - biomass HG --- technology
STV_NEW_B New stove - biomass PM --- technology
STV_NEW_B New stove - biomass PN --- technology
STV_NEW_B New stove - biomass VOC --- technology
STV_NEW_C New stove - coal CH4 --- technology
STV_NEW_C New stove - coal CO --- technology
STV_NEW_C New stove - coal HG --- technology
STV_NEW_C New stove - coal PM --- technology
STV_NEW_C New stove - coal PN --- technology
STV_NEW_C New stove - coal VOC --- technology
STV_PELL Pellet stove CH4 --- technology
STV_PELL Pellet stove CO --- technology
STV_PELL Pellet stove HG --- technology
STV_PELL Pellet stove PM --- technology
STV_PELL Pellet stove PN --- technology
STV_PELL Pellet stove VOC --- technology
STV_PLESP Pellet stove with electrostatic precipitator CH4 --- technology
STV_PLESP Pellet stove with electrostatic precipitator CO --- technology
STV_PLESP Pellet stove with electrostatic precipitator HG --- technology
STV_PLESP Pellet stove with electrostatic precipitator PM --- technology
STV_PLESP Pellet stove with electrostatic precipitator PN --- technology
STV_PLESP Pellet stove with electrostatic precipitator VOC --- technology
ST_IAD Stage IA (double stage) at gasoline depots VOC --- technology
ST_IAS Stage IA (single stage) at gasoline depots VOC --- technology
ST_IB Stage IB controls at service stations VOC --- technology
ST_II Stage II controls at service stations VOC --- technology
SUB1_VT Use of 30% solvent based additives and 70% low solvent additives (90% vulcanized rubber and 10% thermoplastic rubber produced) VOC --- technology
SUB1_VT+INC Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
SUB2_VT Use of 10% solvent based additives and 90% low solvent additives (90% vulcanized rubber and 10% thermoplastic rubber produced) VOC --- technology
SUB_U Urea substition NH3 --- technology
SUB_V Use of 30% solvent based additives and 70% low solvent additives (100% vulcanized rubber produced) VOC --- technology
SUB_V+INC Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
SUM Sum --- --- other
SW1 Zone North --- --- other
SW2 Zone Middle --- --- other
SW3 Zone South --- --- other
SW4 Stockholm --- --- other
SW5 Göteborg --- --- other
SW6 Malmö --- --- other
SWD_COMP Managed SWDS compressed without cover CH4 --- technology
SWD_COMP Managed SWDS compressed without cover CO --- technology
SWD_COMP Managed SWDS compressed without cover CO2 --- technology
SWD_COMP Managed SWDS compressed without cover HG --- technology
SWD_COMP Managed SWDS compressed without cover NOX --- technology
SWD_COMP Managed SWDS compressed without cover PM --- technology
SWD_COMP Managed SWDS compressed without cover SO2 --- technology
SWD_COMP Managed SWDS compressed without cover VOC --- technology
SWD_COVER Managed SWDS with cover but without gas recovery CH4 --- technology
SWD_COVER Managed SWDS with cover but without gas recovery CO --- technology
SWD_COVER Managed SWDS with cover but without gas recovery CO2 --- technology
SWD_COVER Managed SWDS with cover but without gas recovery HG --- technology
SWD_COVER Managed SWDS with cover but without gas recovery NOX --- technology
SWD_COVER Managed SWDS with cover but without gas recovery PM --- technology
SWD_COVER Managed SWDS with cover but without gas recovery SO2 --- technology
SWD_COVER Managed SWDS with cover but without gas recovery VOC --- technology
SWD_FLA Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and flaring CH4 --- technology
SWD_FLA Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and flaring CO --- technology
SWD_FLA Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and flaring CO2 --- technology
SWD_FLA Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and flaring HG --- technology
SWD_FLA Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and flaring NOX --- technology
SWD_FLA Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and flaring PM --- technology
SWD_FLA Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and flaring SO2 --- technology
SWD_FLA Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and flaring VOC --- technology
SWD_HIST Historical solid waste disposal - prior to 1980 PROC Mt waste sector
SWD_UNM_HIGH Unmanaged SWDS > 5 meters deep and/or high humidity and arbitrary self-ignition CH4 --- technology
SWD_UNM_HIGH Unmanaged SWDS > 5 meters deep and/or high humidity and arbitrary self-ignition CO --- technology
SWD_UNM_HIGH Unmanaged SWDS > 5 meters deep and/or high humidity and arbitrary self-ignition CO2 --- technology
SWD_UNM_HIGH Unmanaged SWDS > 5 meters deep and/or high humidity and arbitrary self-ignition HG --- technology
SWD_UNM_HIGH Unmanaged SWDS > 5 meters deep and/or high humidity and arbitrary self-ignition NOX --- technology
SWD_UNM_HIGH Unmanaged SWDS > 5 meters deep and/or high humidity and arbitrary self-ignition PM --- technology
SWD_UNM_HIGH Unmanaged SWDS > 5 meters deep and/or high humidity and arbitrary self-ignition SO2 --- technology
SWD_UNM_HIGH Unmanaged SWDS > 5 meters deep and/or high humidity and arbitrary self-ignition VOC --- technology
SWD_UNM_LOW Unmanaged SWDS < 5 meters deep and /or low humidity and arbitrary self-ignition CH4 --- technology
SWD_UNM_LOW Unmanaged SWDS < 5 meters deep and /or low humidity and arbitrary self-ignition CO --- technology
SWD_UNM_LOW Unmanaged SWDS < 5 meters deep and /or low humidity and arbitrary self-ignition CO2 --- technology
SWD_UNM_LOW Unmanaged SWDS < 5 meters deep and /or low humidity and arbitrary self-ignition HG --- technology
SWD_UNM_LOW Unmanaged SWDS < 5 meters deep and /or low humidity and arbitrary self-ignition NOX --- technology
SWD_UNM_LOW Unmanaged SWDS < 5 meters deep and /or low humidity and arbitrary self-ignition PM --- technology
SWD_UNM_LOW Unmanaged SWDS < 5 meters deep and /or low humidity and arbitrary self-ignition SO2 --- technology
SWD_UNM_LOW Unmanaged SWDS < 5 meters deep and /or low humidity and arbitrary self-ignition VOC --- technology
SWD_USE Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and utilization CH4 --- technology
SWD_USE Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and utilization CO --- technology
SWD_USE Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and utilization CO2 --- technology
SWD_USE Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and utilization HG --- technology
SWD_USE Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and utilization NOX --- technology
SWD_USE Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and utilization PM --- technology
SWD_USE Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and utilization SO2 --- technology
SWD_USE Managed SWDS covered and with gas recovery and utilization VOC --- technology
SWED_WHOL Sweden --- --- other
SWIT_WHOL Switzerland --- --- other
SX Nonenergy use of fuels --- --- other
SYNTH_RUB Synthetic rubber production VOCP kt sector
S_GAS Shale gas PROC PJ activity
Soil emissions Soil emissions --- --- gains_jjj_sec_agg
Stationary combustion Stationary combustion --- --- sec_cat_label
Stationary combustion Stationary combustion --- --- sec_cat_label
Stationary combustion Stationary combustion --- --- sec_cat_label
Stationary combustion Stationary combustion --- --- sec_cat_label
Stationary combustion Stationary combustion --- --- sec_cat_label
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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
T Cat.T --- --- other
T/1 Cat.T/Class 1 --- --- other
T/2 Cat.T/Class 2 --- --- other
TAIW_WHOL Taiwan --- --- other
TAJI_WHOL Tajikistan --- --- other
TANZ_WHOL Tanzania --- --- other
TEX Textiles (clothing) VOCP kt TEX activity
TEX_INC Textile industry: waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery CH4 --- technology
TEX_INC_ENE Textile industry: waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery CH4 --- technology
TH Thermal energy --- --- other
THAI_BANG Thailand Bangkok Metropolitan Region --- --- other
THAI_CVAL Thailand Central Valley --- --- other
THAI_NEPL Thailand NE Plateau --- --- other
THAI_NHIG Thailand N Highlands --- --- other
THAI_SPEN Thailand S Peninsula --- --- other
THAI_WHOL Thailand --- --- other
TIM Wood treated VOCP mln m3 activity
TIME_GH milking time during grazing period --- --- other
TIWEUI Stage 1 CH4 --- technology
TIWEUI Stage 1 CO --- technology
TIWEUI Stage 1 HG --- technology
TIWEUI Stage 1 NH3 --- technology
TIWEUI Stage 1 NOX --- technology
TIWEUI Stage 1 PM --- technology
TIWEUI Stage 1 PN --- technology
TIWEUI Stage 1 VOC --- technology
TIWEUII Stage 2 CH4 --- technology
TIWEUII Stage 2 CO --- technology
TIWEUII Stage 2 HG --- technology
TIWEUII Stage 2 NH3 --- technology
TIWEUII Stage 2 NOX --- technology
TIWEUII Stage 2 PM --- technology
TIWEUII Stage 2 PN --- technology
TIWEUII Stage 2 VOC --- technology
TIWEUIII Stage 3A CH4 --- technology
TIWEUIII Stage 3A CO --- technology
TIWEUIII Stage 3A HG --- technology
TIWEUIII Stage 3A NH3 --- technology
TIWEUIII Stage 3A NOX --- technology
TIWEUIII Stage 3A PM --- technology
TIWEUIII Stage 3A PN --- technology
TIWEUIII Stage 3A VOC --- technology
TIWEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF CO --- technology
TIWEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF HG --- technology
TIWEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF NH3 --- technology
TIWEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF NOX --- technology
TIWEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF PM --- technology
TIWEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF PN --- technology
TIWEUIII_PF Stage 3A with DPF VOC --- technology
TIWEUIV Stage 3B CH4 --- technology
TIWEUIV Stage 3B CO --- technology
TIWEUIV Stage 3B HG --- technology
TIWEUIV Stage 3B NH3 --- technology
TIWEUIV Stage 3B NOX --- technology
TIWEUIV Stage 3B PM --- technology
TIWEUIV Stage 3B PN --- technology
TIWEUIV Stage 3B VOC --- technology
TIWEUV Stage 4 CH4 --- technology
TIWEUV Stage 4 CO --- technology
TIWEUV Stage 4 HG --- technology
TIWEUV Stage 4 NH3 --- technology
TIWEUV Stage 4 NOX --- technology
TIWEUV Stage 4 PM --- technology
TIWEUV Stage 4 PN --- technology
TIWEUV Stage 4 VOC --- technology
TIWEUVI Stage 5 CH4 --- technology
TIWEUVI Stage 5 CO --- technology
TIWEUVI Stage 5 HG --- technology
TIWEUVI Stage 5 NH3 --- technology
TIWEUVI Stage 5 NOX --- technology
TIWEUVI Stage 5 PM --- technology
TIWEUVI Stage 5 PN --- technology
TIWEUVI Stage 5 VOC --- technology
TKME_WHOL Turkmenistan --- --- other
TK_COAL Tunnel Kilns (Coal) CH4 --- technology
TK_COAL Tunnel Kilns (Coal) CO --- technology
TK_COAL Tunnel Kilns (Coal) CO2 --- technology
TK_COAL Tunnel Kilns (Coal) HG --- technology
TK_COAL Tunnel Kilns (Coal) N2O --- technology
TK_COAL Tunnel Kilns (Coal) NOX --- technology
TK_COAL Tunnel Kilns (Coal) PM --- technology
TK_COAL Tunnel Kilns (Coal) PN --- technology
TK_COAL Tunnel Kilns (Coal) SO2 --- technology
TK_COAL Tunnel Kilns (Coal) VOC --- technology
TK_EOF Tunnel Kiln with end of pipe abatement CH4 --- technology
TK_EOF Tunnel Kiln with end of pipe abatement CO --- technology
TK_EOF Tunnel Kiln with end of pipe abatement CO2 --- technology
TK_EOF Tunnel Kiln with end of pipe abatement HG --- technology
TK_EOF Tunnel Kiln with end of pipe abatement N2O --- technology
TK_EOF Tunnel Kiln with end of pipe abatement NOX --- technology
TK_EOF Tunnel Kiln with end of pipe abatement PM --- technology
TK_EOF Tunnel Kiln with end of pipe abatement PN --- technology
TK_EOF Tunnel Kiln with end of pipe abatement SO2 --- technology
TK_EOF Tunnel Kiln with end of pipe abatement VOC --- technology
TK_OTHER Tunnel Kilns burning other fuels than coal CH4 --- technology
TK_OTHER Tunnel Kilns burning other fuels than coal CO --- technology
TK_OTHER Tunnel Kilns burning other fuels than coal CO2 --- technology
TK_OTHER Tunnel Kilns burning other fuels than coal HG --- technology
TK_OTHER Tunnel Kilns burning other fuels than coal N2O --- technology
TK_OTHER Tunnel Kilns burning other fuels than coal NOX --- technology
TK_OTHER Tunnel Kilns burning other fuels than coal PM --- technology
TK_OTHER Tunnel Kilns burning other fuels than coal PN --- technology
TK_OTHER Tunnel Kilns burning other fuels than coal SO2 --- technology
TK_OTHER Tunnel Kilns burning other fuels than coal VOC --- technology
TRA Mobile sources --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA Transport --- --- other
TRA Transport --- --- viet_sec_agg
TRANS Gas transmission (long distance) --- --- gains_sector_3
TRANS Transmission of natural gas PROC PJ gas transmitted sector
TRANS_KM Length of onshore gas transportation pipelines PROC km sector
TRA_F_CH4 Fugitive emissions from gas distribution to transport sector MOB PJ sector
TRA_OT Non-road, other MOB PJ sector
TRA_OTH Non-road machinery --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_OTS_L Coastal shipping, large vessels MOB PJ sector
TRA_OTS_L Coastal shipping, large vessels MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_OTS_M Coastal shipping, medium vessels MOB PJ sector
TRA_OTS_M Coastal shipping, medium vessels MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_OT_AGR Agricultural machinery --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_OT_AGR Agriculture MOB PJ sector
TRA_OT_AGR Agriculture MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_OT_AGR-MD Agriculture-Diesel --- --- other
TRA_OT_AIR Aviation - LTO MOB PJ sector
TRA_OT_AIR_DOM Domestic aviation MOB PJ sector
TRA_OT_CNS Construction machinery MOB PJ sector
TRA_OT_CNS Construction machinery MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_OT_CNS Construction machinery --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_OT_CNS-MD Construction machinery-Diesel --- --- other
TRA_OT_EV Non-road gasoline engines - evaporative MOB PJ sector
TRA_OT_INW Inland waterways MOB PJ sector
TRA_OT_INW Inland waterways MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_OT_LB Other non-road machinery MOB PJ sector
TRA_OT_LB Other non-road machinery MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_OT_LD2 2-stroke engines (non-road) MOB PJ sector
TRA_OT_LD2 2-stroke engines (non-road) MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_OT_OTHER Other machinery --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_OT_OTHER-GSL Other machinery-Gasoline --- --- other
TRA_OT_OTHER-MD Other machinery-Diesel --- --- other
TRA_OT_RAI Railways MOB Gvkm sector
TRA_OT_RAI Railways MOB PJ sector
TRA_OT_RAI Railways MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_OT_RAI Railways --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_OT_RAI-MD Railways-Diesel --- --- other
TRA_OT_SHIP_NAT Shipping --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_OT_SHIP_NAT-MD Shipping-Diesel --- --- other
TRA_RD Road transport --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_RD Road vehicles MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_ELE Electric vehicles --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_RD_EV Road - gasoline engines - evaporative MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_HD Heavy duty vehicles-diesel --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_RD_HDB Buses MOB Gvkm sector
TRA_RD_HDB Buses MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_HDB Buses MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_RD_HDB_B Mobile air conditioning in buses, emissions banked in equipment MOB kt HFC/year sector
TRA_RD_HDB_B Mobile air conditioning in buses, emissions banked in equipment MOB none sector
TRA_RD_HDB_S Mobile air conditioning in buses, emissions from scrapped equipment MOB kt HFC/year sector
TRA_RD_HDB_S Mobile air conditioning in buses, emissions from scrapped equipment MOB none sector
TRA_RD_HDT Heavy duty vehicles MOB Gvkm sector
TRA_RD_HDT Heavy duty vehicles MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_HDT Heavy duty vehicles MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_RD_HDT_B Mobile air conditioning in heavy duty trucks, emissions banked in equipment MOB kt HFC/year sector
TRA_RD_HDT_B Mobile air conditioning in heavy duty trucks, emissions banked in equipment MOB none sector
TRA_RD_HDT_S Mobile air conditioning in heavy duty trucks, emissions from scrapped equipment MOB kt HFC/year sector
TRA_RD_HDT_S Mobile air conditioning in heavy duty trucks, emissions from scrapped equipment MOB none sector
TRA_RD_LD Light duty vehicles --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_RD_LD2 Mopeds MOB Gvkm sector
TRA_RD_LD2 Mopeds MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_LD2 Mopeds MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_RD_LD2_M4 2 Wheel --- --- other
TRA_RD_LD4C Cars MOB Gvkm sector
TRA_RD_LD4C Cars MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_LD4C Cars MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_RD_LD4C_B Mobile air conditioning in cars, emissions banked in equipment MOB kt HFC/year sector
TRA_RD_LD4C_B Mobile air conditioning in cars, emissions banked in equipment MOB none sector
TRA_RD_LD4C_EV Cars - evaporative MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_LD4C_S Mobile air conditioning in cars, emissions from scrapped equipment MOB kt HFC/year sector
TRA_RD_LD4C_S Mobile air conditioning in cars, emissions from scrapped equipment MOB none sector
TRA_RD_LD4T Light duty vehicles MOB Gvkm sector
TRA_RD_LD4T Light duty vehicles MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_LD4T Light duty vehicles MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_RD_LD4T_B Mobile air conditioning in light duty trucks, emissions banked in equipment MOB kt HFC/year sector
TRA_RD_LD4T_B Mobile air conditioning in light duty trucks, emissions banked in equipment MOB none sector
TRA_RD_LD4T_EV Light duty vehicles - evaporative MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_LD4T_S Mobile air conditioning in light duty trucks, emissions from scrapped equipment MOB kt HFC/year sector
TRA_RD_LD4T_S Mobile air conditioning in light duty trucks, emissions from scrapped equipment MOB none sector
TRA_RD_LD4_EV Evaporative emissions from 4-stroke engines --- --- other
TRA_RD_LDD Light duty vehicles-diesel --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_RD_LDG Light duty vehicles-gasoline --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_RD_M4 Motorcycles MOB Gvkm sector
TRA_RD_M4 Motorcycles MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_M4 Motorcycles MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_RD_OTH Generic road vehicles as 3-wheelers and others MOB Gvkm sector
TRA_RD_OTH Generic road vehicles as 3-wheelers and others MOB PJ sector
TRA_RD_OTH Generic road vehicles as 3-wheelers and others MOB thousand of vehicles sector
TRA_RD_OTHER Other road transport --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_RD_P2W Motorcycles --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_RD_WEAR Non-exhaust --- --- gains_sector_3
TRA_REFB Refrigerated transport, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
TRA_REFB Refrigerated transport, emissions banked in equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
TRA_REFS Refrigerated transport, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HCFC/year sector
TRA_REFS Refrigerated transport, emissions from scrapped equipment FGAS kt HFC/year sector
TREAT_AD Source separated and treated in anaerobic digestion (biogasification) plant with energy recovery CH4 --- technology
TREAT_AD Source separated and treated in anaerobic digestion (biogasification) plant with energy recovery CO --- technology
TREAT_AD Source separated and treated in anaerobic digestion (biogasification) plant with energy recovery CO2 --- technology
TREAT_AD Source separated and treated in anaerobic digestion (biogasification) plant with energy recovery NOX --- technology
TREAT_AD Source separated and treated in anaerobic digestion (biogasification) plant with energy recovery PM --- technology
TREAT_AD Source separated and treated in anaerobic digestion (biogasification) plant with energy recovery SO2 --- technology
TREAT_AD Source separated and treated in anaerobic digestion (biogasification) plant with energy recovery VOC --- technology
TREAT_HSC Source separated and treated in household composts CH4 --- technology
TREAT_HSC Source separated and treated in household composts CO --- technology
TREAT_HSC Source separated and treated in household composts CO2 --- technology
TREAT_HSC Source separated and treated in household composts NOX --- technology
TREAT_HSC Source separated and treated in household composts PM --- technology
TREAT_HSC Source separated and treated in household composts SO2 --- technology
TREAT_HSC Source separated and treated in household composts VOC --- technology
TREAT_INC Mixed waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery CH4 --- technology
TREAT_INC Mixed waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery CO --- technology
TREAT_INC Mixed waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery CO2 --- technology
TREAT_INC Mixed waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery HG --- technology
TREAT_INC Mixed waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery NOX --- technology
TREAT_INC Mixed waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery PM --- technology
TREAT_INC Mixed waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery SO2 --- technology
TREAT_INC Mixed waste incinerated in plant without energy recovery VOC --- technology
TREAT_INC_ENE Mixed waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery CH4 --- technology
TREAT_INC_ENE Mixed waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery CO --- technology
TREAT_INC_ENE Mixed waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery CO2 --- technology
TREAT_INC_ENE Mixed waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery HG --- technology
TREAT_INC_ENE Mixed waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery NOX --- technology
TREAT_INC_ENE Mixed waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery PM --- technology
TREAT_INC_ENE Mixed waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery SO2 --- technology
TREAT_INC_ENE Mixed waste incinerated in plant with energy recovery VOC --- technology
TREAT_LSC Source separated and treated in large-scale (municipality/village-size) composts CH4 --- technology
TREAT_LSC Source separated and treated in large-scale (municipality/village-size) composts CO --- technology
TREAT_LSC Source separated and treated in large-scale (municipality/village-size) composts CO2 --- technology
TREAT_LSC Source separated and treated in large-scale (municipality/village-size) composts NOX --- technology
TREAT_LSC Source separated and treated in large-scale (municipality/village-size) composts PM --- technology
TREAT_LSC Source separated and treated in large-scale (municipality/village-size) composts SO2 --- technology
TREAT_LSC Source separated and treated in large-scale (municipality/village-size) composts VOC --- technology
TREAT_REC Source separated and recycled CH4 --- technology
TREAT_REC Source separated and recycled CO --- technology
TREAT_REC Source separated and recycled CO2 --- technology
TREAT_REC Source separated and recycled NOX --- technology
TREAT_REC Source separated and recycled PM --- technology
TREAT_REC Source separated and recycled SO2 --- technology
TREAT_REC Source separated and recycled VOC --- technology
TSAP Thematic Strategy on Air Pollution --- --- other
TSBP_IA Use of traditional solvent based paints but improved application efficiency up to 65% VOC --- technology
TSBP_IA+INC Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
TURK_WHOL Turkey --- --- other
TURK_WHOL Turkey --- --- unep_regions3_b
TWIN_RED Twin reduction system in parallel avoids N2O leakage N2O --- technology
TYR Tyres VOCP kt activity
TYRE Tyre wear MOB Gvkm activity
TYRES Tyre production VOCP kt sector
T_GAS Tight gas PROC PJ activity
Transformations_Coal Transformation (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Transformations_Coal Transformation (coal) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Transformations_HLF Transformation (oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Transformations_HLF Transformation (oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Transformations_HLF_Refinery Transformation (refinery) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Transformations_HLF_Refinery Transformation (refinery) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Transformations_LLF Transformation (light oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Transformations_LLF Transformation (light oil) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Transformations_NatGas Transformation (gas) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Transformations_NatGas Transformation (gas) --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Transport Transport --- --- sec_cat_label
Transport Transport --- --- sec_cat_label
Transport Transport --- --- sec_cat_label
Transport Transport --- --- sec_cat_label
Transport Transport --- --- sec_cat_label
Transport Transport --- --- sec_cat_label
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
UCAP_FROM Unit capacity from --- --- other
UCAP_TO Unit capacity to --- --- other
UFC Unit fuel consumption --- --- other
UGAN_WHOL Uganda --- --- other
UK0001 Greater London Urban Area --- --- other
UK0002 West Midlands Urban Area --- --- other
UK0003 Greater Manchester Urban Area --- --- other
UK0004 West Yorkshire Urban Area --- --- other
UK0005 Tyneside --- --- other
UK0006 Liverpool Urban Area --- --- other
UK0007 Sheffield Urban Area --- --- other
UK0008 Nottingham Urban Area --- --- other
UK0009 Bristol Urban Area --- --- other
UK0010 Brighton/Worthing/Littlehampton --- --- other
UK0011 Leicester Urban Area --- --- other
UK0012 Portsmouth Urban Area --- --- other
UK0013 Teesside Urban Area --- --- other
UK0014 The Potteries --- --- other
UK0015 Bournemouth Urban Area --- --- other
UK0016 Reading/Wokingham Urban Area --- --- other
UK0017 Coventry/Bedworth --- --- other
UK0018 Kingston upon Hull --- --- other
UK0019 Southampton Urban Area --- --- other
UK0020 Birkenhead Urban Area --- --- other
UK0021 Southend Urban Area --- --- other
UK0022 Blackpool Urban Area --- --- other
UK0023 Preston Urban Area --- --- other
UK0024 Glasgow Urban Area --- --- other
UK0025 Edinburgh Urban Area --- --- other
UK0026 Cardiff Urban Area --- --- other
UK0027 Swansea Urban Area --- --- other
UK0028 Belfast Urban Area --- --- other
UK0029 Eastern --- --- other
UK0030 South West --- --- other
UK0031 South East --- --- other
UK0032 East Midlands --- --- other
UK0033 North West & Merseyside --- --- other
UK0034 Yorkshire & Humberside --- --- other
UK0035 West Midlands --- --- other
UK0036 North East --- --- other
UK0037 Central Scotland --- --- other
UK0038 North East Scotland --- --- other
UK0039 Highland --- --- other
UK0040 Scottish Borders --- --- other
UK0041 South Wales --- --- other
UK0042 North Wales --- --- other
UK0043 Northern Ireland --- --- other
UKRA_PLUS Ukraine+ --- --- unep_regions3_b
UKRA_WHOL Ukraine --- --- other
UNC_ACT Unit cost over activity --- --- other
UNC_BURN Uncollected waste - open burned CH4 --- technology
UNC_BURN Uncollected waste - open burned CO --- technology
UNC_BURN Uncollected waste - open burned CO2 --- technology
UNC_BURN Uncollected waste - open burned HG --- technology
UNC_BURN Uncollected waste - open burned NOX --- technology
UNC_BURN Uncollected waste - open burned PM --- technology
UNC_BURN Uncollected waste - open burned SO2 --- technology
UNC_BURN Uncollected waste - open burned VOC --- technology
UNC_SO2 Process emissions control costs for SO2 control --- --- other
UNKI_WHOL United Kingdom --- --- other
UPACA Upgrade of the condensation units or carbon adsorption and solvent recovery VOC --- technology
URBAN Urban activity PROC Mt waste activity
URBAN_10YR_BP Urban activity at 10yr before the respective - present year PROC Mt waste activity
URBAN_20YR_BP Urban activity at 20yr before the respective - present year PROC Mt waste activity
URUG_WHOL Uruguay --- --- other
USAM_ALAS USA Alaska --- --- other
USAM_MAIN USA excl. Alaska --- --- other
USAM_WHOL USA --- --- unep_regions3_b
USAM_WHOL United States of America --- --- other
UZBE_WHOL Uzbekistan --- --- other
Unattributed Unattributed --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Unattributed Unattributed --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Unattributed Unattributed --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Unattributed Unattributed --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Unattributed Unattributed --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Unattributed Unattributed --- --- emf_ssp_sector
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
VAMOX VAMOX descr. missing CH4 --- technology
VAMOX_VENT VAMOX_VENT descr. missing CH4 --- technology
VA_AGR Value added - agriculture, forestry, fishing ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_COMM Value added - commercial sector (trade, other services) ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_CONSTR Value added - construction ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_ELGW Value added - electricity, gas and water supply ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_ENER Value added - energy ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_IND Value added - manufacturing industry (except energy) ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDCHEM Value added - chemicals ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDFOOD Value added - food, beverages, tobacco ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDISTE Value added - iron and steel ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDMET Value added - basic metals ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDNFME Value added - non-ferrous metals ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDNMMI Value added - non-metalic minerals ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDOTH Value added - other industries ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDPAP Value added - pulp, paper, paper products and printing ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDRUB Value added - plastics and rubber ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDTEX Value added - textile, leather, footwear ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_INDWOOD Value added - wood and wood products ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_MINE Value added - mining and quarrying ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_ORCKNF Value added - mineral oil refining, coke and nuclear fuel ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_PRINT Value added - printing and publishing ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_TERT Value added - tertiary sector (transport, trade, other services) ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_TOT Gross value added - total ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VA_TRANS Value added - transport ENE 10^9 Euro MEX activity
VBAL Vapour balancing on tankers and loading facilities VOC --- technology
VBAL+VF_ALT Vapour balancing and alternatives for venting and flaring VOC --- technology
VBAL+V_ALT Vapour balancing and alternatives for venting VOC --- technology
VEH Vehicles VOCP kveh activity
VEHR_P Vehicle refinishing VOCP kt sector
VEHR_P_NEW Vehicle refinishing (new installations) VOCP kt sector
VEHTR (De)Waxing and underbody treatment of vehicles VOCP M people sector
VEH_IM Inspection and maintenance NOX --- technology
VEH_IM Inspection and maintenance PM --- technology
VEH_IM Inspection and maintenance VOC --- technology
VEH_KM Non-exhaust --- --- act_categories_3
VEH_NO Vehicle number --- --- act_categories_3
VENE_WHOL Venezuela --- --- other
VHSS Very high solids systems (5% solvent content), application process with an efficiency of 35% VOC --- technology
VHSS+PRM Very high solids systems (5% solvent content), application process with an efficiency of 75% VOC --- technology
VICT Victoria --- --- region_to_climate
VIET_BNHY Vietnam; Bac Ninh, Hung Yen --- --- other
VIET_BNIH Vietnam; Bac Ninh --- --- other
VIET_HNOI Vietnam; Ha Noi --- --- other
VIET_HYEN Vietnam; Hung Yen --- --- other
VIET_NORT Northern Vietnam: Red River Delta-Hanoi --- --- other
VIET_OCAR Vietnam; Other Ha Noi Captial Region --- --- other
VIET_ONOR Vietnam; Other Northern Vietnam --- --- other
VIET_SOUT Southern Vietnam: Mekong River Delta-Ho Chi Minh City --- --- other
VIET_WHOL Vietnam --- --- other
VIS Improved application technique (vacuum impregnation system) VOC --- technology
VIS+ACA Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
VIS+INC Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
VRT Variable Rate Technology N2O --- technology
VRT Variable Rate Technology NOX --- technology
VRU_I Vapour recovery unit (single stage) VOC --- technology
VRU_II Vapour recovery unit (double stage) VOC --- technology
VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln with basic dust control CH4 --- technology
VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln with basic dust control CO --- technology
VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln with basic dust control CO2 --- technology
VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln with basic dust control HG --- technology
VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln with basic dust control N2O --- technology
VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln with basic dust control NOX --- technology
VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln with basic dust control PM --- technology
VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln with basic dust control PN --- technology
VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln with basic dust control SO2 --- technology
VSBK Vertical Shaft Brick Kiln with basic dust control VOC --- technology
V_ALT Alternatives and increased recovery for venting VOC --- technology
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
WAFR_WHOL Western Africa (excl Nigeria) --- --- other
WAGES_AGR Wages agriculture --- --- other
WAGES_IND Wages industry --- --- other
WASA West+South Australia --- --- region_to_climate
WASTE Waste --- --- gains_sector_3
WASTE Waste --- --- viet_sec_agg
WASTE_AGR Agricultural waste burning AGR Mt sector
WASTE_FLR Flaring in refineries PROC PJ sector
WASTE_VOC Waste treatment and disposal VOCP kt VOC sector
WATER_HEAT Water heating --- --- other
WBC_L Use of water based coating VOC --- technology
WBD Water based cleaning process VOC --- technology
WBI Water based inks VOC --- technology
WBI+BIO Water based inks and biofiltration (large inst.) VOC --- technology
WBI+ENC+ACA Water based inks, enclosure and adsorption VOC --- technology
WBI+ENC+INC Water based inks, enclosure and incineration VOC --- technology
WBI+ENC+INC_ACA Water based inks, enclosure and incineration or adsorption VOC --- technology
WBI+ENC+INC_BIO Water based inks, enclosure and incineration or biofltration VOC --- technology
WBI+INC Water bsaed inks, incineration (for new inst. with enclosure) VOC --- technology
WBP Use of water based paints (5%): application efficiency as above VOC --- technology
WCLEAN Water cleaning VOC --- technology
WEO World Energy Outlook --- --- other
WEST_EURO Western Europe --- --- unep_regions3_b
WIND_B SF6 use in soundproof windows FGAS kt SF6/year sector
WIRE Winding wire coating VOCP kt sector
WNCEN West North Central --- --- region_to_climate
WND Wind ENE PJ activity
WOOD Wood preservation (excl. creosote) VOCP mln m3 sector
WOOD_CR Wood preservation (creosote) VOCP mln m3 sector
WOOD_INC Wood industry: waste incinerated without energy recovery CH4 --- technology
WOOD_INC_ENE Wood industry: waste incinerated with energy recovery CH4 --- technology
WOOD_P Wood coating VOCP mln m2 sector
WOOD_REC Wood industry: waste recycled into chipboards and similar CH4 --- technology
WPR Use of water based preservatives (conventional application methods) VOC --- technology
WPR+VIS Combination of the above options VOC --- technology
WSCEN West South Central --- --- region_to_climate
WSCRB Wet scrubber CO --- technology
WSCRB Wet scrubber PM --- technology
WSCRB Wet scrubber PN --- technology
WSCRB_REM Wet scrubber - remaining capacity HG --- technology
WSFNR Waste fuels, non-renewable ENE PJ activity
WSFR Waste fuel, renewable ENE PJ activity
WSMOU West South Mountain --- --- region_to_climate
WT_NH3_EMISS Waste treatment and disposal (incl. sludge application) AGR kt NH3 sector
WW_DOM Domestic wastewater PROC M people sector
WW_DOM_CC_NOC Domestic wastewater: centralized collection without treatment PROC M people sector
WW_DOM_CC_TRM Domestic wastewater: centralized collection with treatment PROC M people sector
WW_DOM_DC_NOC Domestic wastewater: decentralized collection without treatment PROC M people sector
WW_DOM_DC_TRM Domestic wastewater: decentralized collection with treatment PROC M people sector
Waste Waste --- --- sec_cat_label
Waste Waste --- --- sec_cat_label
Waste Waste --- --- sec_cat_label
Waste_Solid_Industrial Industrial solid waste --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Waste_Solid_Municipal Municipal solid waste --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Waste_Water_Industrial Industrial waste water --- --- emf_ssp_sector
Waste_Water_Municipal Municipal waste water --- --- emf_ssp_sector
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
XK0001 Prishtina --- --- other
XK0002 Kosovo --- --- other
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
ZIG_ZAG Zig-Zag kilns CH4 --- technology
ZIG_ZAG Zig-Zag kilns CO --- technology
ZIG_ZAG Zig-Zag kilns CO2 --- technology
ZIG_ZAG Zig-Zag kilns HG --- technology
ZIG_ZAG Zig-Zag kilns N2O --- technology
ZIG_ZAG Zig-Zag kilns NOX --- technology
ZIG_ZAG Zig-Zag kilns PM --- technology
ZIG_ZAG Zig-Zag kilns PN --- technology
ZIG_ZAG Zig-Zag kilns SO2 --- technology
ZIG_ZAG Zig-Zag kilns VOC --- technology
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Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
10 Agriculture --- --- snap_codes
10YR_BP Activity at 10yr before the respective - present year, i.e. 1980 and 1985 - Used to emulate stocks (pools) of landfilled waste PROC Mt waste activity
10YR_BP Activity at 10yr before the respective - present year, i.e. 1980 and 1985 - Used to emulate stocks (pools) of landfilled waste PROC share activity
11 Other --- --- snap_codes
11B Forest fires and other natural emissions --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A1a Public electricity and heat production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A1b Petroleum refining --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A1c Manufacture of solid fuels and other energy industries --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A2a Stationary combustion in industry Iron and steel --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A2b Stationary combustion in industry: Non-ferrous metals --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A2c Stationary combustion in industry: Chemicals --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A2d Stationary combustion in industry: Pulp, Paper and Print --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A2eg Stationary combustion in industry: Food processing, beverages and tobacco and Other --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A2f Stationary combustion in industry: Non metallic minerals --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A2gvii Mobile Combustion in industry --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3a Civil aviation --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3aii Domestic aviation --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3bi Road transport: Passenger cars --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3bii Road transport: Light duty vehicles --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3biii Road transport: Heavy duty vehicles and buses --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3biv Road transport: Mopeds and motorcycles --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3bv Road transport: Gasoline evaporation --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3bvi Road transport: Automobile tyre and brake wear --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3bvii Road transport: Automobile road abrasion --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3c Railways --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A3dii(+) National navigation incl. Int. inland waterways; Fishing --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A4ai Commercial / institutional: stationary --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A4bi Residential stationary --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A4bii Household and gardening (mobile) --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A4ci Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing: Stationary --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A4cii Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing: Off_road vehicles and other machinery --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1A5b Other / mobile (including military / land based and recreational boats) --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1B1a Coal mining and handling --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1B1b Solid fuel transformation --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1B2a Fugitive emissions Oil --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1B2ai Oil: Exploration, production, transport --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1B2aiv Oil: Refining / storage --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1B2av Distribution of oil products --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1B2b Fugitive emissions from natural gas --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1B2c Venting and flaring --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1B2d Other fugitive emissions from energy production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
1_Outside_Vietnam Outside Vietnam --- --- region_categories
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2    search/top
Abbreviation Description Activity Type Unit Data Type
20YR_BP Activity at 20yr before the respective - present year, i.e. 1970 and 1975 - Used to emulate stocks (pools) of landfilled waste PROC Mt waste activity
2A5a Quarrying and mining of minerals other than coal --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2A5b Construction and demolition --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2A5c Storage, handling and transport of mineral products --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2B1 Ammonia production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2B10a Chemical industry: Other --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2B10b Storage, handling and transport of chemical products --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2B2 Nitric acid production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2B3 Adipic acid production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2B7 Soda ash production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2B8 Petrochemical and carbon black production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2B9 Fluorochemical production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2C1 Iron and steel production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2C3 Aluminium production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2C4 Magnesium production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2C567 Other metal production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2C7c Gold production --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2D3a Domestic solvent use including fungicides --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2D3b Road paving with asphalt --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2D3d Coating applications --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2D3e Degreasing --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2D3f Dry cleaning --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2D3g Chemical products --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2D3h Printing --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2D3i Other solvent use --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2E1 Integrated circuit or semiconductor --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2F1 Refrigeration and air conditioning --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2F2 Foam blowing agents --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2F3 Fire protection --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2F4 Aerosols --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2F5 Solvents --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2G Other product use --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2G1 Electrical equipment --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2G2 SF6 and PFCs from other product use --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2G3 N2O from product uses --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2H1 Pulp and paper industry --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2H2 Food and beverages industry --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2I Wood processing --- --- crf_nfr_codes
2_Other_Vietnam Other Vietnam --- --- region_categories